NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 臨床案例整合分析(6209)
(Eng.) Clinical Case Integrated Analysis
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Clinical Nursing
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher Wei, ching wen ect.
Department Graduate Institute of Clinical Nursing/Graduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 本課程學習目標是讓學生以臨床護理照顧的案例,透過基礎醫學評估、個案之病理、生理、臨床數據與各檢查之結果、病情及治療方式的脈絡,以整體性系統評估呈現病人健康資料、作為探討分析的依據。進一步運用批判性思考、問題解決、與其他醫療團隊合作連結,輔以流行病資料、系統性文獻搜尋、及結果判讀,使學生於書寫過程中發現臨床照護易忽略、需強化、可發展、及重要的臨床照護焦點,以提昇學生臨床照護思維與邏輯性與批判性思考等統整能力,並完成一份完整系統性的案例分析。
The learning objectives of this course are to enable students to utilize clinical nursing care cases and, through foundational medical assessments, analyze patients' pathological, physiological, and clinical data. By examining test results, disease progression, and treatment methods in context, students will conduct holistic and systematic evaluations to present patient health data as a basis for discussion and analysis. Furthermore, students will apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and collaboration with other healthcare team members. Epidemiological data, systematic literature searches, and interpretation of findings support this process. Through writing, students will identify often-overlooked clinical care aspects, areas for enhancement, potential developments, and key nursing care focuses. The course aims to enhance students' clinical reasoning, logical thinking, and critical thinking skills. It culminates in the completion of a comprehensive and systematic case analysis.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods

1. Students will integrate foundational medical knowledge, physical assessment findings, and the application of clinical data with diagnostic results.
2. Students will infer potential factors contributing to the disease based on the patient’s disease progression and hospitalization experience and apply advanced nursing practice to problem-solving.
3. Students will synthesize basic medical knowledge and clinical specialty expertise to develop an integrated care model for clinical cases.
4. Students will collect information through various channels, assess its validity, and apply it appropriately.
5. Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal skills, including attentive listening and proactive questioning.
6. Students will collaborate effectively with team members to resolve health problems in clinical cases.
topic Discussion/Production
Networking/Distance Education
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 課程介紹、學習評量說明、案例分析寫作格式及重點
Course Introduction
Case study writing format
Week 2 228 public holiday
Week 3 選擇適當的臨床案例
How do you choose a clinical case that is fit to present?
Week 4 時間軸、資料收集及推理脈絡
Time line, data collect, and reasoning
Week 5 文章評讀
critical appraisal
Week 6 案例分析及與討論(I)
Case analysis and discussion (I)
Week 7 public holiday
Week 8 健康問題及個別性照護
Health problems and individual healthcare plans
Week 9 案例分析及與討論(II)
Case analysis and discussion (II)
Week 10 期中報告
Mid-term presentation
Week 11 案例分析及與討論(III)
Case analysis and discussion (III)
Week 12 跨團隊照護計畫與模式
Interdisciplinary team care plans and models
Week 13 文獻蒐尋及臨床整合
Literature search and clinical integration
Week 14 案例分析及與討論(IV)
Case analysis and discussion (IV)
Week 15 案例分析及與討論(V)
Case analysis and discussion (V)
Week 16 期末報告與課程評值
Final oral presentation and course evaluation
Week 17 自主學習 (參與臨床個案病情討論相關團隊會議,並完成一份會議記錄及反思)
Self-directed Learning (Participate in team meetings related to clinical case discussions and complete a meeting record and reflection)
Week 18 自主學習 (選擇一個個案,觀察醫師於鑑別診斷及照護計劃之邏輯思考脈絡)
Self-directed Learning (Select a case and observe the physician’s logical thinking in differential diagnosis and care plan)
一、報告 (50%)
二、課程參與及互動 (30%):主動發問,回應他人提問,參與討論及經驗分享。
三、文章評讀 (20%)

1. Reports (50%):
1.1 Midterm Report (25%): Completion is required until the patient's introduction and the disease course's end.
1.2 Final Report (25%): Submission of a complete NP3 case report (format must adhere to the guidelines set by the Taiwan Association of Nurse Practitioners).
2. Class Participation and Interaction (30%): Active participation through asking questions, responding to others, engaging in discussions, and sharing experiences.
3. Article Appraisal (20%): Critical reading and evaluation of assigned articles.
Textbook & other References
1.Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. (2015) Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.
2.Sharon E. Straus, Paul Glasziou, W. Scott Richardson, and R. Brian Haynes. (2019). Evidence-Based Medicine - How to practice and teach it, 5th ed., London: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Health Science.
3.穆佩芬、蔡淑鳳、石耀堂(審閱) (2012).護理與健康照護之實證基礎的臨床應用:洞悉研究、經驗與專家意見。臺北市:台灣艾思唯爾有限公司。
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
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Office Hours
每週星期四 14:00~15:00
Every Thursday 14:00~15:00
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/13 09:55:45 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 11
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