NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 靜力學(1289)
(Eng.) Statics
Offering Dept Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Type Required Credits 3 Teacher HUANG CHU YU
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description Through a combination of mathematical exercises and hands-on work, this course aims at providing students with fundamental skills in mechanics analysis, and the practical implications of such analysis.
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
This is a fundamental course in mechanical engineering. This aims at preparing students for studying mechanics of materials, kinematics, design of machine elements, and fluid mechanics.

1 Introduce basic concepts in mechanics at static equilibrium.
2 Gain fundamental skills in mechanics analysis
1.The ability to apply the knowledge of math, science, and mechanical engineering.
4.The ability humanities awareness and a knowledge of contemporary issues, and to understand the impact of science and engineering technologies, environmental, societal, and global context.
5.The ability of continuing study and self-learning.
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 1. Introduction
Week 2 2. Statics of Particles
Week 3 2. Statics of Particles
Week 4 3. Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces
Week 5 3. Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces
Week 6 3. Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces
Week 7 Mid-term Exam.
Week 8 4. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
Week 9 4. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
Week 10 6. Analysis of Structures
Week 11 6. Analysis of Structures
Week 12 5. Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity
Week 13 5. Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity
Week 14 Mid-term Exam.
Week 15 8. Friction
Week 16 10. Virtual work principle
Week 17 9. Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia
Week 18 11. Final Exam.
Homeworks and Quizzes平時作業與考試:30%
Mini project小專題: 10%
Mid-terms段考:40% (共兩次)
Final 學期考試:25%
Textbook & other References
F.P.Beer, E.R.Johnston, Jr., D. Mazurek,”Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 12th Edition in SI Units.

A.Bedford and W. Fowler, ”Engineering Mechanics: Statics”, Prentice Hall Book Company, 5th Edition. 東華書局、新月圖書代理。
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
iLearning 數位教學平台
Lecture notes.
Office Hours
星期二 16:10~17:00
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth   09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   11.Sustainable Cities and Communitiesinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/07/01 20:49:41 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 10 / 11
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