NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 電影文學(4537)
(Eng.) Film as Literature
Offering Dept Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher 古綺玲
Department Continuing Bachelor Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures(N)Undergraduate Language 中/英文 Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 應用小說的要素,情節、角色、場景等,來分析電影的內涵。
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 小說要素介紹:情節
Week 2 小說要素介紹:角色
Week 3 小說要素介紹:場景
Week 4 電影1:Sense and Sensibility
Week 5 電影應用分析:情節、角色、場景 in 電影1
Week 6 Oral report:情節、角色、場景 in 電影1
Week 7 電影2:M. Butterfly [tentative, to be decided]
Week 8 電影應用分析:情節、角色、場景 in 電影2
Week 9 midterm exam/paper (no class)
Week 10 Oral report:情節、角色、場景 in電影2
Week 11 電影3: The Color Purple [tentative, to be decided]
Week 12 電影應用分析:情節、角色、場景 in 電影3
Week 13 Oral report:情節、角色、場景 in電影3
Week 14 電影4: Hours [tentative, to be decided]
Week 15 電影應用分析:情節、角色、場景 in 電影4
Week 16 Oral report:情節、角色、場景 in電影4
Week 17 recapitulation
Week 18 final exam/paper (no class)
Textbook & other References
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
 include experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 11
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