NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 大一英文(0926)
(Eng.) Freshman English
Offering Dept Language Center
Course Type Required Credits 2 Teacher 劉鳳芯
Department General Language English Semester 2025-SPRING
Course Description Course Requirements:
1. Active class participation.
2. Attendance will be checked every week, since the instructor values students’ attendance very much. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late in joining class will be counted as absent. A missed consulting appointment also counts as an absence from class. If a student is absent from class more than five times throughout the semester, with or without sick notice or any other proof, s/he risks being excluded from and failing the course. If a student must miss a class, please notify the instructor by email in advance, and consult our class website for any missed materials. Bear in mind that the instructor is not on email 24/7, so your message may not receive an immediate response. The instructor does not accept text messages or phone calls, either.
3. Students are expected to be fully prepared to participate when class begins—that is, to have read, listened, and thought about whatever materials were assigned. Late submission of any assignment won’t be accepted for whatever reason. The instructor considers such lateness extremely disruptive to the class schedule and discussions, and is unfair to the other students who do participate and hand in work on time, so late submission will be penalized by receiving a “0” and will not be read or graded. Please note that homework that is copied from another source (including your classmate) will receive an “0”.
4. Bring a cell phone and headset to class.
self-directed learning in the course Y
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Course Objective and Description:

The aim of this Freshman English course is to improve and enhance students’ English skills, especially the listening and the speaking aspects. In order to reach this goal, students will be engaged in a variety of listening activities such as note-taking drills, transcription practices, and speaking activities such as read-aloud, imitation, recount, and paired conversation. In addition, students in this semester will also learn proper email etiquette by writing effective English emails.
Networking/Distance Education
Written Presentation
Oral Presentation
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 -Syllabus Overview
-BBC Learning English “A slip of the thumb”
-BBC Learning English, News Review

* Select a student assistant
Week 2 -BBC Learning English, News Review
-CNN 10
Week 3 -Al Jazeera “Inside Story” (news part)
-CNN 10

*#1 GEPT practice
Week 4 -Email etiquette (signature & sick note)
-BBC Learning English – English at Work
(Episode 1)
Week 5 -Email etiquette
-BBC Learning English, News Review
Week 6 -Email etiquette – request email
-Al Jazeera “Inside Story” (news part)

#2 GEPT practice

Week 7 No class; Self-learning
Week 8 -Email etiquette – request email
Week 9 -Mid-term Examination
(Listening, Reading, and Speaking Test)
-BBC Learning English, News Review

*#3 GEPT practice
Week 10 Post test(紙筆測驗,上課時間採隨班考試進行)
Week 11 -Al Jazeera “Inside Story”
-BBC Why Factors
Week 12 -Al Jazeera “Inside Story”
Week 13 -Al Jazeera “Inside Story”
-BBC Why Factors
Week 14 -Al Jazeera “Inside Story” (discussion part)
Week 15 -BBC Why Factors
-Al Jazeera “Inside Story” (discussion part)
Week 16 Final Examination
(Listening, Reading, and Speaking Test)
Week 17 -Self-learning: oral presentation practice and preparation
Week 18 -Self-learning: oral presentation practice and preparation
Grades will be computed according to the following formula:
Attendance and Class Participation 10%
*Post-test 15%
Mid-term and Final Examination 25%
Oral Presentations 20%
Take-home Assignments and In-Class Quizzes 25%
Additional points 5%

Textbook & other References
Listening and reading materials culled from sources such as BBC Learning English, BBC World Service, CNN 10, Al Jazeera and others videos will be provided by the instructor.
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
iLearning 3.0.
Please visit iLearning 3.0 regularly for class announcements, notifications, and/or syllabus update.

Office Hours
By appointment

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   05.Gender Equality   10.Reduced Inequalities   16.Peace and Justiceinclude experience courses:N
Please respect the intellectual property rights and use the materials legally.Please repsect gender equality.
Update Date, year/month/day:None Printed Date, year/month/day:2025 / 1 / 22
The second-hand book website: