課程名稱 (中) 跨文化溝通(6907)
(Eng.) Intercultural Communication
開課單位 跨洲學程
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 陳文苓
選課單位 跨洲學程 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 Focus of this course:
Development of intercultural communicative competence through critical dialogues between
the East and the Western cultures.

Studies in the global arena bring forth bountiful opportunities for different cultures to engage in various forms of intercultural dialogues, therefore the development of intercultural communication competence is crucial when cultures meet and interact.

This course aims to help students develop abilities and competencies to recognize the similarities and differences of diversified cultural dimensions. Students who participate in this course will observe local cultural events and use them as opportunities to gain insights into the relationship to their own culture by critically engaging in a dialogue between their culture and the target culture.

Students will engage in different cultural interpretations by analyzing, exploring, and conducting research through cross-cultural dialogues, case studies, and interviews. It will also enhance students' organizational expression, critical thinking ability, cognition, understanding, analysis, reflection, and critical ability on their own culture, thus achieving the ultimate goal of intercultural dialogue in cross-cultural interactions.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
Learning objectives: Students will be able to
(1) recognize the diversity and complexity of cultures and communication through explorations of cases from personal, managerial, and marketing perspectives;
(2) develop the sensitivity, skills and attitudes for intercultural interactions & business communication;
(3) become intercultural speakers who mediate and negotiate between their own culture and the culture of another language, for themselves or other people.
(4) take a reflective stance in the learning process and become the agent for changes to both their individual lives and to their community.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Course overview
Four themes:
Theme 1: What happens when cultures meet?
Theme 2: The deep structure of culture
Theme 3: How do we react to cross-cultural encounters?
Theme 4: What do we achieve from cross-cultural encounters?

<Theme 1>What happens when cultures meet?
 Culture shocks: causes, adaptation and impacts
 Intercultural interactions & communication in the global context: why and how
第2週  Cultural shocks, adaptation acculturation & impacts
  Video discussion
第3週 <Theme 2> The deep structure of culture (1): situating the individual
第4週 <Theme 2>The deep structure of culture (2): family
第5週 <Theme 2>The deep structure of culture (3): worldview/Life and death
第6週 <Theme 2>The deep structure of culture (4) Case study
第7週 Spring Break (no class)
第8週 <Theme 2>The deep structure of culture (5): Man and nature
第9週 Field trip (Mazu Pilgrimage: Cultural exploration)
第10週  Video discussion
第11週 <Theme 3>How do we react to cross-cultural encounters? Challenges, conflicts & negotiation (1)
 Prejudice, stereotyping, adaptation, acculturation & power
 Case studies (in management & marketing): analysis & discussion
第12週 <Theme 3>How do we react to cross-cultural encounters?
Challenges, conflicts & negotiation (2)
Non-verbal communication in Asian context
第13週 <Theme 4>What do we achieve from cross-cultural encounters?
Interculturality, reflectivity, synergy & hybridity for intercultural management
 ICC models & practices
 Case studies (in management & marketing): analysis & discussion
第14週 <Theme 4>What do we achieve from cross-cultural encounters?
Interculturality, reflectivity, synergy & hybridity for intercultural management
 ICC models & practices
 Case studies (in management & marketing): analysis & discussion
第15週 Presentations (Project 4) & forum
第16週 Self-directed Study
第17週 Self-directed Study
第18週 Term paper
1) 3 reflections (responses to questions – 1-2 pages each) 15% (5% each)
2) 4 mini-projects 40% (10% each)
3) Term paper (research): 15%
4) Participation & discussions 30%
Markus, H. R. & Nakayama, K. (2010) Intercultural communication in contexts. New York: McGraw Hill.
Samovar, L.A., Porter, R. E., McDaniel, E. R., & Roy, C. S. (2013). Communication between cultures, 8th ed. Boston: Wadesworth.
(A reading list will be provided.)
Teaching aids:
1) Handouts
2) Youtube footages
3) films (for in-class discussion)
A) Outsourced (2006) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425326/
B) The Joy Luck Club (1993) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107282/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
By appointment (irenechen@dragon.nchu.edu.tw)
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/26 17:28:40 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 06