NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 北美自由貿易區商業環境(7375)
(Eng.) NAFTA Business Environment
Offering Dept Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher Undefined
Department Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies/Graduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description This course has the intention of introducing students to get to know about the NAFTA Business Environment so that they can have a better understanding of it and help them to be more globalized in their future challenges, activities or jobs.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Provide students with an overview of the main themes of the business environment of NAFTA. The topics to be discussed are a brief history of NAFTA, the economic conditions of the region before and after the treaty, modernization of NAFTA-USMCA and the future of North American economic integration.
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Introduction to NAFTA Business Environment MNCs and (de)globalization: New paradigms for emerging markets Readings
Week 2 Introduction to NAFTA Business Environment MNCs and (de)globalization: New paradigms for emerging markets Readings
Week 3 NAFTA/ Free Trade and Investment in the Americas
-Canada and the United States. -Mexico and the United States. -Merging Economies. -Different Legal Traditions. -The Private Sector.
Week 4 NAFTA/ Free Trade and Investment in the Americas
-Canada and the United States. -Mexico and the United States. -Merging Economies. -Different Legal Traditions. -The Private Sector.
Week 5 Regional Economic Integration
Week 6 Regional Economic Integration
Week 7 Getting to NAFTA
Week 8 Getting to NAFTA
Week 9 NAFTA Renegotiation and USMCA-TMEC
Negotiation process from NAFTA to USMCA: Guillermo Malpica, NAFTA negotiation Team (include other agreements).
Foreign Direct Investment: Héctor Tijerina, Director of Invest Monterrey
Automotive Industry: Manuel Montoya, Director of the Automotive Cluster
Transportation: Reynaldo Gómez-Leyva, CEO Transportes Jaguar
Exports: Hector Villarreal-General Director of COMCE
Week 10 NAFTA Renegotiation and USMCA-TMEC
Negotiation process from NAFTA to USMCA: Guillermo Malpica, NAFTA negotiation Team (include other agreements).
Foreign Direct Investment: Héctor Tijerina, Director of Invest Monterrey
Automotive Industry: Manuel Montoya, Director of the Automotive Cluster
Transportation: Reynaldo Gómez-Leyva, CEO Transportes Jaguar
Exports: Hector Villarreal-General Director of COMCE
Week 11 The future of North American Economic Integration
Week 12 The future of North American Economic Integration
Week 13 Challenges and opportunities for Mexico: USMCA implementation and COVID-19
Diversification, relocation, nearshoring, Automotive industry, post Covid-19
Week 14 Challenges and opportunities for Mexico: USMCA implementation and COVID-19
Diversification, relocation, nearshoring, Automotive industry, post Covid-19
Week 15 Closing and final presentations
Week 16 Final presentations
Week 17 Final presentations
Week 18 Final exam
Assignments 25%
Quiz 10%
Case analysis 20%
Mid-term exam 15%
Project (final exam) 30%
Total 100%
Textbook & other References
Boskin, M. (2014). NAFTA at 20: The North American Free Trade Agreement’s Achievements and Challenges, USA: Hover Institution Press.

Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Montoya, M. Mexican Multinationals. Building Multinationals in Emerging Markets. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Folsom, R. (2014). NAFTA Free Trade and Foreign Investment in the Americas, USA: West Academic Publishing, Fifth Edition.

Hill, Ch. (2021). Negocios Internacionales. Como competir en el Mercado global. México: McGraw Hill.

Zahniser, S., Angadjivand, S., Hertz, T., Kuberka, L., Santos, A. (2015). NAFTA at 20: North America’s Free-Trade Area and Its Impact on Agriculture, USA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
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