NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 高等生物防治學(6241)
(Eng.) Advanced Biological Control
Offering Dept Department of Entomology
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher TUAN,SHU-JEN
Department Master Program in Plant Medicine and Good Agricultural Practice/Graduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description This course will include the following subtopics:
Types of biological control, targets, and agents.
Parasitoid diversity and ecology
Predator diversity and ecology.
Weed biocontrol agent diversity and ecology.
Arthropod pathogen diversity and ecology.
Classical biological control/Steps for importation of natural enemy.
Foreign exploration.
Climate matching.
Non-target impacts of biological control agents.
Natural enemy evaluation.
Conserving biological control agent in crops.
Use of Arthropod pathogens as pesticides.
Biological control in greenhouses.
IPM against insect pests and spider mites.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
The aim of this course will focus on the strategies and techniques for implementing biological control as well as microbial control in integrated pest management.
1.To develop technologies for crop management
2.To develop the abilities of plant clinical diagnosis and prescribing pesticides
3.Techniques and knowledge of plant quarantine and disease management
5.Development of the ability to conduct scientific research, to work in a team and to present and interpret scientific results
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Introduction of Biological Control.
Week 2 Three strategies for implementation.
Week 3 Establishing the mass rearing system for predators.
Week 4 How to use predatory insects as pest-controlling agents in cost-effective manner.
Week 5 What's the difference between the parasite and parasitoid?
Week 6 Establishing the mass rearing system for predators.
Week 7 Why did the parasitic wasps fail in controlling pests? Should we prohibit the usage of insecticides in our agro-production system? (Other ways?)
Week 8 Field trip or visiting some research institutes (or biotech-company) about natural enemy mass-rearing and application.
Week 9 Mid-term Exam.
Week 10 What's the pathogenic microbials and beneficial bacteria in insects?
Week 11 Infection route and mode of action for Nucleopolyherosis virus (NPV) to Noctuidae pests.
Week 12 Mode of action and novel infection route for Entomopathogenic fungi(EPF) to Noctuidae pests.
Week 13 The symbiotic bacteria and mode of action for Entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) to Noctuidae pests.
Week 14 How can we improve the lethal effects of Bacillus thuringensis on pests?
Week 15 Commercialization of entomopathogens in powerful process or application of microbial pesticides in correct method? (Factors should be considered?)
Week 16 How to organize the environmental friendly agents to control agro-product's pests?
Week 17 Oral presentation and round table discussion on the encouraging strategy of biological control.
Week 18 Term exam.
Short oral report in every class (50%) + Term Examination (50%)
Textbook & other References
Control of Pests and Weeds by Natural Enemies (2008 by R.V. Driesche, Mark Hoddle, and Ted Center. Blackwell Publishing)
Natural Enemies Handbook: the Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control (1998 by UC Davis)
Microbials in Insect Pest Management (2001 by Science Publishers)
Ecofriendly Insect Pest Management (2009 by S. Ignacimuthu and B.V. Davis, Elite Publishing)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
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