NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 地緣政治與歐亞研究專題(6086)
(Eng.) Special Topic on Geopolitics and Eurasia Studies
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of International Politics
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher LIU TAI-TING
Department Graduate Institute of International Politics/Graduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 帶路倡議的推出和實踐重新吸引了國際社會對歐亞大陸的目光。相較傳統西方國際關係和地緣政治觀點,本課程從東方的角度出發,從歐亞大陸的角度看世界。課程內容包括陸權論、文明衝突論、中國和帶路倡議、上海合作組織、俄羅斯的重新崛起,以及中亞和南半球地區的發展。課程目的在於提供學生一個從歐亞地區出發的不同視角。學生將開拓視野,並在修習課程後提升對於地緣政治和國際現勢的理解。課程希望能幫學生建立基礎,在未來修習其他歐亞相關課程。

The establishment and realization of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by China has renewed global attention on the Europe-Asia continent, or Eurasia. Turning away from the traditional Western conception of international relations and geopolitics, this course adopts an Eastern lens and examines the world from Eurasia. This course will address topics including but not limited to the Heartland Theory, the Clash of Civilizations, China and the BRI, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Russia’s resurgence as a major power, and developments in Central Asia and the Global South. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an alternative image of the world as viewed from Eurasia. Students will expand their worldview and improve their understanding of geopolitics and current affairs after completing the course. This course seeks to establish the foundation for students to pursue further studies on topics related to Eurasia.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
- 理解歐亞大陸發展
- 提升國際視野
- 洞見未來趨勢
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 導論: 歐亞大陸簡介
Introduction: the Eurasia Continent
Week 2 地緣政治
Week 3 地緣經濟
Week 4 文明衝突和地緣政治
Clash of Civilizations and Geopolitics
Week 5 歐亞大陸發展: 帝國
Topic on Eurasia: Empire
Week 6 歐亞大陸發展: 貿易
Topic on Eurasia: Trade
Week 7 歐亞大陸發展: 治理
Topic on Eurasia: Governance
Week 8 中國崛起和地緣政治變遷
China Rising and Geopolitical Transformations
Week 9 獨立紀錄片賞析: The Silk Road 第1-3集
Independent Documentary Viewing: The Silk Road episodes 1-3
Week 10 帶路倡議: 絲路和新絲路
Belt and Road Initiative: Silk Road and New Silk Roads
Week 11 中亞政治經濟發展: 哈薩克和烏茲別克
Political and Economic Development in Central Asia: Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan
Week 12 高加索政經發展: 亞美尼亞和亞塞拜然
Political and Economic Development in the Caucasus: Armenia and Azerbaijan
Week 13 獨立紀錄片賞析: The Silk Road 第4-6集
Independent Documentary Viewing: The Silk Road episodes 4-6
Week 14 蒙古政治經濟發展
The Political and Economic Development of Mongolia
Week 15 俄羅斯政治經濟發展(一)
The Political and Economic Development of Russia
Week 16 俄羅斯政治經濟發展(二)
The Political and Economic Development of Russia
Week 17 新大賽局
The New Great Game
Week 18 結論: 反思二十一世紀的全球秩序發展
Conclusion: Reconsidering Global Order in the Twenty-first Century
出席: 10%
作業: 25%
課堂報告: 15%
期末報告: 50%
Textbook & other References
1. Robert D. Kaplan. 2012. The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle against Fate. New York: Random House.
2. Zbigniew Brzezinski. 2016. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. New York: Basic Books.
3. Peter Hopkirk. 2016. The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia. London: John Murray.
4. Peter Frankopan. 2017. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. New York: Vintage Books.
5. Kent Calder. 2019. Super Continent: The Logic of Eurasian Integration. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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