課程名稱 (中) 地理資訊系統概論(5115)
(Eng.) Introduction of Geographic Information System
開課單位 國農學程
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 陳思宏
選課單位 國農企學程 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 # This course will focus on introducing students how they can apply geographic information system (GIS) technology to analyze target issues, such as problems related to natural resource management. Topics covered include introduction to operate GIS software (e.g., QGIS), identifying and understanding "big data" or "cloud datasets" with spatial information, the formulation of the analyzing framework, GIS application for solving the problems, and also other toolkits such as Google Earth, MS Excel, MS Access (data management) may be introduced and used to aim the analysis.

# Parts of this course will require to hand-on practices using computers. Thus, students are expected to bring their own laptops to the classroom. Also, the operating software will function better under Window operating system. Using a laptop with window operating system is highly recommended.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
For general outcomes, students are expected to
learn :
(1) Identify data needs relating to target issues and appropriate processing framework in the context of a GIS project.
(2) Formulate and assess spatial models and their applicability for solving problems.
(3) Design maps based on cartographic principles as a form of visual communication.
(4) Develop a reasonable executing plan and timelines to lead to the desired project outcome.
(5) Represent the recognition regarding the responsibility of adhering to ethical standards in decision‐making on behalf of clients and the public.
(6) Interpret the analyzing findings and deliver a technical report outlining problems and suggesting potential solutions.
For specific outcomes, students are expected to write up and present a project proposal as the final project in the context of GIS and/or spatial analysis as a professional practicum.
1.永續農業的基本知識與技能 Basic knowledge and skills in sustainable agriculture
2.農企業經營基本知識與技能 Basic knowledge and skills in agribusiness
3.對國際局勢的認知與理解及國際服務 Awareness of international situations and global service
4.使用英語文能力作溝通的工具語言 Using English as the means for communication
5.以服務為導向的企業精神 Service-orientated entrepreneurship
週次 授課內容
第1週 Introduction (I):
General Introduction to the Course; Definition of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)and spatial analysis
第2週 Introduction (II):
Current trends of GIS applications and spatial analysis; Problem solving and decision making in scientific studies
第3週 Background Knowledge: Fundamentals of datum, map project and coordinate systems (I)
第4週 Background Knowledge: Fundamentals of datum, map project and coordinate systems (II)
第5週 GIS Software and related applications:
(1)Introdution to GIS software or related applications (e.g., google my maps app v.s. Poke’mon)
(2)Installation and Operations of GIS software (QGIS, Google Earth)
第6週 Overview of data sources:
(1)how to search, assess, and using citizen science datasets, exiting could datasets, or big data with GIS/spatial information (公民科學數據庫、大數據或開放式雲端空間數據收集)
(2)Data download and synthesis exercise
第7週 Module 1: Software Trial (QGIS) and Making A Simple Map (Hand-on practice)
第8週 Data Types for Spatial Datasets: Vector v.s. Raster;
Introduction of Digital Elevation Model (DEM)and Point Data (e.g.,Significant earthquake records)
第9週 Module 2: Working with Point Dataset, Terrain Data and Raster Imagery (Hand-on practice)
第10週 Mid-term review section;
Mid-term Exam (Online exam using NCHU iLearning)
第11週 DEM data and other spatial datasets of Taiwan;
Overview of spatial analysis functions in GIS software
第12週 Module 3: Feature Geometry Calculation, Attribute Statistics, and Feature Clipping (Hand-on practice)
第13週 Geo-referencing functions in GIS and its applications;
Introduction to Module 4
第14週 Module 4: Spatial Features and Data Analysis (Hand-on practice)
第15週 Case studies and research projects;
In class discussins:Topics of Final Project
第16週 Field trip and site investigation practices (戶外教學:田野調查與現地資料收集)
第17週 Final Project Development
(Self-Learning Week)
第18週 Final Project Presentation
Mid-Term Exam:20%; Assignment/Module Practices: 40%; In-class Performance(e.g., in-class participation):10%, Final Project Report: 10%; Final Project Presentation: 20%
Class handouts and a list of assigned readings provided by the instructor through NCHU iLeaning.
All class materials can be accessed through NCHU iLearning. NCHU iLearning may also be used to conduct parts of class assessments, to submit course assignments, to broadcast announcements, and to distribute class materials.
It can be accessed via NCHU iLearning Portal (https://lms.nchu.edu.tw/ ) or NCHU Single Sign On System.

Teaching methods include:
(1) Previewing and reviewing course materials.
(2)Hand-on practicing on modules and completing relating assessments.
(3)Developing a final project in a context of GIS applications and/or spatial analysis.
(4)Bonus assignments or random quiz may be given when needed.
By appointment
02.消除飢餓   03.健康與福祉   04.教育品質   05.性別平等   09.工業、創新基礎建設   11.永續城市   13.氣候行動   14.海洋生態   15.陸地生態   17.全球夥伴提供體驗課程:Y
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/01/22 11:49:48 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 03