NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 當代中國外交政策(6087)
(Eng.) Contemporary China’s Foreign Policy
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of International Politics
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher CHEN,MU-MIN
Department Graduate Institute of International Politics/Graduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description This course introduces and analyzes foreign policy of People’s Republic of China. The course covers following topics: developments of foreign policy since 1949, policy-making styles and apparatus, relations with neighbors and major countries, China’s policy behaviors in certain areas.
The course is divided into two parts: first 8 sessions will discuss major subjects in Chinese foreign policy. The second half will focus on relations with specific countries or regions. The course will also arrange a field trip to visit Mainland Affairs Council and Strait Exchange Foundation in Taipei.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Train students to comprehend the developments of Chinese foreign policy since 1949.
Cultivate students’ skills in analyzing current issues in Chinese foreign policy.
Encourage students to develop interest in further studies on subjects of Chinese foreign policy.
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Course Introduction
Week 2 The Legacy of the Past
Andrew Nathan and Robert Ross (1997), Chapter 2
Michael Swaine and Ashley Tellis (2000), Chapter 2
Week 3 TBA
Week 4 China-Russia-US relations
Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell (2012), Chapters 3-4
Week 5 TBA
Week 6 The policy of opening up
Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell (2012), Chapter 10
Thomas Moore and Dixia Yang, in David Lampton ed. (2001), Chapter 7
Week 7 Spring break
Week 8 Decision-making in Chinese Foreign Policy
Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell (2012), Chapter 2
Mumin Chen (2005)
Week 9 China’s relations with the Third World
Samuel Kim, in Samuel Kim ed., (1994), Chapter 7
Week 10 China in international organizations
William Feeney, in Samuel Kim ed., (1994), Chapter 11
Elizabeth Economy, in David Lampton ed. (2001), Chapter 8
Week 11 Soft Power and Human Rights
Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell (2012), Chapter 12
Week 12 Visit to Mainland Affairs Council, Taipei
Week 13 Current China-US Relations
Week 14 Japan
Week 15 Two Koreas
Week 16 ASEAN
Week 17 India and Pakistan
Week 18 Submission of final report
Attendance 20%
In class presentation and discussion 40%
Final report 40%
Textbook & other References
Nathan, Andrew J. and Andrew Scobell, China’s search for security, Columbia University Press, 2012 (available online through NCHU library)
Andrew Nathan and Robert Ross, The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress (1997)
Michael D. Swaine and Ashley J. Tellis, Interpreting China’s Grand Strategy (2000)
David Lampton ed. The Making of Chinese Foreign Policy (2001)
Samuel S. Kim ed., China and the World (1994)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website

Office Hours
By appointment
TA: Nishant David (
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/02/07 09:35:08 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 10
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