NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 大一英文(0911)
(Eng.) Freshman English
Offering Dept Language Center
Course Type Required Credits 2 Teacher CHEN LI HENG
Department General Language 中/英文 Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description Freshman English is a one-year course of 4 credits, 2 credits for each semester. The course features four-skill components and the contents will include listening and oral communication practice, DVD/clip/video viewing, reading and discuss English articles, and some writing practice such as outlining, summarizing, and paraphrasing practice, etc. Exposed to a wide range of listening, speaking, reading, and writing situations, and through in-class discussions and group activities, students can accumulate the amount of vocabulary, enhance their English aural-oral and literacy skills, and cultivate their intercultural knowledge, etc.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
The main objectives of this course is to help the non-English majors, the freshmen(the first-year undergraduate students), to improve their English communicative competence.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to acquire:
(1) the ability to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from contexts;
(2) the ability to understand main ideas in everyday conversations, short talks, and articles;
(3)the ability to read and think critically
(4)the ability to understand English spoken in a range of academic, professional, and social settings;
(5) the ability to briefly express their own ideas, opinions, and to give short explanations in English; and
(6) some test-taking strategies of English proficiency tests.
topic Discussion/Production
Study Outcome
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Week 1(09.10): Class Orientation + Find Your Group Members+ Select your Seat+ Do the First Group Activity
Week 2 Week 2(09.17): Mid-Autumn Festival!(No Class!)
Week 3 Week 3(09.24): Read Two Poems+How to Gain Reading Comprehension Power
Week 4 Week 4(10.01):Pre-Test
Week 5 Week 5(10.08): Describe People+How to deliver Self-Introduction in English (TA Presentation)
Week 6 Week 6(10.15): Describe People+How to deliver Self-Introduction in English (TA Presentation)

Week 7 Week 7(10.22): Unit 01: Society
Week 8 Week 8(10.29): Unit 01: Society+Self-Introduction (1):14 people
Week 9 Week 9(11.05): Written Test
Week 10 Week 10(11.12):Self-Introduction (2):14 people+ Check Test Paper
Week 11 Week 11(11.19): Self-Introduction (3):14 people+Movie Appreciation
Week 12 Week 12(11.26): Movie Discussion+ Unit 02: Food+How to Deliver a Presentation
Week 13 Week 13(12.03): Unit 02 Food+ How to Deliver a Presentation
Week 14 Week 14(12.10): Unit 02: Food
Week 15 Week 15(12.17): Group Presentations on Festival Food Around the World
Week 16 Week 16(12.24): Final Exam: Written Test (Listening & Reading)
Week 17 Week 17(12.31): Self-Study Week
1.Finish Self-Study Worksheet
2.Record one-minute speech on any topic you are interested in
3.At least FOUR pieces of self-study, including listening, speaking, reading, or writing
Week 18 Week 18(114.01.07):Self-Study Week
1.Finish Self-Study Worksheet
2.Record one-minute speech on any topic you are interested in
3.At least FOUR pieces of self-study, including listening, speaking, reading, or writing
1.Class Performance (including attendance, participation, and preparation): 20%
a. 4 points will be deducted for each absence, and students cannot be absent for the class more than four times, or they will get “0” from their class performance.
b. If students have to ask for a leave, they are supposed to inform the teacher that they cannot attend the class via email (writing down their student id number and name), by asking their classmates to tell the teacher, or by telling the teacher in person in the following week.
2. Mid-Term: 25% (Written Test:10%+Self-Introduction:15%
3. Group Discussion & Presentation: In-class Group discussion/Group Presentation:15%
4. Final Exam: (Written Exam)15%
5. Freshman English Pre-Test: 15%
6. Outside Learning/Self Study:10%

※Group Oral Presentation:
Students are supposed to work with their group members to deliver an English oral presentation on the topics that the teacher assigns from the textbook. They have to make a power-point file to deliver that presentation and upload their power-point file onto iLearning 3.0 before their presentations. The presentation will be about 10-15 minutes and be delivered in English. The other groups have to raise some questions to the presentation groups, and the presentation group is responsible to answer the questions.

※In-Class Discussion:
Students are asked to work with their group members to do some in-class activities, or discussions about each topic and articles in class.

※Oral Test:
Mid-Term: Self-Introduction
Students are supposed to have 3-minute self-introduction in English as their mid-term oral test.
They have to use a PPT file to introduce themselves and their PPT files have to be uploaded onto iLearning 3.0 before their self-Introduction.

※Outside Learning/Self Study: (FOUR Pieces)
Students are encouraged to cultivate their reading habit, train their critical reading ability, and continue their learning outside the classroom.
They are encouraged to find some reading articles they are really interested in and take notes of their reading.
They also can find some listening materials like English songs, TED Talk, or news, etc. they like and take notes of some important ideas.
They can apply for MyET APP to learn academic vocabulary, and practice New TOEIC Speaking.
Textbook & other References
Rogers, Louis. Skillful 2: Reading and Writing. London: Macmillan Education 2018. (ISBN:978-1-380-01064-3)
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Some references or related discussion questions will be uploaded onto iLearning 3.0 either before or after the class, so students are supposed to download them and preview them before the class or review them after the class.
Email Address:
Office Hours
By Appointment or Class Hours (10:00-17:00, Tuesdays)
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
04.Quality Educationinclude experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/08/29 20:31:12 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 9 / 08
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