NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 商業談判(2224)
(Eng.) Commercial Negotiation
Offering Dept Department of Marketing
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher CLYDE WARDEN
Department International Bachelor Program in Agribusiness/Undergraduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description Class Introduction Website
Class Promo Video:

Class Introduction Video:
(This video has the OLD class number. The number should be: 2224)

Class Outline & Schedule Video:
(This video has the OLD class number. The number should be: 2224)

Class Outline & Schedule Document:
Emphasis is placed on: English, Negotiation, Business Cloud Technologies.

All lectures are online. All quizzes are online. All RPG simulations are online.
Students are free to form and meet with other students to form groups for the RPG simulations.

The most important goal is to introduce you to the fundamentals of negotiation through LEARNING BY DOING. We will emphasize the modern use of online activities and use of cloud technologies. Negotiation communication through written business letters will be part of the emphasis, preparing students for development of core skills useful in the job market.

Because negotiation is an international business skill, this class will use both English. Negotiations will be simulated through an RPG group-based game with all negotiations and scoring completed online outside of the classroom.

Emphasis is on actual practice of the skills (both negotiation and English). All negotiation simulations will be done within the context of an RPG created by Prof. Warden.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1. Confidence in negotiation strategies
2. Competence in basic computer tech. that is used in international businesses today for cloud technologies.
3. Develop a sense of business competitiveness important for success in negotiations.

1. Basic knowledge and skills in sustainable agriculture
2.Basic knowledge and skills in agribusiness
3.Awareness of international situations and global service
4.Using English as the means for communication
5.Service-orientated entrepreneurship
Networking/Distance Education
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 1) Prof. Warden Send Email Updates
2) Google Groups Signup
3) Book/Software Signup

Quizzes open six days before due date and close on Monday, 9:00, the time class begins.
Week 2 Group Formation
GoogleDoc Signup
Emails From Prof. Warden Reviewing:
a: How to Take Quiz
b: How to Use QBL
c: How to Use RPG

Be sure to enroll at NCHU class selection system so I have your email and can begin to contact you.
Week 3 Getting Ready
Online Practice

End of group signup or change.
Everyone must be signed up by 09/23/24
Week 4 What is Negotiation
Online Practice

RPG 0 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 9/30/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 10/06/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 09/30/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 1
2. Read Part 1 in Book
3. Complete Part 1 Exercises
4. Quiz 1 (

Week 5 Notes:
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 10/07/24
QBL Assignment 1(Letter of Inquiry)
Week 6 Preparing Goals
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 1 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 10/14/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 10/20/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 10/14/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 2
2. Read Part 2 in Book
3. Complete Part 2 Exercises
4. Quiz 2 (
Week 7 RPG 2 Simulated Negotiation Start

Dice Role at 0600-2300, 10/21/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 10/27/24

QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 10/21/24
QBL Assignment 2(Letter of Response)

Week 8 Preparing Strategies
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 3 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 10/28/24
Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 11/03/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 10/28/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 3
2. Read Part 3 in Book
3. Complete Part 3 Exercises
4. Quiz 3 (

Week 9 Notes:
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 11/04/24
QBL Assignment 3(Sales Letter)
Week 10 Distributive Tactics
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 4 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 11/11/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 11/17/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 11/11/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 4
2. Read Part 4 in Book
3. Complete Part 4 Exercises
4. Quiz 4 (

Week 11 Distributive Tactics
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG5 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 11/18/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 11/24/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 11/18/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 5
2. Read Part 5 in Book
3. Complete Part 5 Exercises
4. Quiz 5 (

Week 12 Notes:
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 11/25/24
QBL Assignment 4(First Offer)
Week 13 Integrative Bargaining
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 6 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 12/02/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 12/08/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 12/02/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 6
2. Read Part 6 in Book
3. Complete Part 6 Exercises
4. Quiz 6 (

Week 14 Notes:
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 12/09/24
QBL Assignment 5(Order)

Week 15 Asking Question
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 7 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 12/16/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 12/22/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 12/16/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 7
2. Read Part 7 in Book
3. Complete Part 7 Exercises
4. Quiz 7 (

Week 16 Body Language
Online Negotiation Simulation

RPG 8 Simulated Negotiation Start
Dice Role at 0600-2300, 12/23/24
Deals Begin Tuesday Negotiation Closes by Sunday 00:00, 12/29/24

Quiz Due: Before Monday 0900, 12/23/24

1. View Online Lecture Part 8
2. Read Part 8 in Book
3. Complete Part 8 Exercises
4. Quiz 8 (
Week 17 Self Study Week
This is for extra credit (you do NOT have to do this)
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 12/30/24
QBL Assignment 6 (Counter Office)
Week 18 No Final Exam
Self Study Week
This is for extra credit (you do NOT have to do this)
QBL Due: Before Monday 23:59, 01/06/25
QBL Assignment 7 (Transaction Problem)
1) Quizzes 30%
Eight online quizzes cover material from each of the book chapters. Quizzes are taken online from your own location. Quizzes are taken by all individuals. Quizzes open six days before due date and close on Monday, 9:00, the time class begins.

2) Quick Business Letters Cloud Writing Assignments 30%
Five business letters, in English, will practice online email and snail mail letter writing skills for making offers and counter offers. Corrections include an emphasis on both English errors and content. QBL assignments are completed by all individuals.
All writing assignments follow American style punctuation and spelling.

3) RPG Negotiation Simulations 40%
Nine negotiation RPGs are played at your own time in your own way. Online documents, through GoogleDocs, submit trades with groups in this group-based section of the class.
Textbook & other References
Class Outline & Schedule (this current document):
Class Grades & Status Updates:
Join a Group: Check Membership:
Submit Group Contact Info: Check Groups’ Contacts:
Class Slides

Writing Assignments (For Individual Student Use)
QBL Software English:
QBL Software Help Videos & Manuals (in Chinese or English):
Quiz Links:

Online Video Lectures (For Individual Student Use)
Video lectures:
All Videos have Chinese & English captions [CC]

Playing the RPG:
Negotiation RPG Demo:
Part 1: Negotiation RPG Demo Introduction:
Part 2: Begin RPG:
Part 3: Rolling The Dice Introduction:
Part 4: Rolling The Dice Intro Review:
Part 5: Starting Negotiation RPG:
Part 6: Getting Points For Position:
Part 7: Rolling The Dice Multiple Times:
Part 8: Rolling The Dice Quick Review:
Part 9: Negotiation Position:
Part 10: Making A Deal:
Part 11: Check Deals:
Part 12: Check RPG Score:
Part 13: The Counterpart:
Part 14: Deal Status After Both Groups Submit:
Part 15: Submit Wrong Info On A Deal:
Part 16: Cancel A Deal:
Part 17: Gifting Flex Point:

Accessing Class Grade Sheet
One problem is, on the class grade sheet, everyone needs to use the same email as the email you use in Google Docs. It is your email listed here: that is used to open our class Google Docs.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
1:00 to 4:00 PM every Monday and Thursday

TEACHING ASSISTANT (TA) EMAIL: (questions send here)

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
include experience courses:N
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/07/16 16:15:13 Printed Date, year/month/day:2024 / 9 / 08
The second-hand book website: