課程名稱 (中) 西洋文學概論(1055)
(Eng.) Introduction to Western Literature
開課單位 外文系
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 何泰鈞
選課單位 外文系 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 This course gives first-year NCHU English majors the opportunity to explore some of the most enduring works of Western Literature from Homer’s epics to Dante's Inferno. Participants are not expected to read these texts in their entirety but selectively and critically. It is designed to introduce the major concerns and conventions of western literary canon whilst encouraging students to think about what makes a literary text ‘classic’ and how it is still relevant to modern readers.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
(1) become familiar with some of the major authors and issues of Western Literature
(2) understand both Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian traditions and literary genres
(3) enhance their reading skills and critical thinking through complex literary texts.
(4) develop an understanding of the formal, stylistic, and aesthetic qualities of literary texts.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Week 1 (19 Feb) Introduction
Homer’s Odyssey Week 2-6
Euripides’ Medea Week 8-9

Virgil’s Aeneid Week 11-13
Dante’s Inferno Week 14-15
Ovid’s Metamorphoses Week 16
Shaw’s Pygmalion

Mid-Term and Final Exams: Week 10 and 18
第2週 (26 Feb) Homer’s Odyssey
Headnote to Homer’s Odyssey (pp. 185-88)
Book 1: Athena Inspires the Prince (pp. 291-301, lines 1-470)
Quiz 1
第3週 (4 March) Homer’s Odyssey
Book 4: The King and Queen of Sparta (pp. 324-337, lines 1-617)
Quiz 2

第4週 (11 March) Homer’s Odyssey
Book 8: A Day for Songs and Contests
(pp. 371-385)
Quiz 3

第5週 (18 March) Homer’s Odyssey
Book 9: In the One-Eye’ Giant’s Cave
(pp. 385-397)
Quiz 4

第6週 (25 March) Homer’s Odyssey
Book 23: The Great Rooted Bed
Quiz 5

第7週 (1 April) Holiday

第8週 (8 April) Euripides’ Medea
Headnote to Euripides (pp. 742-45)
Medea (pp. 745-66, lines 1-845)
Quiz 6
第9週 (15 April) Euripides’ Medea
Euripides’ Medea (pp.765-781, lines 846-1469)
Quiz 7

第10週 (22 April) Mid-Term Exam
第11週 (29 April)
A. Reviewing the Mid-Term Exam
B. Introduction to Virgil’s Aeneid
Book I: Safe Haven after Storm
(pp. 981-990; lines 1-367)
Quiz 8
第12週 (6 May) Virgil’s Aeneid
Book I: Safe Haven after Storm
(pp. 990-1002; lines 368-908)
Quiz 9

第13週 (13 May) Virgil’s Aeneid
Book II: The Final Hours of Troy
(pp. 1002-1024)
Quiz 10
第14週 (20 May) Dante’s Inferno
Canto 1-3
(pp. 1595-1610)
Quiz 11

第15週 (27 May) Dante’s Inferno
Canto 4-5
(pp. 1610-1617)
Quiz 10

第16週 (3 June) Self-Learning
Film Assignment: Shaw’s Pygmalion
Read Ovid’s description of Pygmalion in Metamorphoses
(pp.1121-22) and watch the 1938 film ‘Pygmalion’ and submit the written response by 10 June.

第17週 (10 June) Holiday
第18週 (17 June) Final Exam
30% participation (class participation 15%; attendance 15%)
5% written assignment (in week 16)
65% exams (quizzes 10%;Midterm 25%; Final 30%)

15% class participation: 0-10 scale system is used.
1-4= didn’t speak but attended the classes
5-6= spoke only a few times
7-8= made a few comments
9-10=talked a lot


>Sickness: If you can’t come to class because you’re sick, please apply for a leave of absence via the university’s online system and attach a document which shows your doctor’s notes or your visit to a clinic or hospital. You will need to show me absent notes approved by the university on the day of a quiz or test; otherwise, your absence will be unexcused. Each class absence will drop 1 point off your final grade.
>Tardiness: You should come to class on time. If you arrive late after I take attendance, you will be marked absent.
>Other reasons: Please discuss them with me beforehand.

Textbook: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature (Ninth Edition)
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton

Worksheets containing reading comprehension and discussion questions are available via I-Learning

BBC Podcasts:

Homer’s Odyssey: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09kqjc0
Ovid’s Metamorphosis: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00546p6

Virgil’s Aeneid: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p003k9c1
Dante’s Inferno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-j9bCJ7wl4
Monday 3:10-5:00 pm (by appointment)
04.教育品質   05.性別平等   16.和平與正義制度提供體驗課程:N
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