NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 英文作文(一)(1100)
(Eng.) English Composition (I)
Offering Dept Language Center
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher CHEN JHAO LIANG
Department International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description In this course, IBPA freshmen will learn about the proper style and structure of English essays in academic settings. They will read extensively (the assigned novel and other articles chosen by students for their oral presentations), participate in in-class writing tasks as well as classroom discussions, and give oral presentations. Students' writing mistakes will also be discussed and explained.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Upon finishing this course, students should be able to compose well-organized and well-developed essays in academic style. They will know how to write effective topic sentences in each paragraph followed by supporting sentences and solid examples. They will also acquire a wider range of vocabulary in various fields. Reading and analyzing materials beyond text books will be encouraged as well.
4.Using English as the means for communication
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Week 1 Orientation (how we are going to read the novel and prepare for classes; also what is expected in oral presentations and mid-term/final exams)
Week 2 Week 2 Unit 5; novel discussion
Week 3 Week 3 Unit 5
Week 4 Week 4 Unit 5; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 5 Week 5 Unit 5; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 6 Week 6 Unit 6; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 7 Week 7 Unit 6; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 8 Week 8 Unit 6; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 9 Week 9 mid-term exam
Week 10 Week 10 Unit 6; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 11 Week 11 Unit 6; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 12 Week 12 Unit 7; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 13 Week 13 Unit 7; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 14 Week 14 Unit 7; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 15 Week 15 Unit 8; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 16 Week 16 Unit 8; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 17 Week 17 Unit 8; novel discussion; student presentation
Week 18 Week 18 final exam
essay homework
novel reading: Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret. by Judy Blume (each week assigned pages should be finished before class meetings)
assigned presentation (12-15 minutes long. Every one in class will give one presentation this semester)
in-class writing assignment

class participation: 15%
presentation: 5%
essay homework and in-class writing tasks: 40%
mid-term exam: 15%
final exam: 15%

Class Policies
1. Please come to class on time. You should arrive before 1:15 P.M. Being late once is equivalent to one absence. Three absences will seriously hurt your participation score. If you have valid excuse for being late or absent, please kindly inform me and you may be excused. Asking for a leave via Facebook or email is not acceptable. Please ask for a leave using the school online leave application system.
2. Finish reading the pages assigned in the text book/novel before you come to class. We use the system of flipping the classroom. Pre-class reading and in-class participation are of utmost importance.
3. We’ll do a great deal of timed in-class writing and less essay assignments for you to do outside the classroom.
4. Hand in your essays on time and do not plagiarize (if you cite any material please list its source at the end of your essay).
5. Mind your register in your essays and use formal English only.
Textbook & other References
North Star 5 Reading and Writing by Robert F. Cohen and Judy L. Miller. 4th Edition. Pearson Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-13-338224-2
Novel: to be announced
Other Texts chosen for your presentation
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
N/A. You can reach me by writing to
Office Hours
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