課程名稱 (中) 大一英文(1048)
(Eng.) Freshman English
開課單位 外文系
課程類別 必修 學分 3 授課教師 吳佩如
選課單位 外文系 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1042
課程簡述 Freshman English (I) is designed to develop your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. To that end, we will review various topics which will enhance your ability to analyze texts with critical thinking skills. This semester, we will focus on the notion of intimacy, ethics, legitimacy and legibility by reading several texts and literary works. In order to prompt to articulate topics about cultural identity, individual awareness, life- transformation, language adaptation, and interpersonal relationships. This kind of study can awaken you to the uses of language, the structure of texts, the ideas that shape our culture(s), and the interrelationship between ideas and languages. In short, I hope this course will help you learn to speak fluently, think critically and creatively, and to express those thoughts clearly with confidence.

課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1. Enhance English literacy of the students who major in Foreign Languages and Literatures.

The contents of the course include vocabulary exercises, reading strategy training, group discussion, reflective writing, etc.
Weekly Schedule
02/24 (Wed): Reading 1 : Eudora Welty's "One Writer's Beginnings" & Vladimir Nabokov (NR p. 565-575)
02/29 (Mon): Pride and Prejudice Film Discussion & One Poem
03/02 (Wed): No Class: Shakespeare's Film Viewing Session (3F Multi-Media Centre: Choose one play) 

03/07 (Mon): P&P Chapter I-V
03/09 (Wed): Reading 1
03/14 (Mon): P & P Chapter VI-X
03/16 (Wed): Reading 2
03/21 (Mon): P & P Chapter X-XV [Reflection Note 1 Due]

03/23 (Wed): Reading 3
03/28 (Mon): P & P Chapter XVI-XX
03/31-04/05 : Spring Break (Mid-term Project Preparation) & Review P & P Vol I. Chapter I-Chapter XXIII)

04/06 (Wed): No Class: Mid-Term Project Prep
04/11 (Mon): Presentation I (P.S. 4/11 2-4pm 王嘉明導演講)
04/13 (Wed): 簡毓群導演演講(紀錄片實作)
04/18 (Mon): Mid-Term Part I (P & P)
04/20 (Wed): Mid-Term Part II (NR)
04/25 (Mon): P & P Vol II. Chapter I-V
04/27 (Wed): Special Shakespeare's 400 year Death Anniversary Celebratino ***Mid-term Conference Begins
(街舞狂潮:導演 蘇哲賢)
05/02 (Mon): Presentation I [Reflection Note 2 Due]

05/04 (Wed): Reading 5
05/09 (Mon): Presentation II
05/11 (Wed): Presentation III
05/16 (Mon): Reading & Presentation IV
05/18 (Wed): Special Event (No Absence is allowed): Prof. Kao's Talk on Documentary Films ***高俊宏
05/23 (Mon): Reading 6 &Presentation V
05/25 (Wed): No Class: Prep for The Play Event
05/30 (Mon): Presentation VI
06/01 (Wed): Reading 8 Presentation VII
06/06 (Mon): Presentation VIII
06/08 (Wed): Presentation IX
06/13 (Mon): Reading Reviews [Reflection Note 3 Due]
06/15 (Wed): Presentation **** Film?!
06/20 (Mon): No Class (Final Week Prep)
06/22 (Wed): Portfolio Due

I grade on a 10-point scale (A=90-100; B+=88-89; B=80-87; C+=78-79; C=70-77; D+=68-69; D=60-67; F=59 and below). If you have a question about a grade you receive on an assignment, please feel free to discuss it with me.

The final grade for this course will be determined based on your performance in the following:

Learning Dossier: 60%;
Quizzes & Class Participation: 20%;
Final Oral Presentation: 20%;

Books are available at the University Bookstore (Cave's Bookstore)

(1) The Norton Reader (Shorter 13th Ed.) Eds. by Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W. W. Norton, 2012.

(2) Online Books (Access Through Our Library) [T.B.A]

(3) Pride and Prejudice (Norton Critical Edition)


Office: 文學院十樓 1004 室
Office Hours: Wednesday 10:10-12:00 or by appointment
Email: peijuwu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw Phone: 22840322# 1004

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