NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 生殖生物學特論(一)(6260)
(Eng.) Special Topics in Reproductive Biology(I)
Offering Dept Department of Animal Science
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher 唐品琦 ect.
Department Department of Animal Science/Graduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description Through discussion of the latest research articles, this course is designed to introduce more advanced technology and knowledge about reproduction in mammals. In addition, students are encouraged to propose their opinions about these research articles in respect of the conclusions drawn by the authors.

self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
At the end of course, the students are expected to gain a broader and more advanced understanding on reproduction.

1.Animal science expertise and academic ethics.
2.Animal biotechnology research ability
3.Care, respect for life and promoting animal welfare
4.Teamwork and coordination skills
topic Discussion/Production
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Course introduction
Topic I: Brain to reproductive organs

Week 2 Topic I: Brain to reproductive organs
Week 3 Topic II: Regulation of reproductive mechanism
Week 4 Topic III: Sex Steroids and Reproduction
Week 5 Topic IV: The role of uterine
Week 6 Topic V: Implantation and pregnancy
Week 7 Topic VI: Reproductive immunology
Week 8 Student presentations
Week 9 Student presentations
Week 10 Topic VII: Sex determination
Week 11 Topic VIII: PGCs / Gametogenesis
Week 12 Topic IX: Reproductive technology / Animal cloning
Week 13 Topic X: Reproductive technology / Manipulation of gametes and embryos
Week 14 Topic XI: Fertilization
Week 15 Topic XII: The role of miRNAs in reproduction
Week 16 Topic XIII: Epigenesis in Reproduction
Week 17 Student presentations
Week 18 Student presentations
Dr. Wang
1. Lecture: General introduction for specific topics
2. Oral presentation and paper report (70% & 30%)

Dr. Tang
Performances during in-class discussion 50%
Presentations 35%
Written reports 15%

Textbook & other References
Journal articles

Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
iLearning system
Office Hours
Discuss after class, or make an appointment by email.

課程後討論或透過 email 預約。
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
 include experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 07
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