NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 農業英文(1910)
(Eng.) English for Agriculture
Offering Dept College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Course Type Elective Credits 1 Teacher Liu Fang-Jeng
Department College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description This interdisciplinary course across sciences, humanities, and language learning is designed for students who plan to take agriculture and/or relevant course entirely in English. Major topics includes agri-food education, biological diversity, and sustainable agriculture. Vocabulary, terms, key facts and concepts from the discipline would be introduced in order to prepare students for their academic learning. In addition, the course encourages a humanistic approach to culinary cultures, food consumerism, and the environment. Students would not only enhance their skills in reading, listening, speaking but develop their critical thinking through class activities and assignments.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
The course is more focused, more oriented towards profession. The main objective of this course is:
1. To better prepare students for future professional activities in the field of agriculture.
2. To introduce how English language is presented in a true context of agriculture.
3. To help students understand how the language they will need to use in the field functions of agriculture.
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 1. Course Orientation
2. Farming & Apocalypse: Video Watching & Discussion[w/online essay questions]
Week 2 Topic 1: What is Agriculture & Why Farming can Feed the World during an Apocalypse
T1_Part 1:“How to Farm During a Zombie Apocalypse”: Video watching & Discussion(1)
Week 3 T1_Part 1:“How to Farm During a Zombie Apocalypse”: Animation Watching & Discussion(2)
Week 4 T1_Part 2: “The Art and Science of Agriculture”: Article reading & Discussion
Week 5 T1_Part 3: Conclusion
Week 6 Topic 2: What is Urban Farming
T2_Part 1: On Urban Farming: Video Watching & Discussion_Can we create the ”perfect” farm?(TED-Ed)
Week 7 No class: Spring break
Week 8 T2_Part2: Successful Cases: Cases from Singapore and Thailand.
- How to make a summary
Week 9 Presentation(session 1): 2-minute Oral PPT Presentation
Week 10 Presentation(session 2): 2-minute Oral PPT Presentation
Week 11 Topic 3: Biodiversity
T3_Part 1: What is Biodiversity
Week 12 T3_Part 2: Invasive Species
Week 13 Topic 4_part 1: What is “Sustainable Agriculture”?: From Food Security to Sustainability
-Video watching & discussion
Week 14 Topic 4_part 2: What is “Sustainable Agriculture”?: On Eating Bugs
- How to make an argument
-Final Oral PPT Presentation(1)
Week 15 Final Oral PPT Presentation(2)
Week 16 Final Oral PPT Presentation(3)
Week 17 Online self-learning
Week 18 Online self-learning
1.In-class Performance: Discussion, Homework, Quiz 40%
2.Review Presentation: 2-minute Oral PPT Presentation 25%
3.Final PPT Presentation 35%
Textbook & other References
-Listening & reading practices from English for Agribusiness and Agriculture in Higher Education Studies
-Selected readings:
1. transcripts of the selected visual texts(such as News report, videos from National Geographic Channel, animation shorts: Love, Death and Robots[S03E01]..., TED Talks on related issue...)
2. short stories from Lafcadio Hearn’s Kwaidan
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Supplementary materials and handouts will be distributed in class./ See ilearning 3.0 for online course schedule & content
Office Hours
Monday 12:00~16:00 (by appointment)
Wednesday 9:10~11:00 (by appointment)
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
02.Zero Hunger   06.Clean Water and Sanitation   11.Sustainable Cities and Communities   12.Responsible Consumption   13.Climate Action   14.Life Below Water   15.Life On Landinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/23 10:50:27 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 16
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