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  NEW1. Micro courses in professional fields have been provided since the 1st Semester of the 2023 Academic Year. Please click "other search items"→"Classification"→"micro courses in professional fields"
  NEW2.The language "Chinese/English" means that the instructor teaches in Chinese and English in class, and the teaching materials and assessment methods are all in English.
  NEW3.English/EMI refers to teaching content, academic/teaching materials, evaluation and presentation of learning outcome, and the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom are in English. The communication among students can be in Chinese with a ratio lower than 30% of the whole course.
  4.Click "Class Number" to check the course outline and office hours.
  5.The word "etc." in "Instructor field" means a teaching group. Please place the mouse (do not hold down) in the teacher’s name, and you can see the teaching group of the course.
  6.Campus map
  7.The first code of "class time" represents "day of the week", and the rest represent "sessions". The detailed time is as follows:
Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D
Time 08:10














Required/ Elective Class Number Course Name Pre-course Yearly/ Semester Credit Hour Practice Hour ※Class Time Practice Time Classroom Practice Classroom Instructor Practice Instructor Offered Dept. Available Seat Available Seat for other Dept. Remaining Seat Teaching Language Remarks
Required 6906 綠色科學與永續發展
Green Science and Sustainable Development
  Semester 2 2   156   AC101 TANG CHENG KANG etc Academy of Circular Economy 90   62 Chinese/English 本課程為循環學院碩、博班核心課程,必修。使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6036 論文寫作與演說
Academic Writing and Speaking
  Semester 1 1   *   Z101 HUANG,CHIEH-CHEN Life Sciences 60   56 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,密集課程
Required 0206 國際禮儀與專業形象
International Etiquette and Professional Image
  Semester 2 2   478
Peng Jui-Chih General Education Center 40   0 English/EMI English Conducting. Additional enrollment is not available. Classroom is Y605, prior notice will be given if use Y411.
Required 0209 香料植物之應用與保健機能
Application and Health Function of Spices and Herbs
  Semester 2 2   178   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   0 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0219 草藥入門
An Introduction to Herbal Therapy
  Semester 2 2   534   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   3 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0227 語言數位教學與實務
Digital Language Teaching: Theory and Practice
  Semester 2 2   434   Y201 Cindy Y Chung General Education Center 45   29 English/EMI English Conducting. Notebook Computer is required.
Required 0233 登山露營趣
Let's Go Hiking and Camping
  Semester 2 2   289   Y101 WANG, DUNG-AN General Education Center 31   4 English/EMI English Conducting. Inter-school course selection closed.
Required 0245 航空旅遊實務
Aviation and Tourism Management
  Semester 2 2   456
Peng Jui-Chih General Education Center 40   5 English/EMI English Conducting. Additional enrollment is not available. Classroom is Y605, prior notice will be given if use Y411.
Required 0264 華語教學導論
Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
  Semester 2 2   378   Y201 Cindy Y Chung General Education Center 45   37 English/EMI 需自備筆電|Notebook Computer is required.
Required 0268 自然碳匯理論與實務
Theory and Practices in Nature Carbon Sinks
  Semester 2 2   534   Y102 CHAO,KUO-JUNG General Education Center 50   31 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0308 印度文化:習俗和傳統
Indian Culture: Customs and Traditions
  Semester 2 2   478   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   2 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0345 古典音樂賞析
Classical Music Appreciation
  Semester 2 2   378   Y401 Cheng-Yu Lu General Education Center 50   31 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0347 世界音樂與多元文化
World Music and Culture
  Semester 2 2   356   Y401 Cheng-Yu Lu General Education Center 50   23 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0407 電影中的社會變遷
Social Change Through Movies
  Semester 2 2   278   Y409 LIN, CHIH-LUNG General Education Center 50   21 English/EMI English Conducting.Inter-school course selection closed.
Required 0431 電影與國際關係
Films and International Relations
  Semester 2 2   278   Y410 LIU TAI-TING General Education Center 50   10 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0502 半導體通識講座:與我們息息相關的半導體
Semiconductor in Our Life
  Semester 2 2   4678   ATB29 HO, MON-SHU General Education Center 100   67 Chinese/English 詳見教學大綱|For details, please refer to the syllabus.
Required 0510 健康與人生
Health and Life
  Semester 2 2   378   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   17 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0519 現代臺灣常見疾病介紹與治療
Introduction and Treatment of Common Medical Diseases in Taiwan
  Semester 2 2   578   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   50 English/EMI (Cancelled) English Conducting.
Required 0547 永續能源發展
Sustainable Energy and Development
  Semester 2 2   234   ATB29 CHUN-NIEN LIU General Education Center 80   62 Chinese/English 不開放校際選課及特殊加簽|Additional enrollment is not available.
Required 0639 開放教育中的全球素養
Open Education and Global Competence
  Semester 2 2   412   U702 Chang Wenli General Education Center 45   12 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0647 世界糧食問題
World Food Problems
  Semester 2 2   334   Y206 Szu-Hung Chen General Education Center 50   11 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0651 英文演說與溝通
English Speech and Communication
  Semester 2 2   356   Y101 CHEN JHAO LIANG General Education Center 50   15 English/EMI English Conducting.Inter-school course selection closed.
Required 0654 機能性食品與健康
Functional Foods and Wellbeing
  Semester 2 2   278   Y403 KANTHASAMY JAYABAL SENTHIL KUMAR General Education Center 50   20 English/EMI English Conducting.
Required 0806 輔導原理與實務
Principle and Practice of Guidance
  Semester 2 2   234   SC204 PAI,HUI-CHUAN Center of Teacher Education 55   23 Chinese/English  
Elective 0807 教師成長與規劃
Career Development for Teachers
  Semester 2 2   367   SC746 PAI,HUI-CHUAN Center of Teacher Education 31   22 Chinese/English  
Required 0813 英文/語文領域英文教學實習
Teaching Practicum of English
Teaching Materials and Methods of English
Semester 2 2   234   SC746 WU, WEN-CHI Center of Teacher Education 36   28 Chinese/English 先修科目:英文/語文領域英文教材教法,未修及格者不能選課
Elective 0944 商用英語溝通
Business Communication Skills
  Semester 2 2   334   AA303 CHEN, CHAO-JUNG Language Center 31   1 English/EMI  
Elective 0945 商用英語溝通
Business Communication Skills
  Semester 2 2   256   Y304 LIN KEN AN Language Center 31   7 Chinese/English  
Elective 0946 中級英語
Intermediate English Proficiency
  Semester 3 3   4234   AA202 SHIH HUI-CHIA Language Center 40   8 Chinese/English  
Elective 0947 中級英語
Intermediate English Proficiency
  Semester 3 3   4567   Y312 莊惠婷 Language Center 40   2 Chinese/English  
Elective 0948 中級英語
Intermediate English Proficiency
  Semester 3 3   2567   Y212 Yi Fan Hsieh Language Center 40   40 Chinese/English  
Elective 0949 英語會話
English Conversation
  Semester 2 2   234   AA301 CHEN LI HENG Language Center 31   6 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0950 旅遊英語
English for Travel
  Semester 2 2   312   AA501 Huang, Chih-Hua Language Center 31   2 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0951 旅遊英語
English for Travel
  Semester 2 2   256   AA301 CHEN LI HENG Language Center 31   4 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0952 新聞英文
Journalistic English
  Semester 2 2   234   Y304 LIN KEN AN Language Center 31   12 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0954 進階英文
Advanced English
  Semester 3 3   3234   AA301 黃麗雯 Language Center 40   26 Chinese/English 限碩博學生選課。欲計入畢業學分者請至註冊組網站下載計入學分申請表辦理。使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0955 英語會話
English Conversation
  Semester 2 2   334   AA501 Huang, Chih-Hua Language Center 31   5 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 0956 視覺媒體中的跨文化溝通
Intercultural Communication in Visual Art
  Semester 2 2   234   AA303 Liu Fang-Jeng Language Center 31   21 English  
Elective 0967 德文(三)
Yearly 3 3   1234   Y305 林璇 Language Center 50   39 Chinese/English 初選期間依年級開放選修人數。建議修過德文(三)上學期課程的學生選課。德籍學生不得選修
Required 0996 英文能力檢定及輔導★
English Proficiency Improvement
  Semester 3 3   3567   AA501 Huang, Chih-Hua Language Center 50   0 Chinese/English 限符合「英文能力畢業標準檢定辦法」之二年級以上學士班學生,並參加過校外或校內英檢至少一次且成績未達畢業標準者修習
Required 0997 英文能力檢定及輔導★
English Proficiency Improvement
  Semester 3 3   2234   AA201 Ron-ki Chen Language Center 50   1 Chinese/English 限符合「英文能力畢業標準檢定辦法」之二年級以上學士班學生,並參加過校外或校內英檢至少一次且成績未達畢業標準者修習
Elective 2911 半導體儀器分析之場發射顯微鏡檢測分析實作課程
Hand-on Course on Field Emission Microscopy Detection and Analysis in Semiconductor Instrumentation
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:3/3,4/7,4/28,6/2,星期一第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2912 半導體儀器分析之高解析度穿透式電子顯微鏡檢測分析實作課程
Hands-on Course on High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy De-tection and Analysis in Semiconductor Instrumentation
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2913 半導體儀器分析之掃描探針顯微鏡檢測分析實作課程
Hands-on Course on Scanning Probe Microscopy Detection and Analysis in Semiconductor Instrumentation
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:3/5,4/9,4/30,6/4,星期三第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2914 半導體儀器分析之雙束型聚焦離子束系統實作課程
Hands-on Course on Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam System in Semiconductor Instrumentation
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2915 半導體儀器分析之雷射直寫式黃光微影製作圖案化半導體實作課程
Hands-on Course on Laser Direct Write Lithography for Patterning Semiconductors in Semiconductor Instrumentation
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2916 X光繞射分析於半導體產業之應用實作課程
Hands-on Course on X-ray diffraction analysis in the semiconductor industry
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2917 應用化學分析電子能譜儀在半導體製程之分析
Application of chemical analysis using Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) in semiconductor processing
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2918 高解析質譜分析之半導體材料不純物檢測分析實作課程
Hands-on Course on impurity detection and analysis of semiconductor materi-als using high-resolution mass spectrometry
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2919 半導體儀器分析之共軛焦拉曼光譜儀分析實作課程
Hands-on Course on the analysis of semiconductor instruments using confocal Raman spec-troscopy
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:3/7,4/11,5/2,6/6,星期五第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2920 以紅外線光譜與電子順磁共振儀檢測半導體表面有機物殘存與晶格缺陷實作課程
Practical Course on Detecting Organic Residues and Lattice Defects on Semiconductor Surfaces Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Electron Paramag-netic Resonance
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 2921 跨域半導體核心設施簡介
Introduction to Disciplinary Semiconductor Core Facilities
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:2/20,6/12,6/19,星期四第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 7531 高階半導體設施實作課程 I
Advanced Semiconductor Facilities Hands-on Course I
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:3/4,4/8,4/29,6/3,星期二第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 7532 高階半導體設施實作課程 II
Advanced Semiconductor Facilities Hands-on Course II
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 上課日:3/6,4/10,5/01,6/5,星期四第234567節。不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Elective 7533 高階半導體設施實作課程 III
Advanced Semiconductor Facilities Hands-on Course III
  Semester 0   6 * * * HO, MON-SHU etc Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology 0   0 Chinese/English 不開放校外生及隨班附讀生選課。選課請洽前瞻中心04-22840502-188李小姐
Required 0901 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA303 劉鳳芯 Language Center 0   0 English/EMI 限歷史.農藝.森林AB.環工.國農企學程.台文學士選修,含彈性教學
Required 0902 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA301 Huang, Wan-Ting Language Center 0   0 English 限歷史.農藝.森林AB.環工.國農企學程.台文學士選修
Required 0903 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA401 Hsu Hsiao Ling Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限歷史.農藝.森林AB.環工.國農企學程.台文學士選修
Required 0904 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA302 陳國豪 Language Center 0   0 English 限歷史.農藝.森林AB.環工.國農企學程.台文學士選修
Required 0905 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA402 LIN,YA-WEN Language Center 0   0 English 限歷史.農藝.森林AB.環工.國農企學程.台文學士選修
Required 0906 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA301 Ron-ki Chen Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理選修,含彈性教學
Required 0907 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA402 莊惠婷 Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理選修。使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 0908 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA302 Liu Fang-Jeng Language Center 0   0 English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理選修
Required 0909 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA203 LIN, JIAN-GUANG Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理選修
Required 0910 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA401 SHIH,I-MING Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理系選修
Required 0911 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   278   AA303 CHEN LI HENG Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限植病.行銷.化學.應數AB.物理選修。使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 0913 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA301 CHEN YOU-TING Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修;含彈性教學
Required 0914 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA303 劉鳳芯 Language Center 0   0 English/EMI 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修
Required 0915 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA203 CHANG,YUH-FANG Language Center 0   0 English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修
Required 0916 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA302 CHOU, HSING-CHUN Language Center 0   0 English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修
Required 0917 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA402 CHEN, CHAO-JUNG Language Center 0   0 English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修
Required 0918 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   456   AA401 Huang, Chih-Hua Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修
Required 0919 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   378   AA202 SHIH HUI-CHIA Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限企管.應經.生科.材料.生機.會計選修,含彈性教學
Required 0920 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA203 Ho, TAI-CHUN Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修
Required 0921 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA402 莊惠婷 Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修
Required 0922 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA401 SHIH,I-MING Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修
Required 0923 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA302 Ching-Yu Yang Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修,含彈性教學
Required 0924 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA303 TU, HSIU-LIEN Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修
Required 0925 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA301 Huang, Wan-Ting Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修
Required 0926 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA303 劉鳳芯 Language Center 0   0 English/EMI 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修
Required 0927 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA405 CHEN YOU-TING Language Center 0   0 English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修;含彈性教學
Required 0928 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA301 Huang, Wan-Ting Language Center 0   0 English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修
