NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 英文作文(二)(2048)
(Eng.) English Composition (II)
Offering Dept Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Course Type Required Credits 2 Teacher 鄭朱雀
Department Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description The course is conducted in lectures, peer editing, group discussions, mock conferences, and film watching.
Prerequisites 英文作文(一) self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
This course aims to strengthen sophomores' ability in writing short English essays coherently and fluently.
1.Foreign language skills
3.Communication and presentation skills
topic Discussion/Production
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Study Outcome
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 2/19
Discussion & In-class writing
Week 2 2/26
National Holiday
Week 3 3/05
“In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia” (244) & “Promoting a Culture of Abandoment” (247)
Essay-1 Writing
Week 4 3/12
Peer Editing (Essay-1) & Rewriting
Week 5 3/19
“The Bachelor”(169) & “For Better,For Worse: Marriage Means Something Different Now” (173)
Essay-2 Writing
Week 6 3/26
Peer Editing (Essay-2) & Rewriting
Week 7 4/02
Spring Break
Week 8 4/09
Mid-term Exam
Week 9 4/16
First Mock Conference
Week 10 4/23
Film Watching & Discussion at A415
Week 11 4/30
“Why Competition” (426) & “The Neglected Suicide Epidemic”(98)
Week 12 5/07
Essay-3 Writing
Week 13 5/14
Peer Editing (Essay-3) & Rewriting
Week 14 5/21
“Are You Living Mindlessly?”(430) & Overall Review of writing issues
Week 15 5/28
Final Exam
Week 16 6/4
Second Mock Conference
Check Grade
Week 17 6/11
Students participate in workshops and events on and off campus.
Week 18 6/18
Students participate in workshops and events on and off campus.
40% In-class writing & editing
20% Mid-term Exam & First Mock Conference
20% Final Exam & Second Mock Conference
20% Participation and Contribution
Attendance Policies:
1. Arrival 5 minutes after the class starts is counted as tardiness; arrival 20 minutes after the class starts is counted as one absence.
2. For tardiness, one point is deducted from your final grade; for absence, five points are deducted from your final grade.
3. No make-up exam will be given unless you could justify your absence on the day of exam.
4. All leaves must be proved with valid documents.
Textbook & other References
The Writer’s Response Sixth Edition ISBN-13: 978-1-305-10025-1
(Caves Bookstore on campus)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
10-12 Wednesday
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
04.Quality Education   05.Gender Equality   10.Reduced Inequalities   16.Peace and Justice   17.Partnerships for the Goalsinclude experience courses:Y
Please respect the intellectual property rights and use the materials legally.Please respect gender equality.
Update Date, year/month/day:2025/01/13 16:16:53 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 12
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