NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 普通物理學實驗(1251)
(Eng.) General Physics Lab
Offering Dept Department of Physics
Course Type Required Credits 1 Teacher Hashimoto Tetsuya
Department Bachelor Program in Intellectual Creativity Engineering/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description This course aims to learn fundamental concepts of physics through some basic experiments. Students will gain better understanding of physics and concepts of measurements, errors, theoretical predictions, physical interpretations etc. The course will be guided by TAs who can speak both Mandarin and English, though the course teacher will speak in English. Please read the following document for the details, including instructions, grading, and some rules in this course.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Please read the following document for the details, including instructions, grading, and some rules in this course.
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Week 1 (9/11): 課程說明、分組、量測儀器介紹、數據處理教學 — Course Description, Grouping, Introduction to Measuring Instruments, Data Processing Teaching
Week 2 Week 2 (9/18): 講解週 — Explanation Week
Week 3 Week 3 (9/25): 一維運動、楊氏係數 — One-Dimensional Motion, Young’s Modulus
Week 4 Week 4 (10/02): 一維運動、楊氏係數 — One-Dimensional Motion, Young’s Modulus
Week 5 Week 5 (10/09): 報告週 — Report Week
Week 6 Week 6 (10/16): Arduino、 二維彈碰 — Arduino, Two-Dimensional Elastic Collision
Week 7 Week 7 (10/23): Arduino、 二維彈碰 — Arduino, Two-Dimensional Elastic Collision
Week 8 Week 8 (10/30): 向心力、 繩波實驗 — Centripetal Force, Vibrating Strings Experiment
Week 9 Week 9 (11/06): 向心力、 繩波實驗 — Centripetal Force, Vibrating Strings Experiment
Week 10 Week 10 (11/13): 報告週 — Report Week
Week 11 Week 11 (11/20): 表面張力、熱功當量 — Surface Tension, Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
Week 12 Week 12 (11/27): 表面張力、熱功當量 — Surface Tension, Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
Week 13 Week 13 (12/04): 報告週 — Report Week
Week 14 Week 14 (12/11): 扭擺、黏滯係數 — Torsion Pendulum, Viscosity Coefficient
Week 15 Week 15 (12/18): 扭擺、黏滯係數 — Torsion Pendulum, Viscosity Coefficient
Week 16 Week 16 (12/25): 報告週 — Report Week
Week 17 Week 17 (1/1): 元旦放假 — New Year’s Holiday
Week 18 Week 18 (1/4): 期末考週 — Final Exam Week
Please read the following document for the details, including instructions, grading, and some rules in this course.
Textbook & other References

Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website

Office Hours

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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/09/06 09:21:04 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 07
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