Required 0929 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA406 Pan Yen-Chih Language Center 0   0 English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修
Required 0930 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA202 SHIH HUI-CHIA Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修。使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 0931 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA302 Ching-Yu Yang Language Center 0   0 English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修,含彈性教學
Required 0932 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   356   AA401 Hsu Hsiao Ling Language Center 0   0 English 限中文.動科.園藝.化工.水保.財金.電機A.景觀學程選修
Required 0933 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA304 鄭朱雀 Language Center 0   0 English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 0934 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA303 CHUNG-YI CHU Language Center 0   0 English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 0935 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA203 LIN, JIAN-GUANG Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 0936 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA302 CHEN, CHUN-MEI Language Center 0   0 English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 0937 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA402 HSIEH,HSIN-YI Language Center 0   0 English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修;含彈性教學
Required 0938 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA401 SHIH,I-MING Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 0939 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   1AB   AA302 Liu Fang-Jeng Language Center 0   0 English D班不分系別
Required 0940 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   1AB   AA301 LIAO,HSIU-FEN Language Center 0   0 English D班不分系別
Required 0941 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   2AB   AA402 LIAO,HSIU-FEN Language Center 0   0 English D班不分系別
Required 0942 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA202 陳國豪 Language Center 0   0 English 限機械AB.土木AB.電機B.生技學程.電資學士班.智慧創意學程選修,含彈性教學
Required 0943 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   256   AA202 Hsu Hsiao Ling Language Center 0   0 Chinese/English 限法律.昆蟲.獸醫AB.土環.食生.資工.資管選修
Required 1900 微積分(二)
  Semester 3 3   4234   Y403 Sirilak Sriburadet Department of Applied Mathematics 50   5 English/EMI  
Elective 1913 有機化學
Organic Chemistry
  Semester 3 3   16,256   Y102 LEE, SHAO-CHI Department of Chemistry 40   40 English/EMI  
Elective 1914 普通化學
General Chemistry
  Semester 3 3   4234   T408A LING PO HENG Department of Chemistry 60   45 English  
Required 1995 普通物理學
General Physics
  Yearly 3 3   4567   S201 Hashimoto Tetsuya Department of Physics 50   39 English/EMI  
Required 9901 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   112   AA302 Liu Fang-Jeng Language Center 40   1 English 環工系.機械系
Required 9902 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   112   AA402 莊惠婷 Language Center 40   1 Chinese/English 環工系.機械系
Required 9903 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   112   AA201 KUNGHAOCHUN Language Center 40   0 English 環工系.機械系
Required 9904 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   112   AA301 Huang, Wan-Ting Language Center 40   0 English 環工系.機械系
Required 9905 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   412   AA201 Ron-ki Chen Language Center 40   8 Chinese/English 獸醫系.企管系
Required 9906 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   412   AA401 Hsu Hsiao Ling Language Center 40   8 Chinese/English 獸醫系.企管系
Required 9907 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   412   AA301 Huang, Wan-Ting Language Center 40   10 English 獸醫系.企管系
Required 9908 學術英語聽講
English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   412   AA303 CHEN, CHAO-JUNG Language Center 40   0 English 獸醫系.企管系
Required 9910 學術英文讀寫
English for Academic Communication: Reading & Writing
  Semester 2 2   512   AA303 CHEN, CHAO-JUNG Language Center 50   0 English 歷史系.電資學士班
Required 1905 歐洲現代史導讀
Selected Readings in Modern European History
  Semester 1 1   26   A421 Chao-Chi Hsu College of Liberal Arts 50   50 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1915 歷史與電影
History and Films
  Semester 1 1   25   A311-1 Shih-Cong Fan Chiang College of Liberal Arts 60 5 57 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1972 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC121 CHANG,CHIA-LIN College of Management 100   96 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1973 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC120 CHI YUNG LING College of Management 60   55 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 133   120 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   40 English/EMI  
Elective 1910 農業英文
English for Agriculture
  Semester 1 1   21   EC01 Liu Fang-Jeng College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 31   9 English 農資學院各系大一以上同學優先選課。
Elective 1906 農業概論
Introduction to Agriculture
  Semester 2 2   456   IA228 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 65   13 English/EMI 農資學院各系大二以上同學優先選課
Elective 1923 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   356   P103 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 35 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 1924 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   134   C205 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 40 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 1925 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   156   CE203 邱幸珍 College of Engineering 40 0 40 Chinese/English ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6850 生醫組織工程學
Biomedical Tissue Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4567   AT644 SHU-PING LIN Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   25 English/EMI  
Required 8006 組織工程與再生醫學特論(二)
Special Topics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (II)
  Semester 1 1   43   AN514 Chiung-Hui Liu Doctoral Program in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 30   25 English/EMI  
Required 9007 組織工程與再生醫學特論(四)
Special Topics in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (IV)
  Semester 1 1   44   AN514 Chiung-Hui Liu Doctoral Program in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 30   28 English/EMI  
Elective 8002 專題研究 D
Project Study D
  Semester 1 2   467   * CHU,YEN-WEI Doctoral Program in Medical Biotechnology 30   26 English  
Required 8007 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Semester 1 2   312   AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN etc Doctoral Program in Medical Biotechnology 30   29 English/EMI  
Required 8028 專題討論(四)
  Semester 1 2   334   AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN etc Doctoral Program in Medical Biotechnology 30   25 English/EMI  
Elective 6930 進階生物防治
Advanced Biological Control
  Semester 2 2   334   AC206 Tao-Ho Chang etc Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   7 English/EMI  
Elective 6933 R語言於生物資訊分析應用
R in Action for Bioinformatic Analysis
  Semester 2 2   434   AC201 Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   5 Chinese/English  
Elective 6935 分子植物科學技術實作
Current Molecular Plant Science Technology in Practices
  Semester 2 1 3 25 1789 AC206 AC206 Tao-Ho Chang Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   5 English/EMI  
Elective 6936 基因編輯與永續農業
Gene Editing in Action for Sustainable Agriculture
  Semester 2 1 3 14 5234 AC206 AC206 Tao-Ho Chang Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   5 Chinese/English  
Elective 7318 植物代謝體分析技術及實作
Plant Metabolomics Instrumental and Spectroscopic Analysis
  Semester 2 1 3 35 3678 AC102 * Tsao, Nai-Wen Tsao, Nai-Wen Master Program in Specialty Crops and Metabolomics 6   4 English/EMI  
Elective 7156 奈米科技與環境
Nanotechnology and Environment
  Semester 3 3   3234   J3A03 LIN,YAO-TUNG Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences 5   4 English/EMI  
Elective 7331 植物生物刺激素與農業碳權
Plant Biostimulants and Agricultural Carbon Credits
  Semester 3 3   5234   AC101 LIN, YA-LING Master Program in Biological and Sustainable Technology 10   10 English/EMI  
Elective 6839 微成型工程
Micro-Molding Technology
  Semester 3 3   2678   AT918 YANG,HSIHARNG Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 15   15 English/EMI  
Elective 6927 智慧都市、淨零規劃與科技創新
Smart City, Zero-emission Planning, and Technological Innovation
  Semester 3 3   29AB   AC102 SU, YU-SHOU Master Program in Industrial and Smart Technology 30   28 Chinese/English  
Elective 6984 生物質高值化利用技術與實作
High-value Utilization Technologies of Biomass and Practice
  Semester 3 3   1123   AC302 LIN JIA YIN Master Program in Semiconductor and Green Technology 1   0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,
Required 8001 研究論文寫作
Academic Writing
  Semester 2 2   467   A711 Liew Zhou Hau International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 10   7 English/EMI  
Elective 8004 臺灣電影專題
Seminar on Taiwan Cinema
  Semester 3 3   2678   A711 LIAO,YING-CHIH etc International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 10   6 English/EMI  
Elective 8008 世界文學與理論
World Literature and Theories of the World
  Semester 3 3   1678   A711 LIM SONG HWEE etc International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 10   8 English/EMI  
Required 9011 文化機構與國際化 (實習)
Cultural Institution and Internationalization (practical training)
  Semester 1 0 2   378 * Lim WAH GUAN International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 1 0 0 English  
Required 9012 專題討論
  Semester 1 1   36   * LIN, JIAN-GUANG International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 1   0 English  
Required 9016 博士論文
  Yearly 6 0   *   * All International Doctoral Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies 20   10 English  
Elective 8161 結構方程模式
Structural Equation Models
  Semester 3 3   1678   SC322 SUM, PUI-FAIJOHN Graduate Institute of Technology Management 15   12 English  
Elective 8162 科技創新管理研討
Special Topics in Technology Management
  Semester 3 3   2678   SC322 張樹之 Graduate Institute of Technology Management 10   1 English/EMI  
Required 8288 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 2   456   2A04 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 30   14 English/EMI  
Elective 8290 尖端農學與應用
Advanced Agriculture and Applications
  Semester 2 2   434   2A05 Shuen-Fang Lo International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 30   23 English/EMI  
Elective 8291 高等植物生物技術學與展望
Introduction to Advanced Plant Biotechnology and Prospects
  Semester 3 3   5567   2A04 Shuen-Fang Lo International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 30   24 English/EMI  
Elective 8292 英語專業溝通
Professional Communication in English
  Semester 2 2   *   2A05 RONDA B. TULLAY etc International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 20   14 English/EMI 密集課程,授課教師為國外學者。
Elective 9085 植物生物技術與合成生物學
Plant Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
  Semester 3 3   234,38   AN811 Shuen-Fang Lo etc International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 20   18 English/EMI  
Required 9087 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 2   478   2A04 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 30   13 English/EMI  
Required 9088 博士論文
  Yearly 6 0   *   * All International Doctoral Program in Agriculture 30   12 English  
Required 8089 總體經濟理論(二)
Macroeconomic Theory (II)
Semester 3 3   4234   IA334 CHEN,YUN-JU Department of Applied Economics 5   1 English  
Elective 8090 真菌遺傳學特論
Advanced Fungal Genetics
  Yearly 2 2   323   * CHUNG KUANG REN Department of Plant Pathology 60   60 English  
Required 6247 專題演講(四)
  Semester 1 2   334   EC7D09 Yu-Shin Nai Department of Entomology 30   25 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 8106 動物產品益生菌文獻探討
Literature Review in Probiotic of Animal Product
  Semester 3 3   2234   IBB Yen-Po Chen Department of Animal Science 15   13 English/EMI  
Elective 9058 分子病毒學文獻探討(二)
Seminar on Molecular Virology (II)
  Yearly 1 1   38   B202 Shin-Wu LIU Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   60 English/EMI  
Elective 8010 專題研究: 分子生物農業科學之微生物學研究
Microbial Biology Research on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   59 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8011 專題研究: 分子生物農業科學之基因體學研究
Genomics Research on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 蕭培文 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   53 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8012 專題研究: 分子生物農業科學之生物多樣性研究
Biodiversity Research on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   58 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8013 專題研究: 分子生物農業學科之生理學研究
Physiology Research on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 蕭培文 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Required 8016 專題討論與學術研討會
Seminars and Symposia
  Yearly 1 1   *   * 陳荷明 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   43 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8018 基礎分子生物學(二)
Basic Molecular Biology for Bioinformatics(II)
  Semester 3 3   *   * 陳荷明 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   58 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8019 生物計算學(二)
Biological Computing(II)
  Semester 3 3   *   * 中研院教師 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   58 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Required 8023 分子與細胞生物科技
Molecular & Cellular Approaches for Biotechnology
  Semester 4 4   *   * 蕭培文 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   50 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Required 8024 微生物學特論
Special Topics in Microbiology
  Semester 3 3   2678   * 郭志鴻 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   54 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8025 實驗分子生物物理學
Experimental Molecular Biophysics
  Semester 3 3   *   * 中研院教師 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8026 學術研究的專業素養與倫理養成
Professional Developments for a Graduate Student
  Semester 2 2   *   * 陳荷明 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   51 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Required 8027 實驗室實習
  Yearly 1   3   * * 蘇怡璇 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   49 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8029 藥物化學
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  Semester 2 2   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8075 生物科學討論與學術研討會(二)
Seminars in Biological Sciences (II)
  Semester 1 1   *   * 常怡雍 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 30   30 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8077 生物科學討論與學術研討會 (四)
Seminars in Biological Sciences ( IV)
  Semester 1 1   *   * 常怡雍 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8080 生態進階課程
Ecology Masterclass at Taiwan
  Semester 3 3   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8087 生物學暨生物科技特論(二)
Special Topics in Biological Science and Biotechnology(II)
  Semester 2 2   *   * 中研院教師 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8088 生物學暨生物科技特論(四)
Special Topics in Biological Science and Biotechnology(IV)
  Semester 1 1   *   * 中研院教師 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8096 文獻選讀: 分子生物農業科學之微生物學
Literature Review of Microbial Biology on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   59 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8097 文獻選讀: 分子生物農業科學之基因體學
Literature Review of Genomics on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 蕭培文 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   53 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8098 文獻選讀: 分子生物農業科學之生物多樣性
Literature Review of Biodiversity on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 湯森林 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   58 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8099 文獻選讀: 分子生物農業科學之生理學
Literature Review of Physiology on Molecular & Biological Agricultural Sciences
  Semester 1 1   *   * 蕭培文 Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   60 English/EMI 國際研究生學程(中研院上課)
Elective 8143 土石流運動機制與防治
Mechanics and Countermeasures of Debris Flow
  Semester 3 3   3678   L208 WEI, SHIH-CHAO Department of Soil and Water Conservation 15 5 11 English/EMI  
Required 8151 專題討論(三)
  Yearly 1 1   *   FB108 CHAU,CHI-FAI Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   26 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽系辦
Elective 8164 分子流行病學特論
Special Topics in Molecular Epidemiology
  Semester 2 2   189   * CHAO DAY-YU Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 60   59 English/EMI  
Required 8187 專題討論(三)
  Yearly 1 2   378   Z405 Jun Yuh Tsai etc Department of Life Sciences 30   27 English/EMI  
Required 9125 專題討論(四)
  Yearly 1 2   378   Z405 Jun Yuh Tsai etc Department of Life Sciences 30   28 English/EMI  
Required 9128 專題討論(四)
  Semester 1 1   56   S104 CHENG-LUNG CHEN Department of Physics 30   24 Chinese/English  
Required 8199 生物化學專題討論(六)
Seminar on Biochemistry(VI)
  Semester 1 2   256   Z812 YI-YING CHIOU etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   29 English/EMI  
Required 9138 生物化學專題討論(八)
Seminar on Biochemistry(VIII)
  Semester 1 2   278   Z812 CHANG,KUNG-YAO etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   28 English/EMI  
Required 8231 專題討論(三)
  Yearly 1 2   123   * CHING TAK SHING Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 6   1 English/EMI  
Required 8232 基礎解剖及生理學(下)
Basic Anatomy and Physiology (II)
  Semester 3 3   1678   AT644 Li Tzong Shiun Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 15   5 English/EMI  
Elective 8233 慢性炎症性疾病的藥物傳遞策略
Drug Delivery Strategies for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
  Semester 3 3   3234   AT655 Bill Cheng Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 20   6 English/EMI  
Required 9186 專題討論(四)
  Yearly 1 2   356   * Chian-Hui Lai Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 8050 進階組織工程學
Advanced Tissue Engineering
  Semester 2 2   *   Z101 田川陽一 Doctoral Program in Biotechnology Industrial Management and Innovation 10   5 English  
Elective 9029 生物科技研究產業的創新服務模式(二)
Innovation of Service Provider in Biotech Research Industry (II)
  Semester 1 1   57   Z101 CHOU, SHIH-HSUAN Doctoral Program in Biotechnology Industrial Management and Innovation 10   7 Chinese/English  
Elective 6930 進階生物防治
Advanced Biological Control
  Semester 2 2   334   AC206 Tao-Ho Chang etc Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   7 English/EMI  
Elective 6933 R語言於生物資訊分析應用
R in Action for Bioinformatic Analysis
  Semester 2 2   434   AC201 Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   0 Chinese/English  
Elective 6935 分子植物科學技術實作
Current Molecular Plant Science Technology in Practices
  Semester 2 1 3 25 1789 AC206 AC206 Tao-Ho Chang Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   6 English/EMI  
Elective 6936 基因編輯與永續農業
Gene Editing in Action for Sustainable Agriculture
  Semester 2 1 3 14 5234 AC206 AC206 Tao-Ho Chang Tao-Ho Chang Master Program in Plant Health Care 7   4 Chinese/English  
Required 6948 特用作物及代謝體專題討論(一)
Seminar on Specialty Crops and Metabolomics (I)
  Yearly 1 3   4567   AC101 Tsao, Nai-Wen Master Program in Specialty Crops and Metabolomics 8   4 Chinese/English  
Elective 7318 植物代謝體分析技術及實作
Plant Metabolomics Instrumental and Spectroscopic Analysis
  Semester 2 1 3 35 3678 AC102 * Tsao, Nai-Wen Tsao, Nai-Wen Master Program in Specialty Crops and Metabolomics 6   1 English/EMI  
Elective 6137 微生物多樣性特論
Special Topics in Microbial Diversity
  Semester 2 2   334   IA642 SHEN,FO-TING International Master Program in Agriculture 10 15 10 English/EMI  
Elective 7156 奈米科技與環境
Nanotechnology and Environment
  Semester 3 3   3234   J3A03 LIN,YAO-TUNG Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences 5   5 English/EMI  
Elective 7331 植物生物刺激素與農業碳權
Plant Biostimulants and Agricultural Carbon Credits
  Semester 3 3   5234   AC101 LIN, YA-LING Master Program in Biological and Sustainable Technology 10   10 English/EMI  
Elective 6839 微成型工程
Micro-Molding Technology
  Semester 3 3   2678   AT918 YANG,HSIHARNG Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 15   15 English/EMI  
Elective 6927 智慧都市、淨零規劃與科技創新
Smart City, Zero-emission Planning, and Technological Innovation
  Semester 3 3   29AB   AC102 SU, YU-SHOU Master Program in Industrial and Smart Technology 30   29 Chinese/English  
Elective 6982 電子材料應用與再生
Applications and Recycling of Electronic Materials
  Semester 3 3   3234   AC101 Liu, Fan-Wei Master Program in Semiconductor and Green Technology 30   8 English  
Elective 6984 生物質高值化利用技術與實作
High-value Utilization Technologies of Biomass and Practice
  Semester 3 3   1123   AC302 LIN JIA YIN Master Program in Semiconductor and Green Technology 14   0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,
Elective 5119 文學批評
Literary Criticism
  Semester 3 3   2678   A414 CHEN YOU-TING Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 26 Chinese/English 文學組
Elective 6037 語料庫語言學
Corpus Linguistics
  Semester 3 3   2234   A416 Ching-Yu Yang Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 10   5 Chinese/English 應用語言學組
Elective 6038 英語教學專題
Special Topics in English Language Teaching
  Semester 3 3   4678   A416 SHIH,I-MING Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 11   0 English/EMI 應用語言學組
Elective 6048 二十世紀美國詩選
Twentieth-Century American Poetry
  Semester 3 3   2234   A415 JUDY,RONALD Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 10   6 English 文學組
Elective 6598 凝態物理(二)
Condensed Matter Physics(II)
  Semester 3 3   5234   S203 HUANG WEN MIN Department of Physics 20   0 English/EMI  
Elective 5147 散彈槍定序原理與實習
Shutgun Sequencing:Principle and Experiment
  Semester 2 1 2 42 434 AN716 AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN YING-TSONG CHEN Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 12   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6060 使用R語言介紹生物統計
Introductory Biostatistics with R
  Semester 2 1 2 36 378 AN615 AN615 HSIEH,LI-CHING HSIEH,LI-CHING Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 15 10 1 English/EMI  
Elective 6061 結構生物資訊學
Structural Bioinformatics
  Semester 3 2 2 256 278 AN615 AN615 Jyung-Hurng Liu etc Jyung-Hurng Liu etc Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 15   10 English  
Elective 6062 病毒蛋白結構與功能研究特論(二)
Special Topics in Structure and Funcion Studies of Virus Protein (II)
  Semester 2 1 2 48 49A AN615 AN615 HOU, MING-HOW HOU, MING-HOW Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 15 2 12 English/EMI  
Elective 6065 脂肪生物技術特論
Special Topics on Lipid Biotechology
  Semester 2 1 2 33 345 AN615 AN615 CHEN,YU-TING CHEN,YU-TING Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 15 1 11 English  
Elective 6068 生物資料分析特論(二)
Special Topics in Biological Data Analysis(II)
  Semester 2 1 2 18 19A AN709 AN709 HSIEH,LI-CHING HSIEH,LI-CHING Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 5 0 2 Chinese/English  
Elective 6069 微生物遺傳與基因體特論(二)
Topics in Microbial Genetics and Genomics (II)
  Semester 2 1 2 22 234 AN716 AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN YING-TSONG CHEN Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 15 1 11 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 6071 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Semester 1 2   39A   AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN etc Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 30   22 English/EMI  
Required 7024 專題討論(四)
  Semester 1 2   39A   AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN etc Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 30   20 English/EMI  
Required 6070 投資學
  Semester 3 3   1678   SC228 董澍琦 Department of Finance 40 1 6 Chinese/English  
Elective 6083 國際法與臺灣
International Law and Taiwan
  Semester 3 3   3234   SC931 TAN WEI EN Graduate Institute of International Politics 13   0 English  
Elective 6086 地緣政治與歐亞研究專題
Special Topic on Geopolitics and Eurasia Studies
  Semester 3 3   1678   SC430 LIU TAI-TING Graduate Institute of International Politics 12   9 English  
Elective 6087 當代中國外交政策
Contemporary China’s Foreign Policy
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC430 CHEN,MU-MIN Graduate Institute of International Politics 12   3 English  
Elective 6088 亞洲非傳統安全研究與永續發展
Non-Traditional Security and Sustainable Development of Asia
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC430 CHEN,MU-MIN Graduate Institute of International Politics 12   8 English  
Elective 6102 經理人領導學
Managerial Leadership
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC314 Man-Ling Chang Department of Business Administration 30   19 English/EMI  
Elective 6110 法律英文寫作專題
Legal Writing Seminar
  Semester 2 2   556   SC732 SU,I-TZU Department of Law 10 5 6 English  
Elective 6121 藥事法專題
Monographic Study of Pharmaceutical Affairs Law
  Semester 2 2   3CD   SC732 SU, HSIEN-TENG Department of Law 20 5 14 Chinese/English  
Required 6020 新產品開發與管理
New Product Development and Management
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC319 WANG, JUITE Graduate Institute of Technology Management 30   17 English/EMI  
Elective 6115 人工智能與機器學習
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC322 SUM, PUI-FAIJOHN Graduate Institute of Technology Management (Electronic Commerce Program) 30   17 English  
Elective 6131 電子商務安全管理
E-Commerce Security Management
  Semester 3 3   5678   SC319 張樹之 Graduate Institute of Technology Management (Electronic Commerce Program) 24   1 English/EMI  
Elective 6127 進階商用英文(二)
Advanced Business English(II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC316 王韶濱 Department of Accounting 30   17 English  
Elective 6136 景觀遊憩英文閱讀
Landscape and Recreation Literature Reading
  Semester 3 3   5234   WE102 TUNG,CHIEN-HUNG Master Program in Landscape and Recreation 15 0 10 English 限本所研究生選修。
Elective 5114 當代英文論文寫作與簡報
Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
  Semester 3 3   *   * CLYDE WARDEN Department of Marketing 400   345 English 非同步遠距教學課程
Elective 5115 地理資訊系統概論
Introduction of Geographic Information System
  Semester 3 3   2567   IA514 Szu-Hung Chen International Master Program in Agriculture 25 10 11 English/EMI  
Elective 6116 農產品行銷與商業策略
Marketing and Business Strategy for Agriculture Product
  Semester 3 3   1567   IA640 LEE TZONG-RU International Master Program in Agriculture 31   12 English/EMI  
Elective 6123 植物病理及防治
Plant Pathology and Disease Control
  Semester 2 2   223   IA637 CHUNG KUANG REN International Master Program in Agriculture 31 10 24 English/EMI  
Elective 6137 微生物多樣性特論
Special Topics in Microbial Diversity
  Semester 2 2   334   IA642 SHEN,FO-TING International Master Program in Agriculture 30 15 17 English/EMI  
Required 6143 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 2   456   IA531 CHEN WEN CHING etc International Master Program in Agriculture 30   8 English  
Required 7055 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 2   456   IA531 CHEN WEN CHING etc International Master Program in Agriculture 30   21 English 合班
Required 7057 碩士論文
  Yearly 3 0   *   * All International Master Program in Agriculture 30   8 English  
Required 6181 農企業管理
Agribusiness Management
  Semester 3 3   2234   IA432 HU WU YUEH Department of Applied Economics 25   20 English/EMI  
Elective 5116 生物資訊與作物育種
Bioinformatics in Crop Breeding
  Semester 2 2   256   D310 SHUYUN CHEN Department of Agronomy 31   28 English/EMI  
Elective 5133 生物統計學概論
Introduction to Biostatistics
  Semester 2 2   423   D104 CHIANG,KUO-SZU Department of Agronomy 30   23 English  
Elective 7061 高等作物育種方法
Advanced Methodology of crop breeding
  Semester 3 3   5234   D810 Wan-Yi Chiou Department of Agronomy 30   30 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,
Elective 6172 臺灣園藝概論
Horticulture in Taiwan
  Semester 2 2   334   H104 HWANG SAN GWANG etc Department of Horticulture 15 11 3 English/EMI  
Elective 5140 森林資源研究方法與論文寫作
Principle of Research in Forest Resources and Scientific Writing
  Semester 2 2   434   * Hsiang Ling Chen Department of Forestry 10 5 3 English/EMI 上課地點 201 會議室
Elective 6181 農企業管理
Agribusiness Management
  Semester 3 3   2234   IA432 HU WU YUEH Department of Applied Economics 25   16 English/EMI  
Elective 7106 新產品定價研究與策略
New Product Pricing Research and Pricing Strategy
  Semester 3 3   *   IA432 Undefined Department of Applied Economics 0   0 English  
Required 6220 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 2   434   R10B05 CHUNG, WEN-HSIN Department of Plant Pathology 60   45 English/EMI  
Elective 7110 植物線蟲病害防治
Control of Plant Nematode Diseases
  Semester 2 2   256   * CHEN, PEI-CHEN Department of Plant Pathology 60   60 English/EMI  
Elective 7111 論文寫作(一)
Scientific Paper Writing(I)
  Semester 2 2   523   R10B03 CHUNG KUANG REN Department of Plant Pathology 20 1 15 English  
Required 7116 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 2   323   R5D03 CHUNG KUANG REN Department of Plant Pathology 30 3 21 English  
Elective 6231 昆蟲生態學導讀
Selected Reading in Insect Ecology
  Yearly 2 2   256   EC7C03 NEOH KOK BOON Department of Entomology 30   25 English/EMI  
Elective 6234 親緣關係資料分析
Phylogenetic Data Analysis
  Semester 3 2 3 234 2567 EC01 EC01 Dávid Rédei Dávid Rédei Department of Entomology 30   26 English/EMI  
Elective 6238 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 2 2       HWANG,SHAW-YHI Department of Entomology 30   30 English  
Required 6247 專題演講(四)
  Semester 1 2   334   EC7D09 Yu-Shin Nai Department of Entomology 30   9 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6235 動物飼料黴菌毒素學
Mycotoxins in Animal Feed
  Semester 3 3   4234   IBC Chompunut Lumsangkul Department of Animal Science 30   15 English/EMI  
Elective 6236 動物礦物質代謝
Animal Mineral Metabolism
  Semester 3 3   2678   I209 Chompunut Lumsangkul Department of Animal Science 30   21 English/EMI  
Elective 6244 生物資料處理與分析
Biological Data Processing and Analysis
  Semester 3 3   2789   I105 Kun-Yi Hsin Department of Animal Science 19   3 English/EMI  
Elective 6245 結構與系統生物學
Structural Systems Biology
  Semester 3 3   4567   IBC Kun-Yi Hsin Department of Animal Science 9   5 English/EMI  
Elective 6246 計量遺傳學
Quantitative Genetics
  Semester 3 3   4234   IBB CHEN CHIH-FENG Department of Animal Science 60   60 English  
Elective 6248 細胞訊息傳遞導論
Introduction to Cell Signaling
  Semester 3 3   1234   IBC 唐品琦 etc Department of Animal Science 30   18 English  
Elective 6271 特殊寵物醫學文獻特論
Special Topics in Exotic Pet Medicine
  Semester 2 2   312   QB506 CHOU SHYUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   55 English/EMI  
Elective 6272 野生動物及動物園醫學文獻特論
Special Topics in Wildlife and Zoo Animal Medicine
  Semester 2 2   334   QB506 CHOU SHYUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   52 English/EMI  
Elective 6274 藥理學暨藥物動力學特論
Special Topics on Pharmacokinetics
  Semester 2 2   *   * CHOU, CHI-CHUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 20   20 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽系辦
Elective 6275 分子免疫學
Molecular Immunology
  Semester 2 2   189   QB708 CHI-YOUNG WANG etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   24 English/EMI  
Elective 6277 分子病毒學
Molecular Virology
  Semester 2 2   389   QB202 CHI-YOUNG WANG Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 6278 獸醫科學論文寫作
Scientific Writings in Veterinary Science
  Semester 1 1   *   * CHAN JACKY PENG-WEN Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   26 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Elective 6279 動物病毒學文獻探討(一)
Seminar on Animal Virology (I)
  Yearly 1 1   *   * CHI-YOUNG WANG etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Elective 6289 實驗動物學特論
Special Topic on Laboratory Animal Science
  Semester 3 3   *   QB609 SHIN, DAI-LUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 20 10 19 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Elective 6292 獸醫電子顯微鏡診斷學及實習
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy in Veterinary Medicine & Lab.
