NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 大一英文(0906)
(Eng.) Freshman English
Offering Dept Language Center
Course Type Required Credits 2 Teacher Ron-ki Chen
Department General Language 中/英文 Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description College English is a one-year course of 4 credits, 2 credits for each semester. The course covers four-skill components and is conducted via lectures, lab sessions, and group activities. Students will be exposed to a variety of listening, speaking, reading, and writing situations to improve their English aural-oral as well as literacy skills. The contents include listening and oral communication practice, video viewing, discussion of English articles, analysis of English word formation, intercultural learning, test-taking practice, etc. In addition, every student will be encouraged to do autonomous learning by participating in the language learning activities offered by the Foreign Language Resource Center.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
(Eng.) The primary goal of this course is to develop the English communicative competence of first-year undergraduate students (non-English majors). Upon completion of the course, students are expected to acquire:
1. the ability to comprehend listening texts strategically;
2. the ability to comprehend written texts strategically;
3. the ability to analyze word formations in the English language;
4. the ability to briefly express an opinion and to give short explanations in English;
5. the ability to understand cultural differences; and
6. the test-taking strategies of various English proficiency tests.
topic Discussion/Production
Networking/Distance Education
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Week 1— Brief Introduction
Week 2 Week 2— Unit 1
Week 3 Week 3— Unit 2
Week 4 Week 4— Unit 3
Week 5 Week 5— Unit 4
Week 6 Week 6— Unit 5
Week 7 Week 7— Unit 6
Week 8 Week 8— Unit 1-6 Review
Week 9 Week 9— Midterm
Week 10 Week 10— Unit 7
Week 11 Week 11— Unit 8
Week 12 Week 12— Unit 9
Week 13 Week 13— Unit 10
Week 14 Week 14— Unit 11
Week 15 Week 15— Unit 12
Week 16 Week 16— Unit 13
Week 17 Week 17— Unit 7-12 Review
Week 18 Week 18— Final
1 小考 10次 Test 10 times 15%
2 作業 10份 Homework 10 assignments 15%
3 務實活動 5-10次 Practical activities 5-10 times 10%
4 期中考 Midterm 20%
5 期末考 Final 20%
6 參與度 Participation 20%
7 其他 官方作業 輔導作業 加減扣分 Other missions
Textbook & other References
Reference book:
1.空中美語相關教材 AMC(American Magazine Center)
2.American English File 4 (second edition). (2014). Oxford University Press.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
若有需要,適時補充 Give the proper information when it is needed.
Office Hours
另行公告 To Be Announced
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   05.Gender Equality   06.Clean Water and Sanitation   07.Affordable and Clean Energy   08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   10.Reduced Inequalities   11.Sustainable Cities and Communities   12.Responsible Consumption   13.Climate Action   14.Life Below Water   15.Life On Land   16.Peace and Justice   17.Partnerships for the Goalsinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2025/02/07 19:44:38 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 2 / 11
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