NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 工程力學(一)(1321)
(Eng.) Engineering Mechanics (I)
Offering Dept Department of Civil Engineering
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher Chang Heui-Yung
Department Department of Civil Engineering/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description This course introduces the basic concepts of statics as a basis for studying related mechanics courses in the future. The course introduces the equations of equilibrium for particles and rigid bodies, and help students develop skills in drawing a free body diagram and analyzing simple truss and beam structures.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Learn the theoretical foundation and computational analysis capabilities of engineering mechanics analysis, as to study the relevant advanced coursers such as Engineering Mechanics (II), Mechanics of Materials, and Structural Analysis.
1.Capability in computation and analysis for civil engineering theory
5.Professional knowledge in structural engineering, hydraulic engineering, geotechnical engineering, geomatics, construction management, hazard mitigation, and sustainable engineering
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 General Principles
Week 2 Force Vectors
Week 3 Equilibrium of a Particle
Week 4 Quiz/Force System Resultants
Week 5 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
Week 6 Review
Week 7 Spring Holidays
Week 8 Mid-term Examination
Week 9 Structural Analysis(I)
Week 10 Structural Analysis(II)
Week 11 Quiz/Internal Forces
Week 12 Friction
Week 13 Center of Gravity and Centroid
Week 14 Moments of Inertia
Week 15 Quiz/Virtual Work
Week 16 Final Examination
Week 17 (Self-directed learning- video report)
Week 18 (Self-directed learning - activity report )
Participation 40% (including attendance, quiz and course practice) and Mid-term Exam and Final Exam 60%
Textbook & other References
Hibbeler, The Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics Series, 15th Edition
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Tue 13:00-14:00 or appointment by email to <>
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   11.Sustainable Cities and Communitiesinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/07 09:31:52 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 16
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