NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 新興加工技術與食品安全特論(6912)
(Eng.) Special Topics in Emerging Process Technology and Food Safety
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Food Safety
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher Lin, Jer-An
Department Graduate Institute of Food Safety/Graduate Language 中/英文 Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 本課程將介紹新興食品加工技術包含微波技術、射頻技術、超音波技術、脈衝電場技術、高壓技術、電漿技術等原理與應用,以及相關技術對食品品質與安全之影響與該類食品中可能存在之危害物質,讓學生了解新興食品加工技術可能危害食安之面向。
This course introduces the principle and application of emerging food processing technologies (including microwave technology, radio frequency technology, ultrasonic technology, pulsed electric field technology, high pressure technology, and plasma technology), the impact of related technologies on food quality and safety, and possible hazards in related foods. By the end of this course, students will have a complete understanding of food safety hazard derived from emerging food processing technology.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1. 說明新興食品加工技術原理與應用。
2. 辨析加工衍生危害物質及可能發生之食安危害。
1.Utilize and integrate the knowledge in control and deal with food safety, risk assessment and management, toxicology, and epidemiology
2.Possess the abilities of professional training and doing research in food safety
3.Cultivate the global vision in food safety
4.Cultivate the capability of logic and independent thinking to solve the problems
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 食品品質預測技術介紹
Week 2 食品品質預測技術未來展望
Week 3 高壓加工技術介紹
Week 4 高壓加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 5 電漿加工技術介紹
Week 6 電漿加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 7 脈衝光加工技術介紹
Week 8 脈衝光加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 9 微波加工技術介紹
Week 10 微波加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 11 電子束加工技術介紹
Week 12 電子束加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 13 射頻加工技術介紹
Week 14 射頻加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 15 超音波加工技術介紹
Week 16 超音波加工技術衍生之食品安全危害預防策略探討
Week 17 自主學習 (生活中的新興加工技術應用產品分享)
Week 18 自主學習 (生活中的新興加工技術應用產品分享)
1. 課堂表現 (30%)
2. 自主學習報告 (70%)
Textbook & other References
1. Sun, D.W., Emerging technologies for food processing. 2014. Elsevier Ltd.
2. Stadler, R.H. and Lineback, D.R., Process‐induced food toxicants: occurrence, formation, mitigation, and health risks. 2008. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Misra, N.N., Schlüter, O., and Cullen, P.J., Cold plasma in food and agriculture. 2016. Elsevier Ltd.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
03.Good Health and Well-Beinginclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 9 / 08
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