NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 實驗動物學(2127)
(Eng.) Lab Animals
Offering Dept Department of Veterinary Medicine
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher SHIN, DAI-LUN
Department Department of Veterinary Medicine/Undergraduate Language 中/英文 Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 據統計,全世界每年約有1億1千4百萬隻實驗動物為了科學目的而犧牲。根據3R原則,所有科學家都有義務透過優化實驗條件來減少動物的疼痛和傷害(精緻化Refine),使用最低限度數量之動物進行實驗(減量Reduce),且儘量透過替代方案以減少動物實驗的進行(替代Replace)。本課程中將分項次重點介紹符合國際趨勢之動物實驗替代方案的發展。常見的替代方法包含細胞培養、組織培養(in vitro)以及離體器官(ex vivo)研究等。近年來,基於 IT 技術的模型(電腦模擬in silico),生物晶片、3D細胞培養、類器官等新穎實驗動物替代方案亦日漸增加。本課程中將會安排臺灣及國際上長期發展動物實驗替代方案之專家學者經驗分享,讓學員充分了解替代方案發展現況與未來的趨勢,並從中建立寬廣且深入的實驗動物發展視野,培育臺灣下一代之專業獸醫及實驗動物發展人才。

self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 實驗動物替代方案簡介
Introduction to 3R alternatives
Week 2 3R模式在動物用藥品檢驗與法規修正中的應用評估
Application of 3R models in the regulation of animal drug
Week 3 腸道類器官替代系統用於抗病毒藥物篩選平台的建立
Establishment of intestinal organoid system for antiviral methods evaluation
Week 4 替代方案新科技–器官晶片之開發與解密
Week 5 替代性試驗模式在化妝品開發中的應用與現況
Alternatives in cosmetics industries
Week 6 臺灣生技產業中的毒性試驗替代方案總覽
Overview of toxicity trials with alternative systems in Taiwan
Week 7 以呼吸道3D組織培養系統替代傳統動物試驗的歐洲案例分享
European experience on using airway 3D cultures to replace animal experiments.
Week 8 法規內急毒性(6-pack)替代試驗及策略(OECD TG、IATA、DA)的應用
Application of acute toxicity (6-pack) alternatives and strategies (OECD TG, IATA, DA)
Week 9 Midterm Examination
Week 10 初代細胞培養技術在替代動物實驗中的應用與誤區
Pros and cons of using primary animal culture systems for replacing animal models
Week 11 人類和動物疾病體外 (in vitro) 模式與動物試驗之可擬性評估
Comparison between in vitro models and in vivo animal trials
Week 12 讓愛延續–利用已亡故動物之生物樣材發展實驗動物替代試驗模型
Using specimen from animal corpse for developing 3R alternative systems
Week 13 實驗動物零使用–新式動物疫苗生產與評估
No more lab animals – Evaluation of cell-based vaccines and their usage
Week 14 電腦模擬分析與毒性預測評估人工智慧演算平台
In silico platform development: Toxicity prediction based on artificial intelligence
Week 15 實驗動物減量方程式:離體系統和活體器官切片的應用
One is more – ex vivo models and precision-cut tissue slices
Week 16 動物用一般藥品生體可用率及生體相等性試驗基準及溶離試驗替代方案
Bioequivalence alternative standards for animal pharmaceutical products
Week 17 疫苗開發動物試驗減量及替代方案應用之產業實例
Industrial examples of animal testing reduction and alternative solutions in vaccine development
Week 18 Examination
Textbook & other References
1. 實驗動物科學(技術篇),行政院農業委員會編,2020年版。
2. 實驗動物科學(基礎篇),行政院農業委員會編,2020年版。
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
自編講義,詳見 iLearn 3.0 課程網站。
Office Hours
每週二上午11:00 - 12:00
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 12
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