課程名稱 (中) 英文/語文領域英文教學實習(0813)
(Eng.) Teaching Practicum of English
開課單位 師培中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 陳俐亨
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 中/英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1122
課程簡述 The course is mainly designed to help students in the Teacher Education program to apply all teaching methods/approaches, which they have learned in Teaching Materials and Methods Course, to their own lesson plans and teaching demonstrations, including 15-minute teaching demonstration & 45-minute teaching demonstration.
Students are encouraged to make good use of teaching methods/approaches and develop their personal teaching style in their future language teaching.
先修課程名稱 英文/語文領域英文教材教法 課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1.Help students to apply teaching methods/approaches into their own lesson plans and language teaching.
2.Students are able to plan 15-minute lesson and 45-minute lesson.
3.Students are able to analyze how well a full-time teacher teaches through the classroom observation.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Week 1 (02.20): Class Orientation+ Decide Working Alone/in Pair/in Group

第2週 Week 2 (02.27): Review: Warm-Up

第3週 Week 3 (03.05): Review: Classroom Management

第4週 Week 4 (03.12): Review: Planning Lessons

第5週 Week 5 (03.19): Review: How to Teaching Listening & Speaking
第6週 Week 6 (03.26): Review: How to Teaching Listening & Speaking+How to Teaching Reading & Writing

第7週 Week 7 (04.02): Spring Break! (No Class!)

第8週 Week 8 (04.09): Review: How to Teaching Reading & Writing

第9週 Week 9 (04.16): Teaching/Classroom Observation教學現場見習
第10週 Week 10(04.23): 45-minute Teaching Demonstration(1)
第11週 Week 11(04.30): 45-minute Teaching Demonstration(2)
第12週 Week 12(05.07): 45-minute Teaching Demonstration(3)

第13週 Week 13(05.14): 45-minute Teaching Demonstration(4)
第14週 Week 14(05.21): 45-minute Teaching Demonstration(5)
第15週 Week 15(05.28): Personal Teaching Demonstration (1)

第16週 Week 16(06.04): Personal Teaching Demonstration (2)
第17週 Week 17(06.11): Self-Learning Week!

第18週 Week 18(06.18): Self-Learning Week!
1.Class Performance (including attendance, participation, and preparation): 20%
a. 4 points will be deducted for each absence, and students cannot be absent for the class more than FOUR times, or they will get “0” from their class performance.
b. If students have to ask for a leave, they have to inform the teacher that they cannot come to the class via email (writing down their student id number and name), by asking their classmates to tell the teacher, or by telling the teacher in person in the following week.
2. Lesson Plan: 35%
3. Personal Teaching Demonstration: 35%
4. Interview A Junior-High/Senior High Teacher: 10%
Required Textbook:
林明佳等著(2020)。葉錫南主編。《素養導向系列叢書:中學英語文教材教法》。台北市:教育部。 (ISBN: 9789865444532)
Reference Books:
1.蔡文榮(2007)。《活化教學的錦囊妙計》。台北市:學富文化。 (ISBN:978-986-83578-0-8)
2.Larsen-Freeman, Diane, and Marti Anderson. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd Ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2011. (ISBN:978019442360)
3.Harmer, Jeremy. How To Teach English. N. Y.: Pearson Longman, 2007. (ISBN:9781405853095)
4.Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 5th Ed. N.Y.: Pearson Longman, 2014. (ISBN:9781447980254)
5. Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching: A Course in Second Language Acquisition. 6th Ed. N.Y.: Pearson Longman, 2014. (ISBN:9780133041941)
6. Richards, Jack C., and Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. 3rd Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. (ISBN:9781107675964)
7. Cockrum, Troy. Flipping your English Class to Reach All Learners: Strategies and Lesson Plans. New York: Routledge, 2014. (ISBN:9780415733151)
9.葛模理著。《Use English!優式英語教學法》。台北:寂天文化事業股份有限公司,2011年。(ISBN:9789861848471)
10. Campoy-Cubillo, Mari Carmen, Begona Belles-Fortuno, & Maria Lluisa Gea-Valor. Eds. Corpus-Based Approaches to English Language Teaching. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012. (ISBN:9781441151988)
Some references or related discussion questions will be uploaded onto iLearning before the class, so students are supposed to download them and preview them before the class.
By Appointment or Class Hours (10:00-17:00, Tuesdays)
email: chenliheng@email.nchu.edu.tw
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/02/17 22:42:03 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 05