NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 細胞訊息、運輸與藥物標靶(8112)
(Eng.) Cell Signaling, Trafficking, and Their Pharmacological Targeting
Offering Dept Graduate Institute of Biochemistry
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher Wen-Ting Lo
Department Graduate Institute of BiochemistryPh.D Language 中/英文 Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description 磷酸肌醇的種類分布如同指紋般,定義了各個胞器的生物功能。本課程將引導學生了解磷酸肌醇的生化結構特性,並探討其在生物訊息傳遞和細胞運輸中的功能調節機制。此外,課程還會介紹與磷酸肌醇相關的疾病及其作為藥物標靶的潛力,幫助學生學習如何研究磷酸肌醇的轉化過程。
The distribution of phosphoinositides is like a fingerprint, defining the biological functions of various organelles. This course will guide students to understand the biochemical structural characteristics of phosphoinositides and explore their roles in signal transduction and the regulation of cellular transport mechanisms. Additionally, the course will introduce related diseases and their potential as drug targets, helping students learn how to study the transformation of phosphoinositides.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Oral Presentation
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 脂質生化結構以及生物功能介紹
- Overview of lipid classes and functions
- Structure and function of phosphoinositides
Week 2 磷酸肌醇介紹
- Enzymes involved in phosphoinositide synthesis
- Pathways for the production of different phosphoinositides
Week 3 磷酸肌醇分佈與位置
- Cellular compartments and phosphoinositide distribution
- Techniques for visualizing phosphoinositide dynamics
Week 4 磷酸肌醇身份轉換
- Phosphoinositide kinases and phosphatases
- Regulation of phosphoinositide turnover
Week 5 磷酸肌醇在生物膜結構以及動態功能
- Phosphoinositides in membrane trafficking
- Vesicular transport and membrane curvature
Week 6 磷脂肌醇3激酶(PI3K)的訊息傳遞
- Mechanisms of PI3K/AKT signaling
- Mechanisms of class II, class III PI3K in membrane trafficking
- Biological functions and implications in health
Week 7 磷脂肌醇3激酶的藥物設計
- Strategies of PI3K drug development: From pan- to isoform-selective inhibitors
- Applications of PI3K inhibitors
Week 8 期中測驗
Week 9 磷酸肌醇與細胞內能量調節
- Phosphoinositide conversion in lysosome function
- Phosphoinositide conversion in autophagy
Week 10 磷酸肌醇在細胞骨架的動態功能
- Regulation of the cytoskeleton by phosphoinositides
- Implications for cell shape and motility
Week 11 磷酸肌醇在神經囊泡運輸的功能
- Structure of neuron
- Phosphoinositide conversion in neuron function
Week 12 磷酸肌醇在感染性疾病的機制
- How bacteria and viruses hijack phosphoinositide conversion
Week 13 磷酸肌醇與基因遺傳疾病
- Genetic disorders and cancer associated with phosphoinositides
- Therapeutic strategies targeting phosphoinositide pathways
Week 14 實驗室偵測磷酸肌醇生合成的生化技術
- Methods for analyzing phosphoinositide synthesis in vitro
- Emerging tools and technologies for phosphoinositide research in vitro
Week 15 實驗室偵測磷酸肌醇的細胞生物學技術
- Methods for analyzing phosphoinositide dynamics in the cell
- Emerging tools and technologies in phosphoinositide research in the cell
Week 16 書報討論:磷酸肌醇相關研究的目前趨勢與未來方向
- Recent advances in phosphoinositide biology
- Future research directions and potential therapy
Week 17 自主學習-參與學期中生科院任一場次專題演講並繳交心得報告
Week 18 自主學習-參與學期中生科院任一場次專題演講並繳交心得報告
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