NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 尖端農學與應用(8290)
(Eng.) Advanced Agriculture and Applications
Offering Dept International Doctoral Program in Agriculture
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher Shuen-Fang Lo
Department International Doctoral Program in AgriculturePh.D Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description This course introduces what “Advanced Agriculture” is, and how to integrate and balance environment, society, and economy to ensure “Sustainable Agriculture”. Further apply “Smart and Precising farming” and “Innovation agriculture” into modern farming to create the safe and low-cost “Modern Agriculture”.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Stimulate students to think about all aspects of agricultural production sustainability and how to improve it to meet the needs of a growing population.
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Introduction- of advanced agriculture.
Week 2 Social and political context and management.
Climate change and potential effects on food production.
Week 3 Technological innovation in Agriculture.
Week 4 Plant breeding.
Week 5 Molecular biology in sustainable agriculture.
Week 6 Farming and nature sources.
Week 7 Soil nutrient management and recarbonizing global soils.
Week 8 Cover crops.
Week 9 Discussion and presentation by students.
Week 10 Discussion and presentation by students.
Week 11 Animal production.
Week 12 Biological integrated farming and organic farming.
Week 13 Biofuel and food waste management.
Week 14 Smart and precising farming.
Week 15 Food security and “values-based” foods.
Week 16 Study week
Week 17 Study week
Week 18 Final Exam.
Written examination (middle and final), Group discussion
Textbook & other References
1. M. Naushad, E. Lichtfouse. (2019) Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 34. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
2. New publications.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Lecture media
Office Hours
Tuesday 16:00~17:00
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   05.Gender Equality   06.Clean Water and Sanitation   07.Affordable and Clean Energy   08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   13.Climate Action   14.Life Below Water   15.Life On Landinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/02/10 00:00:48 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 10
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