課程名稱 (中) 話語分析(3020)
(Eng.) Discourse Analysis
開課單位 外文系
課程類別 選修 學分 2 授課教師 林鈺涵
選課單位 外文系 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 This course aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of discourse and the various methodologies employed by researchers to analyze it. We will delve into the following key themes: Discourse and structure (including grammar, narrative, and genre); discourse and social Action (involving frames, footing, and stance); discourse and identity; and discourse and ideology (with a focus on race and gender). Throughout these explorations, we will emphasize the diverse range of methods utilized by researchers to investigate questions surrounding discourse. These methodologies encompass, but are not limited to: linguistic approaches, corpus-based analysis, systemic functional linguistics, narrative analysis, genre analysis, speech act theory, Gricean principles, conversation analysis, politeness theory, Interactional sociolinguistics, sociocultural linguistics, discourse pragmatics, multimodal discourse analysis, and critical discourse analysis.
Furthermore, this course will explore examples of common and local languages in Taiwan, including Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, aboriginal languages, Taiwanese new immigrant languages, and languages spoken by foreigners in Taiwan.
課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
Students will be able to (a) lead a research article discussion circle with their classmates, (b) design their own research study based on their individual interests, (b) locate relevant data, (c) apply their chosen research methods for analysis, and (d) present their findings in a final presentation.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Introduction to Discourse Analysis-1
第2週 Introduction to Discourse Analysis-2
第3週 Discourse and Structure: Grammar, Narrative, and Genre-1
第4週 Discourse and Structure: Grammar, Narrative, and Genre-2
第5週 Discourse and Structure: Grammar, Narrative, and Genre-3
第6週 Recording, transcribing, managing discourse data - 1
第7週 Recording, transcribing, managing discourse data - 2
第8週 Data and transcript presentation and discussion
第9週 Discourse and Social Action: Frames, Footing, and Stance-1
第10週 Discourse and Social Action: Frames, Footing, and Stance-2
第11週 Discourse and Social Action: Frames, Footing, and Stance-3
第12週 Discourse and Identity-1
第13週 Discourse and Identity-2
第14週 Discourse and Ideology: Gender and race-1
第15週 Discourse and Ideology: Gender and race-2
第16週 Final presentations - 1
第17週 Final presentations - 2
第18週 Reflection, course & self evaluation, & class potluck
Attendance (20%):
You are expected to attend every class unless otherwise excused. There are in-class activities such as pair/group/class discussions, short presentations, and freewriting for which active participation is expected.

Online Discussion Question (10%):
* Read a selection of research articles.
* Reflect critically upon and discuss the literature, considering the implications of theory and research for professional practice.
* Post one Discussion Question (DQ) for the required articles on iLearning 3.0. Late postings will not be accepted. Note: Discussion Questions aim to generate discussions. These questions are different from comprehension questions.

Research Article Discussion Circle (20%):
With a partner, share your thoughts on one article from the required course readings and lead discussions.

Data and Transcript Presentation and Discussion (20%):
With a partner or on your own, collect and transcribe 1 minute of oral data. Lead an in-class presentation and discussion.

Final Project (30%):
(Option A) PowerPoint Presentation: With a partner or on your own, prepare a PowerPoint presentation of a research report on a relevant topic of your choice.
(Option B) Written Project: 8–10 pages, double-spaced.

Extra Credit (5%):
To be updated.
(All materials are available on iLearning 3.0.)

Referred books:
Chris, S. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis. Taylor and Francis.
Handford, M., & Gee, J. P. (2023). The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Jaworski, A., & Coupland, N. (2006). The discourse reader (2nd ed. Vol. 2). London: Routledge
Paltridge, B. (2021). Discourse analysis: An introduction. Bloomsbury Publishing.
iLearning 3.0
By appointment
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更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/01 19:02:10 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 9 / 21