NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 管理經濟學(3141)
(Eng.) Managerial Economics
Offering Dept Department of Applied Economics
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher KUO-I CHANG
Department Department of Applied Economics/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description STATA and managerial economics related data are exployed in this courese to learn how to use coding to manupulate data and regression analysis. In addition, several advanced case studies related to managerial economics issus will be discussed to enhance analysis and application capacities.[本課程將利用STATA軟體以管理經濟數據學習由程式撰寫來進行從資料處理至回歸分析應用。另外,針對特定管理經濟相關議題做個案研究,增強同學分析應用能力]
Prerequisites 個體經濟學 self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
To learn how to apply and anlyze the menagerial economics issues by STATA and data [透過電腦軟體及數據幫助同學瞭解管理經濟之應用及分析]
1.Economics expertise capabilities
2.Economics knowledge application ability
3.Understanding and analyzing cross-cutting issues of economic integration
4.Communication, coordination and team cooperation
5.Independent learning and creativity
topic Discussion/Production
Networking/Distance Education
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Study Outcome
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 2025.02.19 上課規定(Orientation of the course), 基本程式與資料處理(期末報告SRDA data&格式說明)
建議同學們準備本課專用之活頁紙筆記本。鼓勵同學養成上課抄寫筆記,課後再做整理的習慣,對於上課注意力之集中、期末報告之準備等都有幫助。 鼓勵同學們進行課後討論。但請同學們重視智慧財產權,作業/報告切勿抄襲。
Week 2 第02回 房屋租賃管理資料之應用(基本程式與資料處理)Application of rental house data
Week 3 第03回 都市開發資料之應用(虛擬變數) Application of Urban development: Dummy variable
Week 4 第04回 都市開發資料之應用(回歸分析) Application of Urban development: regression

Week 5 第05回 零售市場及資料應用(Panel data)+ 勞動市場分析 labor market analysis
Week 6 第06回 縣市別勞動、資本及GDP資料應用(Panel data construction by using prefecture labor, capital and GDP)
Week 7 第07回 進階資料處理技巧(迴圈)Advanced data processing by roop
Week 8 第08回 縣市別消費及所得(變異數不齊一與自我相關) Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation
Week 9 第09回 農產品進口管理(工具變數之應用)+工資與勞工能力 Instrumental variable
Week 10 第10回 海外直接投資管理(Probit, logit)+ Kitamura(2014)ch7
Week 11 第11回 Dynamic panel data
Week 12 第12回 Panel logit data
Week 13 第13回 Difference-in-differences I
Week 14 第14回 Difference-in-differences II
Week 15 第15回 Propensity Score Matching I
Week 16 第16回 2025/06/04 期末上台報告 presentation
Week 17 第17回 2025/06/11 期末上台報告 presentation
Week 18 第18回 2025/06/18 自主學習 Self learnig week (製作Final報告與繳交) Finalize term paper and submission
一、出席成績 Attendence:20%。(全勤100,缺席一次90分,二次80分,三次70分,四次0分)
二、作業平均 Howework:30%。
三、期末報告 Final report:50% (上台報告表現20%、期末書面報告20%、評論對方10%)。
四、學習態度&期末筆記 Participation:加總分1~5分
Textbook & other References
松補壽幸, StataによるData分析入門(2版), 2015, 東京図書(In Japanese)
劉彩卿與陳欽賢, STATA基礎操作與統計模型應用,雙葉書廊 (Tel: 02-23684198#15 鄧先生)
1. 郭志綱等, 應用STATA作統計分析, 2011, 重慶大學.
2. Lawrence, C. Hamilton, Statistics with STATA, 2009, Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
3. 黃台心著, 計量經濟學, 2008 雙葉書廊 (Tel: 02-23684198#15 鄧先生)
4. Cameron, A. Collin and Trivedi Pravin, K., Microeconometics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2015
5. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. , Introductory Econometric, 2015, 6E, South-Western Pub.
6. Kitamura,Yukinobu., Panel Data Analysis, 2005, Iwanami Syoten. (In Japanese)
7. Kitamura, Yukinobu, Microeconometric, 2014, Nihon Hyouronsya. (In Japanese)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
張國益老師i-learing 本課程整理課堂講義與PPT
Office Hours
每週五14:00 ~ 15:00 E-mail: Tel:04-22840402#321
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
04.Quality Educationinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/13 14:53:33 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 12
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