課程名稱 (中) 農業英文(1910)
(Eng.) English for Agriculture
開課單位 農資院
課程類別 選修 學分 1 授課教師 劉芳礽
選課單位 農資院 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1112
課程簡述 This interdisciplinary course across sciences, humanities, and language learning is designed for students who plan to take agriculture and/or relevant course entirely in English. Major topics includes agri-food education, biological diversity, and sustainable agriculture. Vocabulary, terms, key facts and concepts from the discipline would be introduced in order to prepare students for their academic learning. In addition, the course encourages a humanistic approach to culinary cultures, food consumerism, and the environment. Students would not only enhance their skills in reading, listening, speaking but develop their critical thinking through class activities and assignments.
課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
The course is more focused, more oriented towards profession. The main objective of this course is:
1. To better prepare students for future professional activities in the field of agriculture.
2. To introduce how English language is presented in a true context of agriculture.
3. To help students understand how the language they will need to use in the field functions of agriculture.
週次 授課內容
第1週 1. Course Orientation
2. Animation Watching & Discussion
第2週 Topic 1: What is Agriculture & Why Farming can Feed the World during an Apocalypse
T1_Part 1:“How to Farm During a Zombie Apocalypse”: Video watching & Discussion
第3週 No class: 228 National Holiday
第4週 T1_Part 2: “The Art and Science of Agriculture”: Article reading & Discussion
第5週 T1_Part 3: Conclusion
第6週 Topic 2: What is Urban Farming
T2_Part 1: On Urban Farming: Video Watching & Discussion_Can we create the ”perfect” farm?(TED-Ed)
第7週 T2_Part2: Successful Cases: Cases from Singapore, Thailand, and the US
- How to make a summary
第8週 No class: Spring break
第9週 T2_Part3: On Environmental Justice
- How to make a review
第10週 Topic 3: Biodiversity
T3_Part 1: What is Biodiversity
第11週 Review Presentation: 2-minute Oral PPT Presentation
第12週 T3_Part 2: Invasive Species
第13週 T3_Part 3: Conclusion
-How to make an effective PPT Presentation
第14週 Topic 4: What is “Sustainable Agriculture”?: From Food Security to Sustainability
-Video watching & discussion
第15週 Final Presentation(1)
第16週 Final Presentation(2)
第17週 Final Presentation(3)
第18週 Evaluation Results Check
1.In-class Performance: Discussion, Homework, Quiz 40%
2.Review Presentation: 2-minute Oral PPT Presentation 25%
3.Final PPT Presentation 35%
-Listening & reading practices from English for Agribusiness and Agriculture in Higher Education Studies
-Selected readings:
1. transcripts of the selected visual texts(such as News report, videos from National Geographic Channel, animation shorts: Love, Death and Robots[S03E01]..., TED Talks on related issue...)
2. short stories from Lafcadio Hearn’s Kwaidan
Supplementary materials and handouts will be distributed in class./ See ilearning 3.0 for online course schedule & content: https://lms2020.nchu.edu.tw/
Wednesday 10:10 ~12:00 (by appointment) / 14:10~17:00 (by appointment)
Thursday 09:10~10:00 (by appointment)
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2023/02/05 22:20:44 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 5 / 03