NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 多體學於生技研發之應用(6381)
(Eng.) Application of Multi-omics in Biotechnology Research and Development
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Biotechnology
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher Tung Yu Tang
Department Graduate Institute of Biotechnology/Graduate Language Chinese Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 本課程目標為讓同學瞭解「後基因體時代」中多體學的內涵與應用,利用多體學研究如何廣泛應用生物技術與大數據分析於農業及生物醫藥相關研究,以深入淺出的方式引導學生修習課程,培養同學跨領域優勢與多元核心職能,能掌握時代的脈動,提升學生競爭力。由於多體學的發展,微生物體(Microbiome)是以「基因體」為角度論述微生物相即可稱為微生物體,隨著高通量定序的效率和成本的大幅下降,微生物體亦成為目前相當熱門的研究。因此,本課程首先將介紹各種能夠快速分析及鑑定所有蛋白質、代謝物及腸道菌的方法,接著介紹如何由蛋白質及代謝物分析的結果,利用生物資訊學的方法,進一步推演出整個生物體路徑靜態及動態的變化及腸道菌與代謝物之關聯性。本課程之目的在於使生物科技學生,能夠同時且深入地認識目前多體學的研究現況。期許學生能將本學門的理念套用在其各自的生物科技研究範疇中。
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the concept and applications of multi-omics in the "post-genomics era", utilizing multi-omics research to broadly apply biotechnology and big data analysis in agriculture and biomedicine-related research. Through an approachable teaching method, the course aims to guide students in their studies, fostering interdisciplinary advantages and diverse core competencies, enabling them to grasp the pulse of the era and enhance their competitiveness. With the development of multi-omics, the microbiome, discussed from a genomic perspective, has become a hot research topic, especially with the significant decrease in the cost and increase in the efficiency of high-throughput sequencing. Therefore, the course will initially introduce various methods for rapid analysis and identification of all proteins, metabolites, and gut microbiota, followed by an introduction on how to further deduce the static and dynamic changes of the entire organism's pathways and the relationship between gut microbiota and metabolites based on the analysis of proteins and metabolites, using bioinformatics. The purpose of this course is to enable biotechnology students to deeply and concurrently understand the current state of multi-omics research, hoping that students can apply the philosophy of this discipline in their respective biotechnological research areas.
self-directed learning in the course
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
To enable students to understand genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and the gut microbiome, so they can better grasp the applications of multi-omics analysis methods in agriculture and biopharmaceuticals.
topic Discussion/Production
Networking/Distance Education
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Pre-processing of proteins
Week 3 Data analysis in proteomics
Week 4 The application of proteomics in biomedicine
Week 5 The application of proteomics in agriculture
Week 6 Pre-processing of metabolites
Week 7 Identification and quantitative analysis of metabolites
Week 8 Data analysis in metabolomics
Week 9 The application of metabolomics in biomedicine
Week 10 The application of metabolomics in agriculture
Week 11 Midterm report
Week 12 Gut microbiota analysis
Week 13 Gut microbial metabolites: short-chain fatty acids and bile acids
Week 14 Gut microbial metabolites: short-chain fatty acids and bile acids
Week 15 Applications of multi-omics in translational medicine
Week 16 Applications of multi-omics in translational medicine
Week 17 Final exam
Week 18 Final report
The course grading method includes attendance (40%), final exam (40%), and individual report (30%).
Textbook & other References
1. Tomita M. and Nishioka T. (Eds) (2005) Metabolomics – The Frontier of Systems Biology. Springer, NY, USA.
2. Lindon J. C., Nicholson J. K. and Holmes E. (Eds) (2006) The Handbook of Metabonomics and Metabolomics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3. Westermeier R. and Naven T. (2001) Proteomic in Practice. Winhein: Wiley-VCH verlan GmbH.
4. Lievler D. C. (2002) Introduction to Proteomics. Humana press Totowa, NJ.
5. The latest academic journal publication data.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website

Office Hours
星期一至五 9:00-17:00
Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Educationinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/02/05 16:19:34 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 16
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