NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 數位媒體與第二外語習得(0441)
(Eng.) Digital Media and Second Language Acquisition
Offering Dept General Education Center
Course Type Required Credits 2 Teacher Chang Wenli
Department General Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 本課程旨在探討數位媒體應用於第二外語學習的多元影響層面。學生除依進度循序漸進認識外語學習之基本意涵與內外影響要素,亦將進階討論當期新聞議題及相關研究調查,從中了解數位媒體如何廣泛應用於外語學習並造福學習者,但卻可能同時於無形中操控學習者對於目標語的認知及認同。課程將提供學生實作機會,以實際體驗多樣數位學習平台(包含手機應用程式、社群網站、開放式課程網頁等),從而直接體悟其利與弊,並開展相關思辨能力。全學期活動包含學生個人及小組分享,並鼓勵學生參與線上論壇。
This course aims to evoke awareness of the probable effects of digital media use on second language acquisition. Students are guided through structured lectures to reach an overall understanding of what L2 learning is and how it is affected by both internal and external factors. Current news events and research studies are covered as rich sources for further discussion on how L2 learners might benefit in a digital classroom (using mainly mobile applications, social networking websites, and open coursewares), but meanwhile risk being manipulated. Students are encouraged to participate in small group sharing and online discussion to boost their active and in-depth exploration of course topics.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Digital media have been widely incorporated into language classrooms, and with the rich user experiences afforded, most students accept this alternative approach with eagerness and excitement. Given the favor that digital media have won, this course attempts to guide students to (1) accumulate first-hand experience of operating several digital media platforms, and (2) further discover the acknowledged benefits to language learners, as well as the overlooked side effects (especially on how the target language is used and even perceived).
2.Scientific Training
3.Communication Skills
5.International Perspective
Networking/Distance Education
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 課程總覽 Course overview
Week 2 何謂「第二外語習得」?
What is ‘second language acquisition’?
Week 3 第二外語學習究竟學些什麼?
What exactly do we learn about a second language?
Week 4 第二外語學習究竟學些什麼?
What exactly do we learn about a second language? (cont’d)
Week 5 何謂「中介語」?又何謂「語言移轉」?
What is ‘interlanguage’? What about ‘language transfer’?
Week 6 何謂「中介語」?又何謂「語言移轉」?
What is ‘interlanguage’? What about ‘language transfer’? (cont’d)
Week 7 第二外語選擇權操之在誰?數位媒體的影響力可以有多強大?
Who decides what second language we should acquire? How powerful could digital media be?
Week 8 第二外語選擇權操之在誰?數位媒體的影響力可以有多強大?
Who decides what second language we should acquire? How powerful could digital media be? (cont’d)
Week 9 近期備受關注的數位外語學習平台有哪些?
What are the most admired platforms for second language learners?
Week 10 近期備受關注的數位外語學習平台有哪些?
What are the most admired platforms for second language learners? (cont’d)
Week 11 數位媒體如何造福學習第二外語的學生?
How does a digital classroom facilitate second language acquisition?
Week 12 數位媒體如何造福學習第二外語的學生?
How does a digital classroom facilitate second language acquisition? (cont’d)
Week 13 數位媒體能否完全取代外語教師?
Why don’t we just replace all language teachers with interactive digital systems?
Week 14 數位媒體能否完全取代外語教師?
Why don’t we just replace all language teachers with interactive digital systems? (cont’d)
Week 15 數位媒體如何「操控」學習第二外語的學生?
What happens when digital media become not only interactive but ‘manipulative’?
Week 16 數位媒體如何「操控」學習第二外語的學生?
What happens when digital media become not only interactive but ‘manipulative’? (cont’d)
Week 17 期末報告 Final presentation
Week 18 彈性自學 Self-directed learning

Note: The class schedule is subject to change to accommodate student need and interest.
出席狀況 Attendance (30%)
課堂作業 Assignments (30%)
口頭報告 Oral presentation (40%)
Textbook & other References
(To be announced in class)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
(By appointment)
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
04.Quality Educationinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/08/05 10:57:35 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 9 / 08
The second-hand book website: