NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 奈米科技與藥物釋放(6851)
(Eng.) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher Chian-Hui Lai
Department Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering/Graduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description (中)本課程目標將由科學和技術上討論奈米科技及其在生醫上的應用,使奈米生醫科技不甚熟悉的學生能深入了解奈米生醫科技。課程會介紹四主題包含:
(1) 奈米科技於藥物輸送基礎的概念。
(2) 藥理上製藥、生物和臨床在奈米藥物輸送技術的注意事項。
(3) 奈米科技應用於藥物輸送,包含小分子、短鏈胜肽、蛋白質與核酸。
(4) 介紹目前最新奈米藥物發展現狀與未來展望。

(Eng.) This course aim to provide students with a basic understanding of the nanoparticle or nano-scale carrier as a drug delivery system. As part of this course, students will be introduced to four parts:
(1) Fundamentals of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
(2) Biopharmaceutical, Physiological and Clinical Considerations for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
(3) Nanotechnology for the Delivery of Small Molecules, Peptide, Protein and Nucleic Acids.
(4) A Look to the Future of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
(中) 介紹奈米粒子當作藥物載體的優勢與其製備方式與應用。

(Eng.) Introduction the advantage of nanoparticles as drug delivery system and their preparations and applications.
1.Possess professional knowledge in biomedical engineering
2.Plan and implement research projects, and have the ability to solve problems independently.
3.Ability to write scientific papers and communicate research results effectively.
4.Integration in interdisciplinary research and innovative research skills.
5.Possess insightful perspective on industry and globalization.
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Wk 1 Unique Physicochemical Properties of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
Week 2 Wk 2 Unique Physicochemical Properties of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
Week 3 Wk 3 PEG Syntheses for Nanotechnology in Drug and Gene Delivery.
Week 4 Wk 4 Nanotubes, Nanorods, Nanofibers, and Fullerenes for Nanoscale Drug Delivery.
Week 5 Wk 5 Drug Loading and In Vitro Release Properties of Nanotechnology.
Week 6 Wk 6 Nanotechnology Based Biosensors in Drug Delivery.
Week 7 Wk 7 Nanomaterials and Biocompatibility.
Week 8 Wk 8 Nanomaterials and Biocompatibility.
Week 9 Wk 9 Middle exam
Week 10 Wk 10 Controlled Release of Nanotechnology.
Week 11 Wk 11 Nanotechnology for Intracellular Delivery and Targeting.
Week 12 Wk 12 Amphiphilic Block Copolymers for Nanoscale Drug Delivery.
Week 13 Wk 13 PAMAM Dendrimers as Nanoscale Oral Drug Delivery Systems.
Week 14 Wk 14 Nanoemulsions for Intravenous Drug Delivery.
Week 15 Wk 15 Look to the Future of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery.
Week 16 Wk 16 Final exam
Week 17 Wk 17 Student Presentation
Week 18 Wk 18 Student Presentation
Lab. Report
Mid-term Exam.
Student Presentation
Class Participation
Textbook & other References
1. 書名Nanotechnology in drug delivery 作者 Villiers, Melgardt M.; Aramwit, Pornanong; Kwon, Glen S. (Eds.) 書局 New York, NY : Springer New York 出版年:2009
1. 書名Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery: Fundamentals, Design, and Applications 作者Saurabh
Bhatia書局Apple Academic Press出版年:2016
2. 書名Handbook of non-invasive drug delivery systems 作者Kulkarni, Vitthal S.書局Norwich, N.Y. : William Andrew ; Oxford : Elsevier Science distributor 出版年:2009
3. 書名Controlled drug delivery systems : towards new frontiers in patient care 作者 Rossi, Filippo Perale, Giuseppe; Masi, Maurizio 書局 SpringerLink 出版年: 2016
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
星期二: 1600~1700
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   05.Gender Equality   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   15.Life On Land   17.Partnerships for the Goalsinclude experience courses:Y
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