  Semester 3 2 3 534 * * CHOU SHYUN CHOU SHYUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   27 English/EMI  
Elective 6293 小動物骨科學
Small Animal Orthopedics
  Semester 2 2   512   * Wei-Yau Shia etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   53 Chinese/English  
Elective 6305 生物醫學分析技術特論
Special Topics in Biomedical Analysis
  Semester 2 2   *   C177 CHOU, CHI-CHUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   60 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Required 7132 獸醫研究法(二)
Research Methods in Veterinary Medicine(II)
  Yearly 1   3   4789 QB1101 HSU, CHU-NING Department of Veterinary Medicine 60   28 Chinese/English  
Elective 7134 動物病毒學文獻探討(二)
Review of Literature in Animal Virology(II)
  Yearly 1 1   26   CHI-YOUNG WANG Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   28 English/EMI  
Elective 7156 奈米科技與環境
Nanotechnology and Environment
  Semester 3 3   3234   J3A03 LIN,YAO-TUNG Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences 20   20 English/EMI  
Elective 5106 環境計算流體力學
Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied in Environment
  Semester 3 3   2567   K102 Wu-Yang Sean Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering 30   17 English/EMI  
Elective 6377 專題研究-植物細胞間蛋白質運輸與演化
Research on Plant Intercellular Protein Transport and Evolution
  Yearly 2 2   178   FB106 Kuan-Ju Lu Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 30   27 English  
Required 6383 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 2   578   FB115 WEI-MING LEU Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   57 English  
Elective 7189 文獻選讀-植物細胞溝通
Review of literature on Plant Intercellular Communication
  Yearly 2 2   112   FB716 Kuan-Ju Lu Graduate Institute of Biotechnology 60   55 English  
Elective 6396 風工程特論
Special Topics in Wind Engineering
  Semester 3 3   2234   L102 Kao-Hua Chang Department of Soil and Water Conservation 12   12 English/EMI  
Elective 7181 高等河川力學
Advanced River Dynamics
  Semester 3 3   1567   L208 CHEN SU-CHIN Department of Soil and Water Conservation 30   28 English/EMI  
Required 5141 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB104 TSAI,SHUO-WEN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   21 English  
Required 5142 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   52   FB104 LAI,LIH-SHIUH Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   22 English  
Required 5143 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   55   FB104 LIU, YU-CHING Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   21 English  
Required 5144 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   53   FB104 Yang, CHIH-MIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   21 English  
Required 5145 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   54   FB104 Yeh Chen Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   22 English  
Required 5151 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB103 MEEI-YN LIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   22 English  
Required 5152 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   52   FB103 CHAU,CHI-FAI Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   25 English  
Required 5153 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   53   FB103 WEN, HSIAO-WEI Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   21 English  
Required 5154 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   54   FB103 蔣恩沛 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   21 English  
Required 5155 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB103 LIU, YU-CHING Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   17 English  
Elective 5167 維生素與單碳代謝特論
Special Topics in One Carbon Metabolism
  Semester 2 2   19A   FB106 蔣恩沛 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60 2 56 English  
Elective 6408 科技英文寫作
Scientific English Writing
  Semester 2 2   356   FB106 Yang, CHIH-MIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 25 2 14 Chinese/English  
Elective 5114 當代英文論文寫作與簡報
Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
  Semester 3 3   *   * CLYDE WARDEN Department of Marketing 400   216 English 非同步遠距教學課程
Elective 6455 科技英文寫作
Scientific English Writing
  Semester 3 3   2678   BI211 CHANG,SHU-CHUN Graduate Institute of Bio-Industry Management 0   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6459 資源管理專題
Seminar on Resources Management
  Semester 3 3   5678   BI211 CHANG,SHU-CHUN Graduate Institute of Bio-Industry Management 15   11 English/EMI  
Elective 7231 應用R語言資料分析
Data Analysis by Using R
  Semester 3 3   5234   BI211 YANG SHANG-HO Graduate Institute of Bio-Industry Management 25   1 English/EMI  
Elective 6279 動物病毒學文獻探討(一)
Seminar on Animal Virology (I)
  Yearly 1 1   *   * CHI-YOUNG WANG etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Elective 6469 進階文獻導讀
Advanced Directed Reading
  Semester 2 2   289   B609 SHIOW-HER CHIOU Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 60   57 English/EMI  
Elective 6478 生物醫學論文之英文寫作
Writing Biomedical Research Papers in English
  Semester 2 2   334   QB609 SHIOW-HER CHIOU Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 60   60 English/EMI  
Elective 6479 基礎微生物學
Fundamental Microbiology
  Semester 2 2   234   QB708 HSU,WEI-LI etc Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 30   28 English  
Elective 6491 傳染病流行病學
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  Semester 2 2   312   * CHAO DAY-YU Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 6492 實驗診斷技術
Laboratory Diagnostic Technique
  Semester 3 3   1567   BK206 HSU,WEI-LI Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 60   55 English/EMI  
Elective 6493 應用流行病學
Applied Epidemiology
  Semester 2 2   234   QB201 CHANG, CHAO-CHIN Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 60   60 English/EMI  
Elective 6494 健康一體
One Health
  Semester 2 2   356   * CHAO DAY-YU Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 7134 動物病毒學文獻探討(二)
Review of Literature in Animal Virology(II)
  Yearly 1 1   26   CHI-YOUNG WANG Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 6279 動物病毒學文獻探討(一)
Seminar on Animal Virology (I)
  Yearly 1 1   *   * CHI-YOUNG WANG etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Elective 6292 獸醫電子顯微鏡診斷學及實習
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy in Veterinary Medicine & Lab.
  Semester 3 2 3 534 * * CHOU SHYUN CHOU SHYUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 30   30 English/EMI  
Elective 6495 分子病理學
Molecular Pathology
Veterinary Pathology
Semester 2 2   *   QB405 YANG, CHENG-YAO etc Graduate Institute of Veterinary Pathobiology 30   30 English 上課時間請洽系辦
Elective 6498 細胞訊息傳導與調控
Cellular Signal Transduction and Regulation
  Semester 2 2   412   QB405 HSUAN,SHIH-LING Graduate Institute of Veterinary Pathobiology 60   60 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6862 食品安全管制系統(HACCP)
Food Safety Control System (HACCP)
  Semester 2 2   456   FS509 Lin, Jer-An Graduate Institute of Food Safety 25   3 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6864 風險管理與溝通
Risk Management and Communication
  Semester 2 2   134   FS509 LIN, HSIN-TANG Graduate Institute of Food Safety 20   16 English/EMI  
Elective 6917 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 1 1   *   FS509 LIN, HSIN-TANG Graduate Institute of Food Safety 30   25 English/EMI 上課時間另定,請洽開課單位。
Required 7281 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   412   FS509 LIN, HSIN-TANG Graduate Institute of Food Safety 30   26 Chinese/English  
Elective 6517 醫用奈米技術
Nanomedicine in Oncology
  Semester 3 3   4567   T108 LAI,PING-SHAN Department of Chemistry 60   52 Chinese/English  
Required 6531 專題討論(物化組)
Seminar on Physical Chemistry
  Yearly 1 2   156   T108 I-Chung Lu Department of Chemistry 60   50 English/EMI  
Elective 5129 閱讀與講演生物醫學期刊論文概論
Introduction of Reading and Presenting Biomedical Journal Paper
  Semester 1 1   34   * LIN,HO Department of Life Sciences 50   33 English/EMI 同步遠距教學課程
Elective 5139 老化及老化相關疾病特論
Ageing and Ageing-Associated Diseases
  Semester 2 2   534   Z505 Chih-Yi Gabriela Lin Department of Life Sciences 31   24 English/EMI 建議先修科目「生物化學」或「分子生物學」
Elective 6550 生物物理學特論
Special Topics in Biophysics
  Semester 3 3   5567   Z401 CHIEN,LEE-FENG Department of Life Sciences 20   20 Chinese/English  
Elective 6565 發育生物學專題研究(二)
Current Topics in Developmental Biology(II)
  Semester 2 2   256   Z505 CHENG, HSU-CHEN Department of Life Sciences 30   27 English/EMI  
Elective 6569 鳥類生殖生理
Avian Reproductive Physiology
  Semester 2 2   234   Z505 CHENG, HSU-CHEN Department of Life Sciences 60   57 English/EMI  
Elective 6576 農桿菌之分子致病機制導論
Introductions of Molecular Mechanisms of Agrobacterium-mediated Plant
  Semester 2 2   39A   Z401 HWANG, HAU-HSUAN Department of Life Sciences 30   30 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5112 實變函數論(一)
Real Analysis (I)
  Semester 3 3   3567   U512 Kyung-Youn Kim Department of Applied Mathematics 8   3 English/EMI  
Elective 6922 數據分析數學
Mathematical Analysis to Data Science
  Semester 3 3   1234   U517 SHIH YIN TZER Graduate Institute of Data Science and Information Computing 6   1 English/EMI  
Elective 5128 量子計算與量子資訊
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
  Semester 3 3   2678   S202 Shin-Liang Chen Department of Physics 40   22 Chinese/English  
Elective 6597 統計力學(一)
Statistical Mechanics (I)
  Semester 3 3   3678   S203 Hashimoto Tetsuya Department of Physics 45   2 English/EMI  
Elective 6598 凝態物理(二)
Condensed Matter Physics(II)
  Semester 3 3   5234   S203 HUANG WEN MIN Department of Physics 27   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6605 表面物理(二)
Surface Science and Technology(II)
  Semester 3 3   1234   S203 HO, MON-SHU Department of Physics 60   45 English/EMI 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 6609 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Semester 1 1   56   S104 Wei-Hsiang Lin Department of Physics 50   16 Chinese/English  
Elective 6602 植物基因轉殖之新知探討(二)
Current Topics in Plant Gene Transformation(II)
  Semester 1 1   58   Z1010 Chuan-Ming Yeh etc Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   24 English  
Elective 6627 表顯遺傳學
  Semester 2 2   256   Z909 YANG,WEN-MING Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   23 English/EMI  
Elective 7204 植物分子遺傳新知探討(二)
Current Topics in Plant Molecular Genetics(II)
  Semester 1 1   59   Z1010 Chuan-Ming Yeh etc Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   24 English  
Elective 7293 分子細胞生物學之科學論文寫作
Research Article Writing in Molecular and Cell Biology
  Semester 1 1   16   Z909 YANG,WEN-MING Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   25 English/EMI  
Elective 7300 基因體生物技術新知與實作(二)
Practice and Frontiers in Genomics Study (II)
  Semester 2 1 3 11 1234 Z909 YANG,WEN-MING etc YANG,WEN-MING etc Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   18 English/EMI  
Elective 7307 分子生物學新知與實作 (二)
Practice and Frontiers in Molecular Biology (II)
  Semester 2 1 3 189 289 Z909 LIU HUNG-JEN etc LIU HUNG-JEN etc Graduate Institute of Molecular Biology 30   16 English/EMI  
Elective 6656 高等人工智慧
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
  Semester 3 3   1234   AT242 Yi-Chung Chen Department of Computer Science and Engineering 105   3 English  
Required 6662 生物化學專題討論(二)
Seminar on Biochemistry(II)
  Semester 1 2   256   Z805 Chia-Liang Lin etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   23 English/EMI  
Elective 6668 基因轉錄機制
Mechanism of Transcription
  Semester 3 3   4234   Z812 YI-YING CHIOU Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   25 English/EMI  
Required 6674 生物化學專題討論(二)
Seminar on Biochemistry(II)
  Semester 1 2   256   Z805 YI-YING CHIOU etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   24 English/EMI  
Elective 7315 膜蛋白功能與結構
Functional and Structural Studies of Membrance Proteins
  Semester 3 3   2234   Z811 HU NIEN JEN Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   26 English/EMI  
Required 7319 生物化學專題討論(四)
Seminar on Biochemistry(IV)
  Semester 1 2   278   Z805 HU NIEN JEN etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   22 English/EMI  
Required 7324 生物化學專題討論(四)
Seminar on Biochemistry(IV)
  Semester 1 2   278   Z805 Kuei-Yang Hsiao etc Graduate Institute of Biochemistry 30   25 English/EMI  
Elective 6604 氧化酶蛋白與疾病特論
Advanced Oxidases and Diseases
  Semester 2 2   134   Z1118 CHUEH, PIN JU Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences 30   23 English/EMI  
Elective 7335 NADH氧化酶蛋白功能分析研究
Research in Function of NADH Oxidase
  Yearly 3 3   2567   Z1126 CHUEH, PIN JU Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences 30 2 30 English/EMI  
Elective 5107 動態系統
Dynamical Systems
  Semester 3 3   2234   P103 CHEN,JERRY MIN Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 35 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5110 燃燒工程
Combustion Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4234   P103 LU,JAU-HUAI Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 24 English/EMI  
Elective 6713 輻射熱傳學
Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer
  Semester 3 3   3234   P103 KAIHSIANG LIN Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 5 25 English/EMI  
Elective 6740 板殼力學
Mechanics of Plates and Shells
  Semester 3 3   3678   C306 CHIANG, YU-CHOU Department of Civil Engineering 30 1 22 Chinese/English  
Elective 6746 結構振動控制
Structural Vibration Control
  Semester 3 3   4234   C209 Shieh-Kung Huang Department of Civil Engineering 30 5 26 English/EMI  
Elective 6749 結構分析理論
Computer-Assisted Structural Analysis and Modeling
