Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) |
Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives |
Course Objectives |
Competency Indicators |
Ratio(%) |
Teaching Methods |
Assessment Methods |
學習Nyquist 頻率響應穩定度定理與應用,古典控制控制器設計方法,狀態空間系統分析(可控制性,可觀察性,Lyapunov 穩定度定理),狀態空間系統廻授與追蹤控制器設計,狀態空間控制系統設計案例分析,強健控制系統分析與設計。Learn Nyquist frequency response stability theorem and its applications, classical control controller design methods, state-space system analysis (controllability, observability, Lyapunov stability theorem), state-space system controllers and observers design, nonlinear systems: Lyapunov stability and controller designs, robust control systems, design examples and cases study. |
Lecturing |
Other |
Discussion |
Exercises |
Other |
Quiz |
Assignment |
Attendance |
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule |
Week |
Course Content |
Week 1 |
(1)Nyquist stability theorem and its applications (Mathematical Background, Nyquist stability theorem) |
Week 2 |
(2)Nyquist stability theorem and its applications (application examples) |
Week 3 |
(3)Stability in Frequency domain (Relative Stability Using PM and GM, Nichols Chart) |
Week 4 |
(4) Stability in Frequency domain (System Bandwidth, Systems with Time Delay, Design examples) |
Week 5 |
(5)Design of Classic Control systems (Approaches to System Design, Cascade Compensation Networks, Design Using the Root Locus method) |
Week 6 |
(6)Design of Classic Control systems ( Design Using the Bode Diagram) Design for Deadbeat Response, Design Examples) |
Week 7 |
(7)Design of Classic Control systems ( Design for Deadbeat Response, Design Examples) |
Week 8 |
(8) Control System Analysis Using State Space Method (review of state variables, state-space model, analytical solutions of state equations) |
Week 9 |
(9)期中考試 (Midterm Exam) |
Week 10 |
(10)Control System Analysis Using State Space Method(State Space Models in Canonical Forms, Asymptotic Stability) |
Week 11 |
(11)Control System Analysis Using State Space Method(Controllability, Observability, Principle of Duality))(II) |
Week 12 |
(12) Control System Design Using State Space Method(Full-state Feedback Control Design, Full-state Observer Design, Reduced-order observer design) |
Week 13 |
(13)Control System Design Using State Space Method (Integrated Full-state Feedback and Observer, Reference Inputs, Integral control) |
Week 14 |
(14)Control System Design Using State Space Method( Optimal Control, Internal Model Design) |
Week 15 |
(15)Nonlinear State-Space Systems: Lyapunov stability and Controller Design |
Week 16 |
(16)Robust Control Systems: Analysis |
Week 17 |
(17)Robust Control Systems: Design and Design Examples |
Week 18 |
(18) 期末考試 (Final Exam) |
Evaluation |
(1) 課堂出席率 外加5%
(2)平時成績(作業,課堂表現) 20%
(3) 期中考試 40%
(4) 期末考試 40﹪
Textbook & other References |
R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 12th Ed., 2011.
B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 9th Ed.,2009.
K. Ogata, Modern Control Systems, 5th Ed., 2010.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website | |
Office Hours |
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs |
03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   12.Responsible Consumption | include experience courses:N |