Week |
Course Content |
Week 1 |
2/17 Introduction |
Week 2 |
2/24 World literature and Europe: David Damrosch, “What is World Literature?”
Examples from Damrosch, Asymptote Journal |
Week 3 |
3/3 Material Conditions for the Production of Literature:
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own (1928), Chapters 1-3
Week 4 |
3/10 Making Visible (1): Rebecca Solnit, “Diving Into the Wreck” and “Audibility, Credibility, Consequence”, from Recollections of My Nonexistence (2020) |
Week 5 |
3/17 Making Visible (2): Susan Sontag, “In Plato’s Cave”, from On Photography (1990), and “Notes on ‘Camp’”, from Against Interpretation (1982) |
Week 6 |
3/24 Making Visible (3): Excerpts from Annie Ernaux, Exteriors (1993/2021), and Lou Stoppard, “Writing Images”, from Exteriors: Annie Ernaux and Photography (2024) |
Week 7 |
3/31 Midterm Break
Week 8 |
4/7 Becoming Nobel Laureates: (a) Annie Ernaux Nobel Lecture: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2022/ernaux/lecture/; (b) Han Kang Nobel Lecture: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2024/han/lecture/
Week 9 |
4/14 Moving to the Center: Pascale Casanova
VS. Naipaul, Two Worlds
Week 10 |
4/21 The Nation and the World: Franco Moretti, “Conjectures on World Literature”; Franz Kafka, The Great Wall of China |
Week 11 |
4/28 Postcolonial Worlds: What is a World? Introduction, Pheng Cheah; V.S. Naipaul, The Enigma of Arrival |
Week 12 |
5/5 The Visible “Chinese”: Chiu Kui-fen; Shih Shu-Mei; Ng Kim Chew, Fish Bones
Week 13 |
5/12 Peripheral Worldings: Tee Kim Tong; Chan Cheow-Thia, Malaysian Crossings Chapter 1; Han Suyin, And the Rain My Drink |
Week 14 |
5/19 Why not the Planet? : Gayatri Spivak, “Planetarity”; Wu Ming Yi, The Stolen Bicycle |
Week 15 |
5/26 Presentations |
Week 16 |
6/2 Final papers due |
Week 17 |
6/9 Self-directed learning. |
Week 18 |
6/16 Self-directed learning. |