  Semester 3 3   5234   C203 DUNG-MYAU LUE Department of Civil Engineering 40 0 29 Chinese/English  
Elective 6755 解析航空測量學
Analytical Photogrammetry
  Semester 3 3   4234   XA302 YEN-RU LAI Department of Civil Engineering 30 10 19 English/EMI  
Elective 6760 環境與職業醫學導論
Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Medicine
  Semester 3 3   4234   C409 LIN,PO-HSIUNG Department of Environmental Engineering 55   5 English/EMI  
Elective 6762 環境復育與自然衰減
Environmental Remediation and Natural Attenuation
  Semester 3 3   1234   C402 CHANG, SHU-CHI Department of Environmental Engineering 40   32 Chinese/English  
Elective 6764 廢棄物資源化工程
Waste Resourcezation Engineering
  Semester 3 3   2678   C407 Chen min-hsuan Department of Environmental Engineering 40   16 Chinese/English  
Elective 6765 災害防治與安全工程
Disaster Prevention and Safety Engineering
  Semester 3 3   5234   C406 Hsin-Hsiu Ho Department of Environmental Engineering 40   24 English/EMI  
Elective 6766 碳捕捉與封存概論
Introduction to Carbon Capture and Storage
  Semester 3 3   1678   C406 Remi Nicolas CHAUVY Department of Environmental Engineering 40   17 English/EMI  
Elective 6775 網路安全
Network Security
  Semester 3 3   1678   EE208 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Department of Electrical Engineering 30   19 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6779 微電子真空技術
Microelectronics Vacuum Technology
  Semester 3 3   3234   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 30   24 English/EMI  
Elective 6782 最佳化演算法與應用
Optimization Algorithms with Applications
  Semester 3 3   4678   EE102 CHEN, CHENGLUN Department of Electrical Engineering 40   8 Chinese/English  
Elective 6784 強化式學習
Reinforcement Learning
  Semester 3 3   4567   EE201 LINDOR ERIC HENRICKSON Department of Electrical Engineering 43   0 English  
Elective 6806 半導體製程技術
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
  Semester 3 3   2567   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 60   45 English/EMI  
Elective 5135 高分子合成
Polymer Synthesis
  Semester 3 3   4567   CE206 HUANG CHIH FENG Department of Chemical Engineering 40   26 Chinese/English  
Elective 6824 磁記錄原理與應用
Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Recording
  Semester 3 3   3234   ME205 TSAI,JAI-LIN Department of Materials Science and Engineering 65   21 Chinese/English  
Elective 6822 微型再生能源系統
Micro Renewable Energy System
  Semester 3 3   1678   AT918 YANG,HSIHARNG Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 30   24 English  
Elective 6823 微機械加工製程
Micro-Mechanical Machining Process
  Semester 3 3   2567   AT629 WANG, DUNG-AN Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 30   14 English/EMI  
Elective 6839 微成型工程
Micro-Molding Technology
  Semester 3 3   2678   AT918 YANG,HSIHARNG Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 15   11 English/EMI  
Elective 6840 設計最佳化
Optimization of Design
  Semester 3 3   1567   AT629 WANG, DUNG-AN Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 30   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6841 微機電製程設計
Design of Microfabrication Processes for MEMS
  Semester 3 3   4567   AT629 LIN, MING-TZER Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 30   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6848 生醫儀表學
Biomedical Instrumentation
  Semester 3 3   4234   AT655 CHING TAK SHING etc Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   13 English/EMI  
Elective 6849 電生理與復健
Electrophysiology and Functional Electrical Stimulation
  Semester 3 3   1ABC   AT655 CHING TAK SHING etc Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 20 10 8 English/EMI  
Elective 6850 生醫組織工程學
Biomedical Tissue Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4567   AT644 SHU-PING LIN Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   25 English/EMI  
Elective 6851 奈米科技與藥物釋放
Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
  Semester 3 3   2234   AT655 Chian-Hui Lai Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   0 English/EMI  
Elective 6852 治療診斷(二)
Theranostics (II)
  Semester 3 3   4678   AT655 CHANG,CHENG-CHUNG Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   24 English/EMI  
Required 6853 生醫工程導論
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
  Yearly 3 3   5234   AT655 CHANG,CHENG-CHUNG etc Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 30   10 English/EMI  
Required 6857 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 0 2   367   AT644 Bill Cheng Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 60   43 English/EMI  
Required 7363 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 0 2   123   * Chian-Hui Lai Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 60   46 English/EMI  
Required 6859 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 0 2   356   AT655 CHING TAK SHING Intelligence Science, Engineering and Technology Master Degree Program 10   4 English  
Elective 6080 當代文化中的全球化議題
Contemporary Culture and Globalization
  Semester 3 3   4234   SC746 Yu-Chuan Shen International Master Program in Asia and China Studies 10   5 English/EMI  
Elective 6083 國際法與臺灣
International Law and Taiwan
  Semester 3 3   3234   SC931 TAN WEI EN Graduate Institute of International Politics 10   9 English  
Elective 6086 地緣政治與歐亞研究專題
Special Topic on Geopolitics and Eurasia Studies
  Semester 3 3   1678   SC430 LIU TAI-TING Graduate Institute of International Politics 10   2 English  
Elective 6087 當代中國外交政策
Contemporary China’s Foreign Policy
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC430 CHEN,MU-MIN Graduate Institute of International Politics 10   2 English  
Elective 6088 亞洲非傳統安全研究與永續發展
Non-Traditional Security and Sustainable Development of Asia
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC430 CHEN,MU-MIN Graduate Institute of International Politics 10   4 English  
Required 7035 碩士論文
  Yearly 3 0   *   * All International Master Program in Asia and China Studies 50   42 English  
Required 7218 碩士論文
  Yearly 3 0   *   * All Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies 50   31 English  
Elective 6209 臨床案例整合分析
Clinical Case Integrated Analysis
  Semester 2 2   545   * Wei, ching wen etc Graduate Institute of Clinical Nursing 15 0 2 English  
Elective 6922 數據分析數學
Mathematical Analysis to Data Science
  Semester 3 3   1234   U517 SHIH YIN TZER Graduate Institute of Data Science and Information Computing 24   8 English/EMI  
Elective 6925 量子資訊安全入門
Introduction to Quantum Cybersecurity
  Semester 3 3   5234   U702 Yu-Tsung Tai Graduate Institute of Data Science and Information Computing 20   4 Chinese/English  
Elective 6928 資料計算文獻研討(二)
Review of Literature in Data Computational Science (Ⅱ)
  Semester 1 1   28   U519 Hao-Chiang Shao Graduate Institute of Data Science and Information Computing 30   12 English/EMI  
Required 1532 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   3AB   AA201 LIAO,HSIU-FEN General(Continuation BA Program) 50 5 29 English 限文創學程進修學士班選修
Required 1533 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   3AB   AA202 陳國豪 General(Continuation BA Program) 50 5 21 Chinese/English 限創經學程進修學士班選修
Required 1530 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   5AB   AA202 陳國豪 General(Continuation BA Program) 50 5 33 Chinese/English 限中文系進修學士班選修
Elective 1507 進階英語聽講
Advanced English Listening and Speaking
  Semester 2 2   3CD   AA201 陳雅雯 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 7 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1513 英文作文(一)
English Composition (I)
  Yearly 2 2   3AB   Y211 陳雅雯 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 16 0 0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1514 英文作文(一)
English Composition (I)
  Yearly 2 2   3AB   Y312 Chen, Po-Chu Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 16 0 0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 1516 語音學(一)
Phonetics (I)
  Semester 2 2   4AB   Y304 陳雅雯 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 5 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1518 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   4CD   Y305 詹鄢如 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 17 0 0 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1519 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   4CD   Y308 Chia Wei Fan Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 17 0 1 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1520 文學作品讀法
Approaches to Literature
  Yearly 2 2   1AB   Y302 CHEN YOU-TING Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 62 5 14 Chinese/English  
Required 2502 德文(一)
  Yearly 3 3   1BCD   AA202 林璇 General(Continuation BA Program) 45 15 19 English 開課單位:語言中心
Required 2525 西洋文學概論
Introduction to Western Literature
  Yearly 2 2   3AB   Y303 JUDY,RONALD Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 60 0 24 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2528 英文作文(二)
English Composition (II)
English Composition (I)
Yearly 2 2   2AB   Y401 Chen, Po-Chu Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 15 0 0 English 先修英文作文(一),使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2529 英文作文(二)
English Composition (II)
English Composition (I)
Yearly 2 2   2AB   Y101 林佑容 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 15 0 0 English 先修英文作文(一),使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2535 英語口語訓練(二)
English Oral Training (II)
English Oral Training (I)
Yearly 2 2   2CD   Y401 Chen, Po-Chu Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 35 0 5 English 先修英語口語訓練(一),使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3502 德文(二)
Yearly 3 3   5BCD   AA405 林璇 General(Continuation BA Program) 45 15 30 English 先修科目:德文(一);開課單位:語言中心
Elective 3506 觀光越南語與文化
Vietnamese for Travelling and Cultural Tourism
  Semester 2 2   4AB   Y313 TRAN NGOC PHAN Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 10 1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3511 翻譯習作(二)
Translation (II)
  Semester 2 2   3AB   Y206 CHIANG FENG WEI Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3512 語言測驗與評量
Language Testing and Assessment
  Semester 2 2   1CD   Y203 TU, HSIU-LIEN Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3532 戲劇專題(一)
Topics in Drama(I)
  Semester 2 2   1AB   Y206 陳文苓 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 20 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3548 視譯
Sight Translation
  Semester 2 2   5CD   Y206 Ting-Ying Lee Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4501 實用英文(二)
Practical English(II)
  Semester 2 2   3CD   Y206 CHIANG FENG WEI Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 0 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4518 奇幻文學(二)
Fantasy Literature(II)
  Semester 2 2   3AB   Y109 ROSE HSIU-LI JUAN Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 23 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 4519 英國文學:二十世紀迄今
English Literatrue since the 20th Century
  Semester 3 3   4ABC   Y206 鄭仁隆 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 45 0 30 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4520 高級語言學(一)
Advanced Linguistics(I)
  Semester 2 2   4AB   Y409 Chih-hsiang Shu Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 30 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4530 兒童美語教學法
Teaching Young Children English
  Yearly 2 2   2CD   Y402 Wang, Ching-Wen Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 18 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4534 科幻小說
Science Fiction
  Semester 2 2   2AB   Y202 JUDY,RONALD Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 12 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4535 口譯初階(二)
Elementary Interpretation Ⅱ
  Semester 2 2   5AB   Y206 Ting-Ying Lee Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 8 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4537 電影文學
Film as Literature
  Semester 2 2   5AB   Y207 古綺玲 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 35 5 2 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5505 英語教學法
TEFL Methods
  Yearly 2 2   2AB   Y409 TENG, KUAN-MING Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 12 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5507 科技英文翻譯與表達(二)
Translation and Expression of Science and Technology English II
  Semester 2 2   2CD   Y208 張旭琪 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 9 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5512 高級英語會話
Advanced English Conversation
  Yearly 2 2   4AB   Y305 詹鄢如 Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures 30 5 0 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1531 大一英文
Freshman English
  Yearly 2 2   5AB   AA201 LIAO,HSIU-FEN General(Continuation BA Program) 50 10 14 English 限生管學程進修學士班選修
Elective 2544 國際茶葉產銷介紹
Introduction of International tea Production and Marketing
  Semester 3 3   29AB   A318 HSIEH CHI MING etc Continuing Education Bachelor Program in Bio-Industry Management 30 10 12 English/EMI  
Elective 6775 網路安全
Network Security
  Semester 3 3   1678   EE208 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Department of Electrical Engineering 6   5 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6779 微電子真空技術
Microelectronics Vacuum Technology
  Semester 3 3   3234   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 4   4 English/EMI  
Elective 6782 最佳化演算法與應用
Optimization Algorithms with Applications
  Semester 3 3   4678   EE102 CHEN, CHENGLUN Department of Electrical Engineering 4   4 Chinese/English  
Elective 6784 強化式學習
Reinforcement Learning
  Semester 3 3   4567   EE201 LINDOR ERIC HENRICKSON Department of Electrical Engineering 6   5 English  
Elective 6805 固態物理
Solid State Physics
