NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 多變量分析(6202)
(Eng.) Multivariate Analysis
Offering Dept Department of Applied Economics
Course Type Elective Credits 3 Teacher KUO-I CHANG
Department Department of Applied Economics/Graduate Language English Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 本課程目標旨在透過STATA套裝軟之運用,學習由程式撰寫來進行從資料處理至多變量分析之一貫作業。另外,針對多變量相關議題做案例分析,增強同學分析應用能力。[The aim of this course is to learn how to use STATA coding to handle data mining and further regression issues. In addition, to learn several special case study in multivariate analysis to enhance the ability of analysis and application ]
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
幫助同學有系統瞭解進階資料處理技巧與數據分析,以提升研究品質與效率[To help students systematically learn advanced data mining technique and data analysis. In addiotion, to enhance the research quality and efficiency]
1.Advanced economics expertise capabilities
2.Advanced economics knowledge application ability
3.Understanding and analyzing cross-cutting issues of economic integration
4.Communication, coordination and team cooperation
5.Independent learning and creativity
topic Discussion/Production
Oral Presentation
Written Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 第01回 09/13 上課規定, 基本程式與資料處理(期末報告格式說明)[Class guidence]
1. Before class:Please see the mp4 file before class.固定上課前1週會將下一單元上架。本課線上錄影課程利用Stata資料處理及專業程式,分成不同章節案例範例錄影講解,讓學生實際演練以收成效與應用。
2. During class:Let students ask in mp4 file and discuss. In the second class, let students learning by doing via exercise
3. After class:Do homework and let students practice coding and apply the code.
Week 2 第02回 09/20 基本程式與資料處理I [Basic code and data mining I]
Week 3 第03回 09/27 基本程式與資料處理II [Basic code and data mining II]
Week 4 第04回 10/04 回歸分析(虛擬變數的應用)[Regression (application of dummy variable)]
Week 5 第05回 10/11 國慶連假 [自主學習][Self learinig: see MP4 lecture and do homework/quiz]
Week 6 第06回 10/18 回歸分析(交乘項的應用)[Regression (application of inter action term)]
Week 7 第07回 10/25 Panel data analysis
Week 8 第08回 11/01 Panel data construction
Week 9 第09回 11/08 Advanced data mining technique (roop)
Week 10 第10回 11/15 變異數不齊一與自我相關[Heteroscedasticity and auto correlation]
Week 11 第11回 11/22 工具變數 [Instrumental variable]
Week 12 第12回 11/29 Probit, logit and Tobit
Week 13 第13回 12/06 Dynamic panel data
Week 14 第14回 12/13 Policy evaluation model (Difference-in-differences, DID)
Week 15 第15回 12/20 Policy evaluation model (Propensity score matching, PSM)
Week 16 第16回 12/27 期末上台報告[Final presentaion]
Week 17 第17回 01/03 期末上台報告[Final presentaion]
Week 18 第18回 01/10 [自主學習][Self learinig and submisson of final term](繳交期末書面報告)
(二)作業平均:30%。[Homework average]
1. 翻轉前 [Before class][Please see mp4 file](5% for preparation)
2. 翻轉中 [During Class](5% for participation)
3. 翻轉後 [After class] 6 times homework(20%)
(三)Final term:40% (Presentaion 15%、final term 15%、Rubric peer assessment 10%)。
(四)Participation and bonus:1~5 points

期末書面報告評分表[Final term evaluation terms]
1 研究議題的重要性 ( 1-5分)[Issue]    
2 文獻回顧的適當性 ( 1-5分)[Literature review]    
3 資料處理的嚴謹性 ( 1-5分)[Data mining]    
4 分析結果的正確性 ( 1-5分)[Empirical analysis]    
5 實務的價值與應用性 ( 1-5分)[Contribution and application]    
Textbook & other References
【Main text】
松補壽幸, StataによるData分析入門(2版), 2015, 東京図書(In Japanese)
劉彩卿與陳欽賢, STATA基礎操作與統計模型應用,雙葉書廊 (Tel: 02-23684198#15 鄧先生)
1.郭志綱等, 應用STATA作統計分析, 2011, 重慶大學.
2.Lawrence, C. Hamilton, Statistics with STATA, 2009, Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
3.黃台心著, 計量經濟學, 2008 雙葉書廊 (Tel: 02-23684198#15 鄧先生)
4.Cameron, A. Collin and Trivedi Pravin, K., Microeconometics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2015
5.Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. , Introductory Econometric, 2015, 6E, South-Western Pub.
6.Kitamura,Yukinobu., Panel Data Analysis, 2005, Iwanami Syoten. (In Japanese)
7.Kitamura, Yukinobu, Microeconometric, 2014, Nihon Hyouronsya. (In Japanese)
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Office Hours
每週五 2:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm
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Update Date, year/month/day:2024/09/05 15:35:51 Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 3 / 07
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