NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 工程數學(一)(2315)
(Eng.) Engineering Mathematics (I)
Offering Dept Department of Civil Engineering
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher YANG, WEN-CHIA
Department Department of Civil Engineering/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 介紹工程上常遇到之常微分方程及其求解方法。
Introduction to ordinary differential equations regularly encountered in engineering problems and their solving methods.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Mathematics is a language of physics and a fundamental tool for solving engineering problems. This course teaches the mathematical skills required by engineering students and constructs a solid foundation for their professional careers.
1.Capability in computation and analysis for civil engineering theory
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 前言 Introduction
Week 2 一階常微分方程 First-Order ODEs
Week 3 一階常微分方程 First-Order ODEs
Week 4 一階常微分方程 First-Order ODEs
Week 5 二階常微分方程 Second-Order Linear ODEs
Week 6 二階常微分方程 Second-Order Linear ODEs
Week 7 二階常微分方程 Second-Order Linear ODEs
Week 8 期中考 Midterm Exam
Week 9 高階常微分方程 Higher-Order ODEs
Week 10 聯立常微分方程 Systems of ODEs
Week 11 聯立常微分方程 Systems of ODEs
Week 12 聯立常微分方程 Systems of ODEs
Week 13 拉卜拉氏轉換法 Laplace Transform
Week 14 拉卜拉氏轉換法 Laplace Transform
Week 15 拉卜拉氏轉換法 Laplace Transform
Week 16 期末考 Final Term
Week 17 Self-directed Learning (Students shall study the course materials online. In-person assistance is available at the office upon request.)
Week 18 Self-directed Learning (Students shall study the course materials online. In-person assistance is available at the office upon request.)
* 作業 Assignments (30%)
* 期中考試 Midterm Exam (35%)
* 期末考試 Final Exam (35%)
Textbook & other References
P.V. O’Neil, ”Advanced Engineering Mathematics”
E. Kreyszig, ”Advanced Engineering Mathematics”
K.F. Riley, M.P. Hobson, S.J. Bence, ”Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide”
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website

Office Hours
M 9:30-10:30 C301
Th 17:00-18:00 TBA
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/08/13 22:57:59 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 11
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