  Semester 3 3   2567   EE208 LAY TSONG SHENG Department of Electrical Engineering 6   6 English  
Elective 6806 半導體製程技術
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
  Semester 3 3   2567   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 6   6 English/EMI  
Elective 6775 網路安全
Network Security
  Semester 3 3   1678   EE208 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Department of Electrical Engineering 1   1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 6779 微電子真空技術
Microelectronics Vacuum Technology
  Semester 3 3   3234   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 1   1 English/EMI  
Elective 6782 最佳化演算法與應用
Optimization Algorithms with Applications
  Semester 3 3   4678   EE102 CHEN, CHENGLUN Department of Electrical Engineering 1   1 Chinese/English  
Elective 6784 強化式學習
Reinforcement Learning
  Semester 3 3   4567   EE201 LINDOR ERIC HENRICKSON Department of Electrical Engineering 1   1 English  
Elective 6806 半導體製程技術
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
  Semester 3 3   2567   EE103 Ma Zon Department of Electrical Engineering 1   1 English/EMI  
Elective 6824 磁記錄原理與應用
Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Recording
  Semester 3 3   3234   ME205 TSAI,JAI-LIN Department of Materials Science and Engineering 3   0 Chinese/English  
Required 1905 歐洲現代史導讀
Selected Readings in Modern European History
  Semester 1 1   26   A421 Chao-Chi Hsu College of Liberal Arts 50 0 47 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1915 歷史與電影
History and Films
  Semester 1 1   25   A311-1 Shih-Cong Fan Chiang College of Liberal Arts 60 0 47 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1905 歐洲現代史導讀
Selected Readings in Modern European History
  Semester 1 1   26   A421 Chao-Chi Hsu College of Liberal Arts 50 0 22 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1915 歷史與電影
History and Films
  Semester 1 1   25   A311-1 Shih-Cong Fan Chiang College of Liberal Arts 60 0 35 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Elective 1003 語言初步(二)
Beginning Linguistics (II)
  Semester 2 2   478   A410 TRAN NGOC PHAN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 10 Chinese/English  
Required 1052 英文作文(一)
English Composition (I)
  Yearly 2 2   434   A411 CHOU, HSING-CHUN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 15 0 1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1053 英文作文(一)
English Composition (I)
  Yearly 2 2   434   A204-2 劉鳳芯 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 15 0 1 English/EMI  
Required 1055 西洋文學概論
Introduction to Western Literature
  Yearly 2 2   134   A421 Ho, TAI-CHUN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 60 0 0 English/EMI  
Required 1056 文學作品讀法
Approaches to Literature
  Yearly 2 2   378   A422 CHOU, HSING-CHUN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 60 0 0 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1060 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   456   A411 邱幸珍 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 2 English  
Required 1061 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   178   A313-1 DONNA WORLEY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 0 English  
Required 1062 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   156   A204-1 JUDY,RONALD Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 0 English  
Elective 1066 發音練習
Pronunciation Drills
  Semester 2 2   356   A411 陳文苓 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 1 16 English/EMI  
Required 1905 歐洲現代史導讀
Selected Readings in Modern European History
  Semester 1 1   26   A421 Chao-Chi Hsu College of Liberal Arts 50 0 31 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1915 歷史與電影
History and Films
  Semester 1 1   25   A311-1 Shih-Cong Fan Chiang College of Liberal Arts 60 0 45 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 2006 英國文學:二十世紀迄今
English Literatrue since the 20th Century
  Semester 3 3   2567   A422 CHOU, HSING-CHUN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 40 0 11 English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2041 戲劇導讀(二)
Introduction to Drama (II)
  Semester 3 3   3234   A311-1 HSIEH,HSIN-YI Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 3 English  
Required 2045 英文作文(二)
English Composition (II)
English Composition (I)
Yearly 2 2   378   A411 CHEN YOU-TING Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 2 English  
Required 2046 英文作文(二)
English Composition (II)
English Composition (I)
Yearly 2 2   378   A204-1 CHUNG-YI CHU Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 2 English  
Required 2048 英文作文(二)
English Composition (II)
English Composition (I)
Yearly 2 2   378   A203-2 鄭朱雀 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 18 0 0 English  
Elective 2049 法文(一)
French (I)
  Yearly 3 3   1234   AA401 TSAI MINGHUA NAOMI Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 50 10 29 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2052 英語口語訓練(二)
English Oral Training (II)
English Oral Training (I)
Yearly 2 2   156   A313-1 DONNA WORLEY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 20 0 0 English  
Required 2053 英語口語訓練(二)
English Oral Training (II)
English Oral Training (I)
Yearly 2 2   256   A313-1 DONNA WORLEY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 20 0 8 English  
Required 2055 英語口語訓練(二)
English Oral Training (II)
English Oral Training (I)
Yearly 2 2   556   A411 詹鄢如 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 20 0 1 English  
Required 2058 語言學概論
Introduction to Linguistics
  Yearly 2 2   434   A607 CHEN, CHUN-MEI Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 60 0 9 English  
Required 2060 英國文學:復辟與新古典時期
English Literature:Restoration and Neoclassical Periods
  Semester 3 3   2234   A311-1 HSIEH,HSIN-YI Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 40 0 0 English/EMI  
Elective 3021 高級英語會話
Advanced English Conversation
  Yearly 2 2   378   A312-1 DONNA WORLEY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 7 English  
Elective 3023 英文作文(三)
English Composition (III)
English Composition (II)
Yearly 2 2   478   A411 Chih-hsiang Shu Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 20 0 0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english,含彈性教學
Elective 3024 大眾文學
Popular Literature
  Semester 2 2   256   A203-2 Ho, TAI-CHUN Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 4 English/EMI  
Required 3027 美國文學:二十世紀迄今
American Literatrue since the 20th Century
  Semester 3 3   4234   A311-1 LIN, JIAN-GUANG Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 50 0 5 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3067 性別研究與文學(二)
Gender Studies and Literature II
  Semester 3 3   4234   A203-1 CHUNG-YI CHU Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 17 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3092 小說專題(一)
Topics in Fiction(I)
  Semester 2 2   178   A204-2 鄭朱雀 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 9 English/EMI  
Elective 4008 實用英文(四)
Practical English (Ⅳ)
  Semester 2 2   256   A317 Chen, Po-Chu Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 40 0 7 English  
Elective 4009 商用英文
Business English
  Yearly 2 2   356   A312-1 DONNA WORLEY Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 40 0 12 English  
Elective 5119 文學批評
Literary Criticism
  Semester 3 3   2678   A414 CHEN YOU-TING Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 31 0 26 Chinese/English  
Required 1905 歐洲現代史導讀
Selected Readings in Modern European History
  Semester 1 1   26   A421 Chao-Chi Hsu College of Liberal Arts 50 0 37 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Required 1915 歷史與電影
History and Films
  Semester 1 1   25   A311-1 Shih-Cong Fan Chiang College of Liberal Arts 60 0 45 English/EMI 文學院學生優先
Elective 3065 大英國協史
History of Britain : Empire and Commonwealth
  Semester 2 2   234   A204-2 Chao-Chi Hsu Department of History 50 15 10 English/EMI  
Required 1972 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC121 CHANG,CHIA-LIN College of Management 100   78 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1973 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC120 CHI YUNG LING College of Management 60   53 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 120   91 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   36 English/EMI  
Required 1972 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC121 CHANG,CHIA-LIN College of Management 100   80 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1973 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC120 CHI YUNG LING College of Management 60   41 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 120   103 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   18 English/EMI  
Required 3026 策略管理
Strategic Management
  Semester 3 3   5234   SC203 WAN KWO FENG Department of Business Administration 70 0 4 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2054 英美契約實務寫作
Legal Writing-Contract and Business Drafting Seminar
  Semester 2 2   334   SC320 Cindy Whang Department of Law 31 0 22 English/EMI  
Elective 4044 法學英文
Legal English
  Semester 2 2   378   SC320 Cindy Whang Department of Law 31 5 4 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1972 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC121 CHANG,CHIA-LIN College of Management 100   74 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1973 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC120 CHI YUNG LING College of Management 60   55 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 120   94 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   35 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 120   111 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   40 English/EMI  
Elective 3238 環境科學
Environmental Science
  Semester 3 3   1567   LB02 WANG YUNG CHIEN Department of Soil and Water Conservation 6   0 English/EMI  
Elective 4110 遙感探測學
Remote Sensing
  Semester 2 2   178   L101 HSIAO YU SHEN Department of Soil and Water Conservation 10 0 10 English/EMI  
Elective 1140 胚胎學
  Semester 2 2   278   QB1101 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 150   125 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式(含彈性教學)Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3052 幹細胞與醫學特論
Special Topics in Stem Cell and Medicine
  Semester 3 3   4234   Z505 CHENG, HSU-CHEN Department of Life Sciences 35   35 English/EMI  
Elective 3237 生物物理化學
Biophysical Chemistry
  Semester 3 3   3234   Z505 CHIEN,LEE-FENG Department of Life Sciences 10   5 Chinese/English  
Required 1038 作物學
Crop Science
  Semester 2 2   334   IA531 CHEN CHIEN TEH International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 42 5 1 English/EMI  
Required 1041 食農教育
Food and Agriculture Education
  Semester 2 2   478   IA514 CHEN WEN CHING International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 42 0 7 English/EMI  
Required 1092 英語聽講教學(一)
Language Lab. Workshop (I)
  Yearly 1 2   256   AA405 CHEN JHAO LIANG Language Center 40 0 22 English/EMI  
Elective 1100 英文作文(一)
English Composition (I)
  Yearly 2 2   156   AA304 CHEN JHAO LIANG Language Center 31 0 31 English  
Required 1136 英語口語訓練(一)
English Oral Training (I)
  Yearly 2 2   356   Y109 刁瑋婕 Language Center 35 0 12 English/EMI  
Required 1229 微積分
  Semester 3 3   4234   IA640 Kyung-Youn Kim Department of Applied Mathematics 24 0 4 English/EMI  
Elective 2030 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   4234   IA531 CHANG,CHIA-LIN International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   31 English/EMI  
Required 2104 國際商務法
International Business Law
  Semester 3 3   2567   IA531 YI CHEN SU International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 40   12 English/EMI  
Required 2111 生態學
  Semester 3 3   4234   IA514 CHAO,KUO-JUNG International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 40 10 19 English/EMI  
Required 2138 經濟學原理(二)
Principles of Economics(II)
  Semester 3 3   5234   IA640 PANG YA WEN International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 34 0 16 English/EMI  
Elective 2231 土壤管理
Soil Management
  Semester 3 3   5567   L208 SONG GUO ZHANG Department of Soil and Water Conservation 9   3 English/EMI  
Required 2122 農企業經營管理
Agribusiness Management
Principles of Economics(I) ect
Semester 3 3   5678   IA640 YANG SHANG-HO International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31 15 7 English/EMI  
Elective 3033 農業資訊技術
Introduction to Agricultural Information Technology
  Semester 3 3   2234   IA514 Szu-Hung Chen International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   20 English/EMI  
Elective 3038 多變量統計與軟體操作應用
Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis
  Semester 3 3   3567   CC214 HSIEH CHI MING International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   20 English/EMI  
Elective 3041 農藥學
  Semester 3 3   3234   IA641 CHEN WEN CHING International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   24 English/EMI  
Elective 3073 植物營養與肥料概論
Introduction to Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer
  Semester 1 1   13   IA640 Ya-Hui Chuang International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   5 English/EMI  
Elective 3107 農林生態旅遊
Agro-Eco Tourism
  Semester 3 3   4789   IA640 CHAO,KUO-JUNG etc International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31 5 23 English/EMI  
Elective 3120 畢業論文
  Yearly 2 2   *   * HSIEH CHI MING International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 31   30 English/EMI  
Elective 4011 食品加工實習
Food Processing Practice
