NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 食品加工實習(4011)
(Eng.) Food Processing Practice
Offering Dept International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher HWANG,SHAW-YHI ect.
Department International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description The course is designed to provide attendees with a thorough understanding of the concepts. In the practical operations, students can understand more details during the procedure of the food processing and apply related machines.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
To understand basic knowledge and necessary skills of food product processing concepts.
1.Basic knowledge and skills in sustainable agriculture
2.Basic knowledge and skills in agribusiness
3.Awareness of international situations and global service
4.Using English as the means for communication
5.Service-orientated entrepreneurship
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Week \ Date \ Course content \ Instructor
1- 課程簡介及評分規定 (Introduction of the course & the evaluation) 黃紹毅 Shaw-Yhi Hwang
Week 2 2- 香料奶酪及布丁製作 (Herbs and spices panna cotta and pudding making) 蔣慎思 Shen-Shih Chiang
Week 3 3- 香料飲品及餅乾製作 (Herbs and spices drinks and cakes making) 蔣慎思 Shen-Shih Chiang
Week 4 4- 愛玉凍之製造 (Making Aiyu jelly) 林慧玲 Huey Lin Lin
Week 5 5- 果實之催熟 (Fruit ripening) 陳昶霖 Chang Lin Chen
Week 6 6- 水果品質之測定 (Quality measurement of fruits) 陳昶霖 Chang Lin Chen
Week 7 Holiday
Week 8 8- 期中考 Mid-term
Week 9 9- 無氧乳酸發酵:優格 (Anaerobic lactic acid fermentation, Yogurt) 蔡碩文 Shuo-Wen Tsai
Week 10 10- 無氧酒精發酵:甜酒釀 (Anaerobic ethanol fermentation, sweet rice wine) 蔡碩文 Shuo-Wen Tsai
Week 11 11- 有氧發酵:納豆 (Aerobic fermentation, Natto) 蔡碩文 Shuo-Wen Tsai
Week 12 12- 醃漬及烘烤肉製品 (Marination and roast meat product) 譚發瑞 Fa-Jui Tang
Week 13 13- 乳化及非乳化性肉製品 (Emulsion & non‐ emulsified meat products) 譚發瑞 Fa-Jui Tang
Week 14 14- 蛋之乳化特性與蛋黃醬的製作 (Emulsifying Properties of Eggs and Making Mayonnaise) 劉沛棻 Pei-Fen Liu
Week 15 15- 黃豆蛋白之加工原理與豆花之製作(Processing Principle of Soy Protein and Making Tofu Pudding) 劉沛棻 Pei-Fen Liu
Week 16 16- 製茶實作(9AM‐12PM、6PM‐9PM) 陳建德 Chien-Te Chen
Week 17 17- 製茶實作(9AM‐12PM、6PM‐9PM) 陳建德 Chien-Te Chen
Week 18 18- 期末心得報告(Final report for this semester)
Class Participation: 25%, Practical operation: 70%, Final report: 25%
Textbook & other References
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Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   12.Responsible Consumptioninclude experience courses:Y
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/13 09:33:02 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 12
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