Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) |
Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives |
Course Objectives |
Competency Indicators |
Ratio(%) |
Teaching Methods |
Assessment Methods |
讓學生可以認識重要的大地工程材料之一土壤,在理想條件下,研究土壤的物理及工程性質,並探討受力後應力與應變的行為,特別是有關於強度、壓縮性、透水性與脹縮特性,而作為將來研習基礎工程之基本課程。 |
1.Capability in computation and analysis for civil engineering theory |
2.Capability in analysis, evaluation, design, and implementation for civil engineering practices |
3.Capability in project management, communication, team work, and problem-solving |
4.Acknowledgements in contemporary issues, societal responsibilities, engineering ethics, and continuing learning for civil engineers |
Discussion |
Other |
Lecturing |
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule |
Week |
Course Content |
Week 1 |
01 土壤力學簡介與土壤組成
History of Soil Mechanics and Origin of Soils |
Week 2 |
02 土壤體積與重量關係
Weight-Volume Relationships
Week 3 |
02 土壤體積與重量關係
Weight-Volume Relationships |
Week 4 |
03 土壤塑性
Plasticity of Soils |
Week 5 |
04 土壤分類
Classification of Soil |
Week 6 |
05 土壤夯實
Soil Compaction |
Week 7 |
05 土壤夯實
Soil Compaction
Week 8 |
06 土壤滲透性與滲流
Permeability and Seepage
Week 9 |
06 土壤滲透性與滲流
Permeability and Seepage
Week 10 |
07/08 現地應力
In Situ Stresses
Week 11 |
09 土壤壓縮性
Compressibility of Soil
Week 12 |
09 土壤壓縮性
Compressibility of Soil
Week 13 |
09 土壤壓縮性
Compressibility of Soil |
Week 14 |
10 土壤剪力強度
Shear Strength of Soil |
Week 15 |
10 土壤剪力強度
Shear Strength of Soil |
Week 16 |
10 土壤剪力強度
Shear Strength of Soil |
Week 17 |
Lab Tour |
Week 18 |
Lab Tour |
Evaluation |
上課表現 (10%)
作業 (20%) |
Textbook & other References |
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 9th edition, By Braja M. Das |
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website |
Office Hours |
週三13:00-14:00 |
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs |
09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   11.Sustainable Cities and Communities | include experience courses:N |