NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 老化及老化相關疾病特論(5139)
(Eng.) Ageing and Ageing-Associated Diseases
Offering Dept Department of Life Sciences
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher Chih-Yi Gabriela Lin
Department Department of Life Sciences/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description The course aims to equip students with a thorough comprehension of ageing, specifically the molecular-level changes that underlie age-related diseases. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of ageing biology, the hallmarks of ageing, and the molecular changes that drive age-related diseases. They will also be familiar with current research progress in the field and the potential interventions and treatments available.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Provide students with an understanding of ageing biology and the dynamic changes that contribute to age-related diseases at the molecular level.
Oral Presentation
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 What is ageing?
Week 2 Evolution theories of ageing
Week 3 Genomic instability in ageing
Week 4 The role of telomere in ageing
Week 5 Epigenetics of longevity and ageing
Week 6 Mitochondrial dysfunction and dysregulated proteostasis
Week 7 4/4 Tomb Sweeping Festival
Week 8 Cellular ageing
Week 9 Immunosenescence
Week 10 Senotherapeutics
Week 11 Neurodegenerative diseases
Week 12 Cardiovascular diseases
Week 13 Hematopoietic stem cells and cancer
Week 14 Ageing and respiratory diseases and human premature ageing
Week 15 5/30 Adjusted holiday for Dragon Boat Festival holiday
Week 16 Endocrine diseases
Week 17 Self-directed learning
Week 18 Self-directed learning
Oral presentation: 60%; Writing presentation: 20%; Class engagement: 20%
Textbook & other References
Fang, E. F.; Bergersen, L. H.; Gilmour, B. C. Molecular, Cellular, and Metabolic Fundaments of Human Aging; Academic Press: London, UK.

Selected papers from high-profile journals.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website

Office Hours

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
03.Good Health and Well-Beinginclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/19 15:17:43 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 10
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