NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 測量平差法(3318)
(Eng.) Surveying Data Adjustment
Offering Dept Department of Civil Engineering
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher YEN-RU LAI
Department Department of Civil Engineering/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description The course covers the basic principles of adjustment computations in surveying, the law of error propagation, and various adjustment models. In addition, the course introduces the processing procedures for nonlinear adjustment systems and the damped least squares method.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the core principles, processes, and critical considerations in surveying adjustment methods through the theoretical derivation of adjustment computations, lectures on classic examples, assignments, and exams.
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Foundations: Observations, Parameters, Random Errors, and Essential Math
Week 3 Error Propagation
Week 4 Principals of Least Squares
Week 5 The Gauss-Markov Model (I)
Week 6 The Gauss-Markov Model (II)
Week 7 Linearization of Nonlinear Function Models
Week 8 Midterm Exam
Week 9 The Model of Condition Equations (I)
(2024 TEGA (Taiwan EV & GREEN ENERGY ASSOCIATION) Conference at NCHU)
Week 10 The Model of Condition Equations (II)
Week 11 Mixed Model
Week 12 The Gauss-Markov Model with Constraints
Week 13 The Model of Condition Equations with Constraints
Week 14 Damped Least Squares
Week 15 Statistical Analysis
Week 16 Final Exam
Week 17 Self-directed Learning: Reading Textbook
Week 18 Self-directed Learning: Reading Textbook
Midterm Exam(30%), Final Exam(40%), Homework(20%),and Attendance(10%)
Textbook & other References
1. Ghilani, Charles D., Adjustment Computations Spatial Data Analysis, 6th, John Wiley & Sons, INC., 2017.
2. Snow, K., & Schaffrin, B., Adjustment computations, Geodetic Science at the Ohio State University, 2024.
3. Menke, W., Geophysical data analysis: Discrete inverse theory (3rd ed.), Academic Press, 2012.
4. You, R.J., Fundamentals of Least Squares Adjustment for Geodesy and Geospatial Informatics, Tsang Hai Publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-986-363-077-7. (in Chinese) [基礎測量平差法,尤瑞哲著,滄海圖書,2019]
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By appointment via email.
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