課程名稱 (中) 英國文學:復辟與新古典時期(2060)
(Eng.) English Literature:Restoration and Neoclassical Periods
開課單位 外文系
課程類別 必修 學分 3 授課教師 謝心怡
選課單位 外文系 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 This is a one-semester course, open to second-year (and above) undergraduates. The subject devotes to a historical and cultural survey of English Literature from the late sixteenth century to the eighteenth century. With references to political changes and artistic movements in England, this course aims to guide students towards a critical exploration of the paradigm shifts as well as the continuity in language, genre, content, form, style, et cetera that had occurred to certain literary works composed especially during the late English Renaissance, Restoration, and Neoclassical periods.
課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
The instructor will encourage and help students to preview the chosen texts ranging from William Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays to some masterpieces by the English writers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Both in-class and out-class individual or group activities will take students through some interactive tasks so as to help them uncover a picture of the past and rethink its connection to the present.
週次 授課內容
第1週 A. General Introduction & Course Orientation
B. Introduction to the Sixteenth Century (1485-1603)
C. Grouping
(Ps. A more detailed version of syllabus will be introduced in class and uploaded to NCHU iLearning when the new semester commences.)
第2週 William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (Selected Scenes)
第3週 William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (Selected Scenes)
第4週 A. Introduction to the Early Seventeenth Century (1603-1660)
B. John Donne: Selected Songs and Sonnets
第5週 Francis Bacon’s Essays: “Of Marriage and Single Life”
第6週 Introduction to John Milton’s Paradise Lost and some selected lines from Book 1
第7週 Holiday: No Class
第8週 A. Midterm Progress Review
B. Introduction to the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (1663-1785)
第9週 A. Midterm Project Presentation
B. Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Selected Passages)
第10週 Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Selected Passages)
第11週 Video Watching
(Twelfth Night or Gulliver’s Travel)
第12週 A. Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal (Selected Passages)
B. Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism & An Essay on Man (Selected Lines)
第13週 A. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock (Selected Lines)
B. Print Culture and the Rise of the Novel
C. Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Selected Passages)
第14週 A. Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Selected Passages)
B. Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language (Selected Passages)
第15週 A. The Preface to Shakespeare (Selected Passages)
B. Final Project Preparation
第16週 A. Final Progress Review
B. Final Project Preparation
第17週 Final Project Presentation
第18週 Self-directed Learning: Final Result (Online)
A. Attendance, Class Participation, and Pop Tasks 40%
B. Midterm Project & Progress Review 30%
C. Final Project & Progress Review 30%
1. Greenblatt, Stephen, gen. ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 10th ed. Vols. A & B. New York: Norton, 2018. (available at the Caves Books on campus or on the website~ http://www.mytb.com.tw/)
2. Some supplementary materials will be available on iLearning.
NCHU iLearning (https://lms2020.nchu.edu.tw/)
15:00-17:00, Tuesday
01.消除貧窮   02.消除飢餓   03.健康與福祉   04.教育品質   05.性別平等   16.和平與正義制度提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/19 08:48:31 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 06