  Semester 3 3   2234   IA640 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness 24 1 0 English  
Elective 5114 當代英文論文寫作與簡報
Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
  Semester 3 3   *   * CLYDE WARDEN Department of Marketing 400   382 English 非同步遠距教學課程
Elective 5115 地理資訊系統概論
Introduction of Geographic Information System
  Semester 3 3   2567   IA514 Szu-Hung Chen International Master Program in Agriculture 25 10 21 English/EMI  
Elective 2102 植物基因體與育種概論
Introduction to Plant Genomics and Breeding
  Semester 2 2   556   D310 Wan-Yi Chiou Department of Agronomy 31   28 English/EMI  
Elective 5116 生物資訊與作物育種
Bioinformatics in Crop Breeding
  Semester 2 2   256   D310 SHUYUN CHEN Department of Agronomy 31   22 English/EMI  
Elective 5133 生物統計學概論
Introduction to Biostatistics
  Semester 2 2   423   D104 CHIANG,KUO-SZU Department of Agronomy 30   24 English  
Elective 2108 小果類作物栽培與生理學
Small Fruit Production and Physiology
Principles of Economics(I) ect
Semester 3 3   5234   H103 Syuan-You Lin Department of Horticulture 60   30 English/EMI  
Elective 5140 森林資源研究方法與論文寫作
Principle of Research in Forest Resources and Scientific Writing
  Semester 2 2   434   * Hsiang Ling Chen Department of Forestry 10 5 7 English/EMI 上課地點 201 會議室
Elective 2135 高分子化學概論
Introduction to Ploymer Chemistry
  Semester 2 2   378   V302 CHIA WEI CHANG Department of Forestry (Wood Science Program) 45 0 35 English/EMI  
Required 2159 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2678   IA434 HU WU YUEH Department of Applied Economics 70   16 English/EMI  
Required 3141 管理經濟學
Managerial Economics
Semester 3 3   3234   IA437 KUO-I CHANG Department of Applied Economics 30   10 English/EMI  
Elective 2073 應用微生物學
Applied Microbiology
  Semester 3 3   3234   R1D03 Li-Hung Chen Department of Plant Pathology 45 2 23 English/EMI  
Elective 2109 淺談植物線蟲
Introduction to Plant Nematology
  Semester 2 2   456   R1D03 CHEN, PEI-CHEN Department of Plant Pathology 31   15 English/EMI  
Required 1126 普通昆蟲學
General Entomology
  Yearly 3 2 3 434 5567 EC01 EC7D07 CHEN, MEI-ER etc CHEN, MEI-ER etc Department of Entomology 70   17 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1197 普通化學
General Chemistry
  Semester 3 3   14,278   EC7D09 LEE, SHAO-CHI Department of Chemistry 70   8 Chinese/English  
Required 2166 昆蟲生態學
Insect Ecology
  Semester 2 2   334   EC02 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc Department of Entomology 60   13 English/EMI  
Required 2171 昆蟲生態學實習
Insect Ecology Lab
  Semester 1   3   4789 EC02 HWANG,SHAW-YHI etc Department of Entomology 60   18 English/EMI  
Elective 2144 動物發生學
Animal Development
  Semester 2 2   434   I108 唐品琦 Department of Animal Science 50   44 English/EMI  
Elective 4074 動物複製與胚幹細胞
Animal Cloning & Embryonic Stem Cells
  Semester 2 2   134   I104 JU JYH CHERNG Department of Animal Science 50 20 50 English/EMI  
Elective 1105 生物統計學
  Semester 2 2   234   QB203 CHAO DAY-YU Department of Veterinary Medicine 60 30 53 Chinese/English  
Elective 1140 胚胎學
  Semester 2 2   278   QB1101 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 150   110 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式(含彈性教學)Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1143 獸醫解剖學
Veterinary Anatomy
  Yearly 2 2   11,35   QA001 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 120 1 75 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1145 獸醫解剖學實習
Veterinary Anatomy and Practice
  Yearly 2   6   1234,3678 QA115 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 60 1 14 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2127 實驗動物學
Lab Animals
  Semester 2 2   356   QB108 SHIN, DAI-LUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 90 10 46 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2161 醫用生物化學
Medical Biochemistry
  Yearly 2 2   334   QE304 LIU HAO PING etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 120 0 83 Chinese/English  
Required 2192 醫用生物化學實習
Medical Biochemistry Lab.
  Semester 1   3   2567 QE302 LIU HAO PING etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 45 0 11 Chinese/English  
Elective 3220 比較生理學
Comparative Physiology
  Semester 2 2   212   QB108 HSU, CHU-NING Department of Veterinary Medicine 35 10 8 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4024 腫瘤細胞生物學概論
Introduction to Tumor Cell Biology
  Semester 2 2   534   QB108 LIU HAO PING Department of Veterinary Medicine 120   109 Chinese/English  
Elective 1105 生物統計學
  Semester 2 2   234   QB203 CHAO DAY-YU Department of Veterinary Medicine 60 30 48 Chinese/English  
Elective 1140 胚胎學
  Semester 2 2   278   QB1101 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 150   118 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式(含彈性教學)Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1144 獸醫解剖學
Veterinary Anatomy
  Yearly 2 2   15,31   QA001 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 120 0 88 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1146 獸醫解剖學實習
Veterinary Anatomy and Practice
  Yearly 2   6   1678,3234 QA115 CHEN,JENG RUNG Department of Veterinary Medicine 60 0 28 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2127 實驗動物學
Lab Animals
  Semester 2 2   356   QB108 SHIN, DAI-LUN Department of Veterinary Medicine 80 0 44 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2161 醫用生物化學
Medical Biochemistry
  Yearly 2 2   334   QE304 LIU HAO PING etc Department of Veterinary Medicine 120 0 78 Chinese/English  
Elective 3220 比較生理學
Comparative Physiology
  Semester 2 2   212   QB108 HSU, CHU-NING Department of Veterinary Medicine 35 10 20 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 4024 腫瘤細胞生物學概論
Introduction to Tumor Cell Biology
  Semester 2 2   534   QB1101 LIU HAO PING Department of Veterinary Medicine 120   113 Chinese/English  
Elective 2207 土壤微生物生態
Soil Microbial Ecology
  Semester 3 3   5567   J1007 SHEN,FO-TING Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences 45   1 English/EMI  
Elective 2215 農業環境監控技術概論與運用
Introduction and Application of Agricultural Environment Monitoring Technology
  Semester 3 3   4567   J102 LIN, CHENG-HSIEN Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences 31   0 English/EMI  
Required 2027 材料力學(一)
Mechanics of Materials (I)
  Semester 3 3   1567   K102 TSAI YAO CHUAN Department of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering 31 0 31 English/EMI  
Elective 2211 自動控制
Automatic Control
  Semester 3 3   5234   K103 CHU, WEN-LIN Department of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering 60 10 0 English/EMI  
Required 2218 基本電學
Fundamentals of Electricity
  Semester 3 3   256,45   K104 TSE-MIN CHEN Department of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering 85   0 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5106 環境計算流體力學
Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied in Environment
  Semester 3 3   2567   K102 Wu-Yang Sean Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering 30   16 English/EMI  
Elective 2231 土壤管理
Soil Management
  Semester 3 3   5567   L208 SONG GUO ZHANG Department of Soil and Water Conservation 41   35 English/EMI  
Elective 3238 環境科學
Environmental Science
  Semester 3 3   1567   LB02 WANG YUNG CHIEN Department of Soil and Water Conservation 28   11 English/EMI  
Elective 4110 遙感探測學
Remote Sensing
  Semester 2 2   178   L101 HSIAO YU SHEN Department of Soil and Water Conservation 40 0 25 English/EMI  
Required 4105 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 1 1   24   FB104 PO-YUAN CHIANG Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60   52 English/EMI  
Required 4119 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 1 1   14   FB104 LIU PEI FEN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60   51 English/EMI  
Required 4128 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 1 1   14   FB104 JIN-YUARN LIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60   52 English/EMI  
Required 4141 專題研究
Special Topics Research
  Yearly 1 1   24   FB104 Ching-Ying Huang Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60   52 English/EMI  
Required 5141 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB104 TSAI,SHUO-WEN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5142 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   52   FB104 LAI,LIH-SHIUH Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5143 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   55   FB104 LIU, YU-CHING Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5144 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   53   FB104 Yang, CHIH-MIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5145 專題討論(一)
Seminar (I)
  Yearly 1 1   54   FB104 Yeh Chen Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5151 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB103 MEEI-YN LIN Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5152 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   52   FB103 CHAU,CHI-FAI Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5153 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   53   FB103 WEN, HSIAO-WEI Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5154 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   54   FB103 蔣恩沛 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Required 5155 專題討論(二)
Seminar (II)
  Yearly 1 1   51   FB103 LIU, YU-CHING Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 30   30 English  
Elective 5167 維生素與單碳代謝特論
Special Topics in One Carbon Metabolism
  Semester 2 2   19A   FB106 蔣恩沛 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology 60 0 59 English/EMI  
Required 1972 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC121 CHANG,CHIA-LIN College of Management 100   73 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1973 經濟學(二)
Economics (II)
  Semester 3 3   2234   SC120 CHI YUNG LING College of Management 60   51 English/EMI  
Required 1979 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC112 TSAI,MEI-TING College of Management 120   86 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1981 統計學(二)
Statistics (II)
  Semester 3 3   3678   SC421 Yen-Chen Ho College of Management 40   33 English/EMI  
Elective 3042 供應鏈設計與管理
Supply Chain Design & Management
  Semester 3 3   1234   SC304 Ho, Yi-Mo Department of Marketing 31   1 English/EMI  
Elective 5114 當代英文論文寫作與簡報
Contemporary English Thesis Writing & Presentation
  Semester 3 3   *   * CLYDE WARDEN Department of Marketing 400   300 English 非同步遠距教學課程
Elective 1223 化學專業英文
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Chemistry
  Semester 1 1   47   T107 LING PO HENG Department of Chemistry 80   7 English  
Elective 1063 生物多樣性概論
Introduction to Biodiversity
  Semester 2 2   356   Z104 SHEUE,CHIOU-RONG Department of Life Sciences 80   1 Chinese/English  
Required 1221 普通生物學實驗(二)
General Biology Laboratory (lI)
  Semester 1   3   5567 Z203 HWANG, HAU-HSUAN etc Department of Life Sciences 50 0 2 Chinese/English  
Required 1222 普通生物學實驗(二)
General Biology Laboratory (lI)
  Semester 1   3   1567 Z203 HWANG, HAU-HSUAN etc Department of Life Sciences 50 0 2 Chinese/English  
Elective 2302 植物解剖學
Plant Anatomy
  Semester 2 2   478   Z211 SHEUE,CHIOU-RONG etc Department of Life Sciences 31   19 English/EMI  
Required 2314 微生物學
  Semester 3 3   14,212   Z000 HUANG,CHIEH-CHEN etc Department of Life Sciences 100   35 English/EMI  
Elective 3237 生物物理化學
Biophysical Chemistry
  Semester 3 3   3234   Z505 CHIEN,LEE-FENG Department of Life Sciences 45   33 Chinese/English  
Elective 5129 閱讀與講演生物醫學期刊論文概論
Introduction of Reading and Presenting Biomedical Journal Paper
  Semester 1 1   34   * LIN,HO Department of Life Sciences 50   37 English/EMI 同步遠距教學課程
Elective 5139 老化及老化相關疾病特論
Ageing and Ageing-Associated Diseases
  Semester 2 2   534   Z505 Chih-Yi Gabriela Lin Department of Life Sciences 31   24 English/EMI 建議先修科目「生物化學」或「分子生物學」
Elective 5147 散彈槍定序原理與實習
Shutgun Sequencing:Principle and Experiment
  Semester 2 1 2 42 434 AN716 AN716 YING-TSONG CHEN YING-TSONG CHEN Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics 12   12 English/EMI  
Required 1215 微積分Python實作
Calculus With Python
  Semester 1 1   3456   U701 Hao-Chiang Shao Department of Applied Mathematics 46   2 English/EMI 第一週至第六週上課
Required 3306 數值分析(一)
Numerical Analysis (I)
  Semester 3 3   223,32   U502 SHIH YIN TZER Department of Applied Mathematics 45   26 Chinese/English  
Required 3306 數值分析(一)
Numerical Analysis (I)
  Semester 3 3   223,32   U502 SHIH YIN TZER Department of Applied Mathematics 45   36 Chinese/English  
Elective 5112 實變函數論(一)
Real Analysis (I)
  Semester 3 3   3567   U512 Kyung-Youn Kim Department of Applied Mathematics 3   3 English/EMI  
Required 1207 普通物理學
General Physics
  Yearly 3 3   134,47   U302 LIU, TSUNG-HAN Department of Physics 65   19 Chinese/English  
Elective 5112 實變函數論(一)
Real Analysis (I)
  Semester 3 3   3567   U512 Kyung-Youn Kim Department of Applied Mathematics 3   3 English/EMI  
Elective 4139 半導體元件物理
Semiconductor Devices and Physics
  Semester 3 3   2234   S210 YUEN-WUU SUEN Department of Physics (Optoelectronics Program) 65   44 Chinese/English  
Elective 5128 量子計算與量子資訊
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
  Semester 3 3   2678   S202 Shin-Liang Chen Department of Physics 40   34 Chinese/English  
Required 1260 微積分(二)
  Semester 3 3   156,35   AT337 Yu-Tsung Tai Department of Applied Mathematics 55   12 English/EMI  
Elective 3314 資料庫管理系統導論
Introduction to Database Management System
  Semester 3 3   4678   S821 Jason Lin Department of Computer Science and Engineering 40 0 3 English/EMI  
Required 1304 人工智慧應用實務
Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  Semester 3 3   2567   ATB29 HUNG-CHUNG LI Bachelor Program in Intellectual Creativity Engineering 31   10 English/EMI  
Elective 1923 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   356   P103 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 38 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2276 基礎科技英文
Basic English for Science and Technology
  Semester 3 3   3678   ATB29 CHING TAK SHING etc Bachelor Program in Intellectual Creativity Engineering 31   12 English/EMI  
Required 1316 動力學
  Semester 3 3   178,54   P203 JYUN-RONG ZHUANG Department of Mechanical Engineering 70 5 2 English/EMI  
Elective 1923 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   356   P103 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 31 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2311 進階程式設計
Advanced Programming
Computer Programming
Semester 3 3   2234   AT531 Bluest Lan Department of Mechanical Engineering 31 0 1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2327 工程數學(二)
Engineering Mathematics (II)
Calculus(II) ect
Semester 3 3   32,512   P130 戴慶良 Department of Mechanical Engineering 60 0 0 English/EMI  
Required 2362 機械製造
Manufacturing Processes
  Semester 3 3   267,45   P108 FANN, KUANG-JAU Department of Mechanical Engineering 70 1 5 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3308 機電系統整合
Introduction to Mechatronics
  Semester 3 3   234,52   P102 Hung-Yue Chang Department of Mechanical Engineering 56 3 26 English/EMI  
Required 3383 電子學
Electrical Engineering
Semester 3 3   4234   P104 GOU-JEN WANG Department of Mechanical Engineering 55 1 5 English/EMI  
Elective 5107 動態系統
Dynamical Systems
  Semester 3 3   2234   P103 CHEN,JERRY MIN Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 27 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5110 燃燒工程
Combustion Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4234   P103 LU,JAU-HUAI Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 27 English/EMI  
Required 1317 動力學
  Semester 3 3   178,54   P108 TIAN YAU WU Department of Mechanical Engineering 68 5 11 English/EMI  
Elective 1923 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   356   P103 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 30 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2311 進階程式設計
Advanced Programming
Computer Programming
Semester 3 3   2234   AT531 Bluest Lan Department of Mechanical Engineering 31 0 14 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2328 工程數學(二)
Engineering Mathematics (II)
Calculus(II) ect
Semester 3 3   32,512   P108 WU, CHIA-CHE Department of Mechanical Engineering 67 2 0 English/EMI  
Required 2363 機械製造
Manufacturing Processes
  Semester 3 3   267,45   P203 LU, MING-CHYUAN Department of Mechanical Engineering 80 0 6 Chinese/English  
Elective 3308 機電系統整合
Introduction to Mechatronics
  Semester 3 3   234,52   P102 Hung-Yue Chang Department of Mechanical Engineering 56 3 30 English/EMI  
Required 3384 電子學
Electrical Engineering
Semester 3 3   4234   P108 Bluest Lan Department of Mechanical Engineering 55 0 5 English/EMI  
Elective 5107 動態系統
Dynamical Systems
  Semester 3 3   2234   P103 CHEN,JERRY MIN Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 24 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 5110 燃燒工程
Combustion Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4234   P103 LU,JAU-HUAI Department of Mechanical Engineering 40 0 34 English/EMI  
Required 1320 工程力學(一)
Engineering Mechanics (I)
  Semester 3 3   2678   C101 CHIANG, YU-CHOU Department of Civil Engineering 70 5 13 English/EMI  
Elective 1924 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   134   C205 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 16 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 2308 航空測量學
  Semester 2 2   434   C205 TSAI JUNG-DER VICTOR Department of Civil Engineering 90 0 56 English/EMI  
Required 2366 工程數學(二)
Engineering Mathematics (II)
  Semester 3 3   1567   C105 YANG, WEN-CHIA Department of Civil Engineering 70 2 22 English/EMI  
Required 2368 結構學(一)
Structural Theory (I)
  Semester 3 3   2234   C201 宋欣泰 Department of Civil Engineering 75 3 2 English/EMI  
Elective 3358 泥砂運行學
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport
  Semester 3 3   4234   C105 WURONG SHIH Department of Civil Engineering 70 0 62 English/EMI  
Required 1321 工程力學(一)
Engineering Mechanics (I)
  Semester 3 3   1789   C101 Chang Heui-Yung Department of Civil Engineering 75 7 10 English/EMI  
Elective 1924 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   134   C205 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 23 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2271 土壤力學(一)
Soil Mechanics (I)
Mechanics of Materials
Semester 3 3   1234   C103 TSAI CHI CHIN Department of Civil Engineering 70 0 38 English/EMI  
Elective 2308 航空測量學
  Semester 2 2   434   C205 TSAI JUNG-DER VICTOR Department of Civil Engineering 90 0 42 English/EMI  
Required 2369 結構學(一)
Structural Theory (I)
  Semester 3 3   2678   C201 Shieh-Kung Huang Department of Civil Engineering 70 0 22 English/EMI  
Elective 3358 泥砂運行學
Hydraulics of Sediment Transport
  Semester 3 3   4234   C105 WURONG SHIH Department of Civil Engineering 70 0 53 English/EMI  
Elective 3407 營建管理
Construction Management
  Semester 3 3   1678   C722 HSIE,MACHINE Department of Civil Engineering 80 0 55 English  
Elective 4174 鋼結構設計
Design of Steel Structures
  Semester 3 3   2678   C209 Chang Heui-Yung Department of Civil Engineering 40 0 33 Chinese/English  
Elective 1924 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   134   C205 張旭琪 College of Engineering 40 0 38 English/EMI ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2382 工程數學(二)
Engineering Mathematics (II)
  Semester 3 3   4234   C403 CHEN CHIA YING Department of Environmental Engineering 60 0 3 English/EMI  
Required 2384 環境化學(二)
Environmental Chemistry (II)
  Semester 2 2   334   C403 Chen min-hsuan etc Department of Environmental Engineering 56 0 0 English/EMI  
Elective 2386 環境微生物學
Environmental Microbiology
  Semester 2 2   312   C403 CHANG, SHU-CHI Department of Environmental Engineering 53   3 English/EMI  
Elective 3272 儀器分析
Instrumental Analysis
  Semester 3 3   1678   C407 Hsin-Hsiu Ho Department of Environmental Engineering 50   20 English/EMI  
Elective 3403 環境毒物學概論
Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
  Semester 2 2   256   C403 LIN,PO-HSIUNG Department of Environmental Engineering 55   2 English/EMI  
Required 3429 空氣污染控制工程
Air Pollution Control Engineering
  Semester 3 3   4567   C409 LIN KUN YI Department of Environmental Engineering 51 0 0 English/EMI 本課程不開放校外生選課
Elective 3430 循環經濟與永續發展
Circular Economy and Sustainability
  Semester 3 3   2234   C407 Remi Nicolas CHAUVY Department of Environmental Engineering 50   3 English/EMI  
Elective 1256 物件導向程式設計
Object-Oriented Programming
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE402 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Department of Electrical Engineering 30 0 24 Chinese/English  
Elective 3437 自動控制實驗
Lab in Automatic Control
  Semester 1   3   2789 EE401 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 31 0 29 English/EMI  
Elective 3439 現代控制
Modern Control
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE207 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 48 English/EMI 須先修自動控制課程,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all
Elective 3451 通信專題(一)
Special Projects on Communications(I)
  Semester 2 2   1AB   * YANG, GUU-CHANG etc Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 60 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1251 微積分(二)
  Semester 3 3   256,38   EE203 Hao-Chiang Shao Department of Applied Mathematics 55   27 Chinese/English  
Elective 1256 物件導向程式設計
Object-Oriented Programming
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE402 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Department of Electrical Engineering 30 0 23 Chinese/English  
Required 1294 普通物理學
General Physics
  Yearly 3 3   5234   EE203 PING-CHENG LI Department of Physics 59   17 English/EMI  
Required 1331 工程數學(一)
Engineering Mathematics (I)
  Semester 3 3   1789   EE108 CHEN, CHENGLUN Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 15 Chinese/English 合班(1305),使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3437 自動控制實驗
Lab in Automatic Control
  Semester 1   3   2789 EE401 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 31 0 31 English/EMI  
Elective 3439 現代控制
Modern Control
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE207 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 51 English/EMI 須先修自動控制課程,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all
Elective 3451 通信專題(一)
Special Projects on Communications(I)
  Semester 2 2   1AB   * YANG, GUU-CHANG etc Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 60 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1305 線性代數
Linear Algebra
  Semester 3 3   1789   EE108 CHEN, CHENGLUN Bachelor Program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 50 0 16 Chinese/English 合班(1331),使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 1306 物件導向程式設計
Object-Oriented Programming
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE402 OUYANG, YEN-CHIEH Bachelor Program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 30 0 1 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 3437 自動控制實驗
Lab in Automatic Control
  Semester 1   3   2789 EE401 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 31 0 19 English/EMI  
Elective 3439 現代控制
Modern Control
  Semester 3 3   1234   EE207 CHING-CHIH TSAI Department of Electrical Engineering 60 0 39 English/EMI 須先修自動控制課程,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus ,teaching materials ,teaching materials and assessment methods are all
Elective 3436 基本通訊實驗
Lab in Communication Systems
  Semester 1   3   3789 EE502 YANG, GUU-CHANG etc Department of Electrical Engineering 32 0 24 Chinese/English  
Required 1257 微積分(二)
  Semester 3 3   334,48   CE203 TZENG, SHENGLI Department of Applied Mathematics 60   13 Chinese/English  
Elective 1925 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   156   CE203 邱幸珍 College of Engineering 40 0 40 Chinese/English ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2404 輸送現象(一)
Transport Phenomenon(I)
Mechanics of Materials ect
Semester 3 3   25,312   CE204 CHANG,HOU-CHIEN Department of Chemical Engineering 77 0 13 English/EMI  
Elective 3330 奈米藥物輸送概論
Introduction of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
  Semester 3 3   1567   ATB13 Chian-Hui Lai Department of Chemical Engineering 60   3 Chinese/English  
Elective 5135 高分子合成
Polymer Synthesis
  Semester 3 3   4567   CE206 HUANG CHIH FENG Department of Chemical Engineering 40   17 Chinese/English  
Elective 1925 工程英文
English for General Engineering
  Semester 2 2   156   CE203 邱幸珍 College of Engineering 40 0 40 Chinese/English ESP課程,工學院學生優先,使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Required 2258 電工學
Electrical Engineering
  Semester 3 3   334,43   ME203 LIN MENG CHANG Department of Materials Science and Engineering 70   11 English/EMI  
Elective 4140 計算材料科學
Computational Materials Science
  Semester 3 3   3234   ME202 Chya-Yan Liaw Department of Materials Science and Engineering 70   54 English/EMI  
Elective 1334 生活中的神經醫學
Neuroscience in Everyday Life
  Semester 2 2   156   Y516 WEN-YU CHENG etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 20   0 Chinese/English 不開放校際選課,同步遠距教學課程
Elective 1351 創新醫療實作-商業、工程與外科技術 (B.E.S.T)
Innovation Healthcare Implement via Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies (B.E.S.T)
  Semester 3   9   * * HUANG SHIH-WEI etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 31 0 26 English/EMI 密集授課(系網公告),不開放校際選課
Elective 1401 生活中的神經醫學
Neuroscience in Everyday Life
  Semester 2 2   134   Y405 Kao, Ting-Hsien etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 20   1 Chinese/English 不開放校際選課
Elective 1402 生活中的神經醫學
Neuroscience in Everyday Life
  Semester 2 2   112   Y516 Yuang-Seng Tsuei etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 20   1 Chinese/English 不開放校際選課
Elective 1351 創新醫療實作-商業、工程與外科技術 (B.E.S.T)
Innovation Healthcare Implement via Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies (B.E.S.T)
  Semester 3   9   * * HUANG SHIH-WEI etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 31 0 31 English/EMI 密集授課(系網公告),不開放校際選課
Elective 1351 創新醫療實作-商業、工程與外科技術 (B.E.S.T)
Innovation Healthcare Implement via Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies (B.E.S.T)
  Semester 3   9   * * HUANG SHIH-WEI etc Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine 31 0 30 English/EMI 密集授課(系網公告),不開放校際選課
Elective 7659 智慧科技管理
Intelligent Technology Management
  Semester 3 3   5BCD   SC421 SUM, PUI-FAIJOHN Executive Master Program in Business Administration 25   11 Chinese/English 聯招核心
Elective 7936 植物生理學特論
Special Lecture on Plant Physiology
  Semester 2 2   689   Z104 HWANG, HAU-HSUAN etc Executive Master Program in Life Sciences 60   51 Chinese/English  
Elective 7777 職業安全概論
Introduction to Occupational Safety
  Semester 2 2   3AB   C407 Hsin-Hsiu Ho Executive Master Program in Environmental Engineering 60   27 Chinese/English  
Elective 7909 元件物理
Device Physics
  Semester 3 3   2ABC   EE818 LAY TSONG SHENG Executive Master Program in Electrical Engineering 21   14 Chinese/English 使用全英文課綱、教材與評量方式Syllabus, teaching materials and assessment methods are all in english
Elective 7911 高等數位控制
Advanced Digital Control
  Semester 3 3   3ABC   EE202 CHING-CHIH TSAI Executive Master Program in Electrical Engineering 35   12 English/EMI