NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 植物生物技術與合成生物學(9085)
(Eng.) Plant Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Offering Dept International Doctoral Program in Agriculture
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher Shuen-Fang Lo ect.
Department International Doctoral Program in AgriculturePh.D Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 本課程將介紹傳統及先進之植物基因體基因工程的方法、演進與農作物改良之應用。課程亦討論應用新穎之合成生物學的策略以調控植物之調控與代謝途徑。並將選取數篇近期發表之尖端文獻,訓練學生研讀、蒐集及整理資料及報告的能力。本課程由本校玉山學者Dr. Gruissem 引導學生從傳統生物技術至最新穎的基因體編輯及合成生物學等,兼具實用與知識充實之價值,歡迎同學選修。
The course will introduce students to conventional and advanced methods of plant genome engineering applied to crop plants. Novel synthetic biology approaches for the regulation of plant regulatory and metabolic processes will be discussed. Students will be introduced to the relevant literature and trained in the presentation and discussion of research results.。
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Stimulate students to think about all aspects of agricultural production sustainability and how to improve it to meet the needs of a growing population.
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Crop and animal domestication and breeding are the origins of plant biotechnology and synthetic biology
Week 2 Principles of plant genetic engineering
Week 3 Conventional mutagenesis and CRISPR-Cas genome editing
Week 4 Genome editing and fast breeding for new traits
Week 5 Early transgenic plant traits (insect and herbicide resistance)
Week 6 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Micronutrient
Week 7 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Pathogen resistance
Week 8 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Abiotic stress tolerance
Week 9 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Nutrient-use efficiency and yield increase
Week 10 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Photosynthetic factories
Week 11 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Changing crop source-sink relations
Week 12 Advances in crop genome engineering and new traits: Novel bioproducts (plant-produced vaccines, renewable chemicals)
Week 13 Synthetic biology toolbox and technologies
Week 14 Direct and indirect biosensors for plant hormones, synthetic plant hormone regulatory circuits
Week 15 Ethical and societal aspects of genome editing and genetically modified crops
Week 16 Study week
Week 17 Study week
Week 18 Written exam
1. One short question related to each lecture topic (16 questions total, 20%)
2. The final course grade will be based on the written exam (50%)
3. Participation the course discussions (30%).
Textbook & other References
1.Lawrence Davenport (2019) Genetic Engineering for Crop Improvement, Callisto Reference 2019, ISBN-13: 978-1641161961
2.Daniel G. Gibson, Clyde A. Hutchinson III, Hamilton O. Smith, J. Craig Venter (2017) Synthetic Biology: Tools for Engineering Biological Systems, ISBN 978-1-621821-18-2
3.Relevant literature publications.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Lecture media, papers
Office Hours
Tuesday 16:00~17:00
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   05.Gender Equality   06.Clean Water and Sanitation   07.Affordable and Clean Energy   08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   12.Responsible Consumption   13.Climate Action   14.Life Below Water   15.Life On Landinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/02/09 23:53:45 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 11
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