課程名稱 (中) 古典音樂賞析(0350)
(Eng.) Classical Music Appreciation
開課單位 通識中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 呂承祐
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 To establish a foundation of knowledge and concepts for students appreciating classical music, it is essential to cover various aspects, including the types of musical compositions, the tonal characteristics of instruments, the historical background of musical composition, and an understanding of composers' lives along with associations to their stylistic features in their works.
The curriculum encompasses the utilization of basic musical elements, the evolution of stylistic trends over time, instrument recognition, an introduction to various types of musical compositions, exploration of the lives of renowned musicians, appreciation of performances by soloists and groups, and alternative performances that bring out the enjoyment and creativity in music.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
The course objective is to study appreciating music; roles of composer and listener; principles of music theory and instrumentation; historical periods; varying styles of music.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Class introduction
Sound: Pitch, Dynamics, and Tone Color
第2週 Performing Media: Voices and Instruments
第3週 The Baroque Period and Baroque Style: Unity of Mood, Basso Continuo
Concerto Grosso and Ritornello Form
J. S. Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major
第4週 The Baroque Period and Baroque Style: Fugue
Antonio Vivaldi’s La Primavera
第5週 The Classical Style: Contrast of Mood, Dynamics, and the Piano
Classical Forms: Sonata Form, Theme and Variations
J. Haydn’s Symphony No. 94 (“Surprise”) in G major
第6週 W. A. Mozart and His Operas: Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte
第7週 W. A. Mozart and His Operas: Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte
L. v. Beethoven’s Music: Sonatas and Symphonies
第8週 L. v. Beethoven’s Music: Sonatas and Symphonies
第9週 Midterm Exam
第10週 Characteristics of Romantic Music
The Art Song
第11週 R. Schumann, F. Chopin, H. Berlioz, and J. Brahms
第12週 Nationalism and Nineteenth Century Music: B. Smetana and A. Dvořák
第13週 Group Presentation
第14週 The Twentieth Century and Beyond: Impressionism and Symbolism
第15週 The Twentieth Century and Beyond: Expressionism and Music after 1945
第16週 Final exam
第17週 Self-direct learning (Concert attendance)
第18週 Self-direct learning (Report writing)
Written exam, oral presentation
Roger Kamien and Anita Kamien, Music: An Appreciation. New York: McGraw Hill Education, 2018.


04.教育品質   05.性別平等   16.和平與正義制度提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/23 19:23:22 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 03