NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 食品鑑定(6865)
(Eng.) Food Authentication
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Food Safety
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher Lin, Jer-An
Department Graduate Institute of Food Safety/Graduate Language 中/英文 Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 食品鑑定為偵測食品攙偽假冒行為如素食產品添加動物性成分、進口茶葉混充國產茶葉等,以維護食品安全之重要手段。本課程將介紹食品鑑定之基礎概念,並舉文獻實例說明常見的食品鑑定技術包含分子生物技術、體學技術與化學計量法之概念與應用,協助學生了解食品鑑定系統,以期作為未來從事食品安全相關工作時之工具。
Food authentication is an important process to assure food safety by detecting food fraud and adulteration, such as adding animal ingredient to vegan foods, Taiwan tea faked by foreign tea, and so on. This course will introduce the basic concepts of food authentication, and will illustrate the concept and application of techniques for food authentication, including molecular biotechnology, omics techniques, and chemometric methods by solid references. By the end of this course, students will have a complete understanding of food authentication and be able to use it as a tool for future work of food safety.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1. 練習說明食品鑑定之意涵
2. 檢視食品鑑定技術差異
3. 練習說明食品鑑定之實例
3. 練習想法表達與資料統整分析
1.Utilize and integrate the knowledge in control and deal with food safety, risk assessment and management, toxicology, and epidemiology
2.Possess the abilities of professional training and doing research in food safety
3.Cultivate the global vision in food safety
4.Cultivate the capability of logic and independent thinking to solve the problems
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 食品鑑定簡介-1
Week 2 食品鑑定簡介-2
Week 3 食品鑑定工具介紹-1
Week 4 食品鑑定工具介紹-2
Week 5 食品鑑定案例分享-1
Week 6 食品鑑定案例分享-2
Week 7 食品鑑定案例分享-3
Week 8 食品鑑定案例分享-4
Week 9 食品鑑定案例分享-5
Week 10 食品鑑定案例分享-6
Week 11 食品鑑定案例分享-7
Week 12 食品鑑定案例分享-8
Week 13 專題報告-1
Week 14 專題報告-2
Week 15 專題報告-3
Week 16 專題報告-4
Week 17 自主學習 (生活中的食品鑑定實例分享)
Week 18 自主學習 (生活中的食品鑑定實例分享)
1. 自主學習 (30%)
2. 專題報告 (70%)
Textbook & other References
1. Georgiou, Constantinos A; Danezis, Georgios P. Food authentication: management, analysis and regulation. 2017. Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Downey, Gerard. Advances in food authenticity testing. 2016. Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing.
3. Sun, Da-Wen. Modern techniques for food authentication. 2008. Elsevier/Academic Press.
4. Marini, Federico. Chemometrics in food chemistry. 2013. Elsevier.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 07
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