NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 歐洲商業文化(6961)
(Eng.) European Business Culture
Offering Dept Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher Undefined
Department Tricontinental Master Program in Global Studies/Graduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description Language Issues / Effects of Globalization on Intercultural Business Communication /
Basis Concepts of Culture and Communication, Relevant Paradigms of Intercultural
Management Studies / Perception and Stereotypes (and their impact on ic business) /
Communicative as Cultural Styles / Marketing Across Cultures / Intercultural Team
Dynamics & Virtual Cooperation / Motivating and Leading Across Cultures / Negotiating
Across Cultures and
Intercultural Conflict Management / Intercultural Competence (incl. Developmental
Models; Cultural Intelligence) / Adaptational Processes, Culture Stress and Culture Shock.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
At the end of this the course students are able to:
• demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity towards the specific dynamics of intercultural (business) situations as they develop an ethical approach to cultural dilemmas and support an ethically responsible position;
• apply basic concepts and models to describe culture and communication analytically in situations of intercultural business communication; examine oral and written business texts or dialogue, detecting recurring patterns and handle them in a culture-sensitive way; display empathy and take culture-bound aspects of the situation into account; identify and assess the ways in which intercultural difficulties arise in communication and implement adequate, culture-sensitive handling strategies in international business; in order to later elaborate own strategies and mutually satisfactory behavior when working internationally.
topic Discussion/Production
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Organisational Issues + Intro to the class; Homework: Self Assessment 1 (background and previous
knowledge; learning goals and perspectives); Assignment 1: Edfelt (Reading + Responding to questions)
Week 2 Studying European Business Interaction: Paradigms: Self study: Reading: Cross Cultural Management Studies
State of the Field in the Four Research Paradigms; Assignment 2: Writing 4 abstracts.
Week 3 Group work on frameworks & paradigms of ic studies + debriefing; input on academic writing; Self study:
Prep. Reading The Rakuten Case
Week 4 Business Interaction and Language; Self Assessment: Mentimeter; Assignment: Business Communication and
Language (based on the Rakuten Case Study)
Week 5 Intercultural Adaptation (Culture Stress / Chock and Adaptation); Barnga (simulation game) for self-
awareness; You drive me crazy as cases
Week 6 Europe in the Global Context; Convergence / Divergence Hypothesis; Self study: IKEA Case Study
Week 7 Swedish Business Culture; Visit from a practitioner (Group work: Preparing questions to the expert);
Assignment: ‘Glocalisation’
Week 8 Persuading Across Cultures; nvc (Hape Kaerkeling); facial expression; attribution / stereotypes;
Week 9 Communicative Styles: Mini-Cases: Kara Williams & Jorge Da Silva; Negotiation (Cases) + negotiation styles;
Assignment: Persuading
Week 10 Conflict Management Across Cultures; Self-Assessments (Mentimeter); Conflict Handling Orientations;
Conflict Styles (Hammer)
Week 11 Conflict Management Across Cultures: Role Play as application in class. Assignment: Managing Conflict in ic
Week 12 IC Competence Development: Self Assessment: IC Competence Tests (questionaires); CQ Test
Week 13 Developing IC Competence: Models + Methods; Assignment: IC Competence Development
Week 14 Visit from a Practitioner on Leading Intercultural Virtual Teams; focus on Eastern Europe; Facilitated
Exchange on Experience with the practitioner; (Leading & Motivating; Building IC Teams)
Week 15 Visit from a Practitioner on Leading Intercultural Virtual Teams; focus on Eastern Europe; Facilitated
Exchange on Experience with the practitioner; (Leading & Motivating; Building IC Teams)
Week 16 Submission of Term Paper
Week 17 Submission of Term Paper
Week 18 Submission of Term Paper
Textbook & other References
Barmeyer, Christoph & Peter Franklin: Intercultural Management. A Case-Based Approach to Achieving
Complementarity and Synergy. New York: Palgrave
Module title: European Business Cultures
Macmillan. 2016.
Edfelt, Ralph B.: Global Comparative Management. A Functional Approach. Los Angeles: Sage. (latest edition)
Shuang Liu, Zala Volcic & Cindy Gallois: Introducing Intercultural Communication. Global Cultures and Contexts. Los
Angeles: Sage. (latest edition).
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
As above
Office Hours
By appointment
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
 include experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 07
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