課程名稱 (中) 奈米科技(0504)
(Eng.) Introduction of Nanotech
開課單位 通識中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 吳孟真
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 This Nanotechnology to Robotics course seeks to introduce fundamental introductory concepts in nanotechnology and robotics for the college undergraduate. The instructor has prepared course lecture slides, and the course requires access to a computer to utilize math software (Matlab) for learning, solving problem sets and exam problems. We also have hands-on Arduino kit project to work through in the course. Through the group project, exam and course lecture, the goal is to expand our view of robotics and find synergies with fundamental science and engineering. These basics are to be applied to technologies such as solar and fuel cells, batteries and self-driving vehicles.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
For the science and non-science major alike, this course introduces fundamental concepts in robotics, nanotechnology and quantum mechanics. We cover vectors, matrices, pendulums, solving differential equations and applying these ideas to understand solar/fuel cells, batteries, and self-driving vehicles.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Fundamental Concepts 機楚概念 – “There’s plenty of room at the bottom” (Feynman) and “I, Robot” (Asimov, laws of robotics)
第2週 Introduction to Robotics 什麼是機器人學 – what are “assistants” and “agents”, what are the vision and auditory mechanisms for robots // Problem Set 1 Due
第3週 Introduction to Nanotechnology 什麼是納米科技– Microscopy, STM, AFM, Image analysis and filters
第4週 Optics and Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 光與量子力學 – Waves and particles duality and mechanics // Problem Set 2 Due
第5週 Atoms and Molecules 原分子 – hydrogen atom introduction, Lotus effect, hydrophobic-hydrophilic surfaces, simple pendulum differential equation
第6週 Atoms and Molecules原分子– Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, what are good materials for robotics: metals, plastics, polymers, solving the wave equation, X-rays and photoelectrons X光與光電效應 // Problem Set 3 Due
第7週 Observed Holiday, No Class
第8週 Atoms and Molecules/ Introducing the Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Spin 原分子與電子自旋 (斯特恩-革拉赫實驗) – Does spin of the electron matter for robots? Set up and how to solve the double pendulum.
第9週 Exam // Problem Set 4 Due
第10週 Exam work through, We also talk about the rubrics for the group presentation and project
Applied Concepts 應用 : What are Spherical Harmonics, Solar Cells, Thermoelectrics, Self-driving Trains, Cars, Drones 太陽能, 熱電,自動車
第11週 Applied Concepts應用: Battery Systems, Fuel Cells 電池 // Problem Set 5 Due
第12週 Inverted Pendulum and other Concepts. We begin to build the Arduino Project in class
第13週 Continue Arduino Project build and testing // Problem Set 6 Due
第14週 Build, test and disassemble Arduino Project
第15週 Student Presentation Preparation - The Presentation should document the Arduino Project build and propose ideas towards new ”assistants”/”agents”.
第16週 Student Presentation
第17週 How does Robotics Help Us in these Fundamental Science Areas – what “assistants” and “agents” do we need to build to improve on AI, robotics and new unexplored areas.
Flexible Week
第18週 Medical Physics 醫學物理的自動化
Flexible Week
The course grading is based on working through 6 biweekly problem sets (30%), an exam tentatively in week 8 (30%), completing a group project/presentation (30%), and participating in lecture (10%). The problem sets and exam are graded on a scale of maximum 100 points, while the group work is graded based on rubrics categories (Developing, Emerging, Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations).
1. Modern physics textbooks Arthur Beiser, Kok Wai Cheah. Concepts of Modern Physics. Intl. editions 2019, McGraw-Hill;
2. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, John J. Craig, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 3rd Edition, 2003
3. Charles P Poole Jr. and Frank J. Owens. “Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley 2003.
4. Isaac Asimov. “I, Robot” 2008.
Required software: Matlab for problem solving and graphing.
Email: pmwu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
Wednesday 11 am Chemistry Building 422 or by appointment.
01.消除貧窮   02.消除飢餓   03.健康與福祉   04.教育品質   05.性別平等   06.淨水與衛生   07.可負擔能源   08.就業與經濟成長   09.工業、創新基礎建設   10.減少不平等   11.永續城市   12.責任消費與生產   13.氣候行動   14.海洋生態   15.陸地生態   16.和平與正義制度   17.全球夥伴提供體驗課程:Y
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/16 10:18:57 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 06