課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) |
課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 |
課程目標 |
核心能力 |
配比(%) |
教學方法 |
評量方法 |
By applying the basic theories of Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics, some groundwater flow problems are discussed and their governing equations are also derived. In addition to promoting the specialized knowledge of Groundwater, students can also promote their ability of doing research.
1.具備水土保持實務分析與設計應用能力。 |
2.強化水土災害防治觀念與技術。 |
3.提升水土保持學術水準及創新水土保持技術。 |
4.嫻熟跨領域問題之綜整能力及解決之技巧與策略。 |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) |
週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
Introduction and Review |
第2週 |
Physical Properties and Principles |
第3週 |
Porosity, moisture content, capillarity |
第4週 |
Compressibility and effective stress, Transmissivity and storativity |
第5週 |
Law of conservation of mass (1) |
第6週 |
Law of conservation of mass (2) |
第7週 |
Saturated flow and unsaturated flow |
第8週 |
Hydrodynamic dispersion |
第9週 |
Practice (1)/ Report (1)
第10週 |
Flow Nets |
第11週 |
Inhomogeneous and anisotropic system |
第12週 |
Mechanics of well flow-steady confined and unconfined flows I |
第13週 |
Inhomogeneous and anisotropic system
Mechanics of well flow-steady confined and unconfined flows II
第14週 |
Method of image (1) |
第15週 |
Method of image (2) |
第16週 |
Aquifer evaluation-unsteady confined, radial flow |
第17週 |
Method of similarity transformation |
第18週 |
Practice (2)/ Report (2) |
學習評量方式 |
出席30%,Practice/Report 70% |
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) |
1.David K. Todd and Larry W. Mays, ”Groundwater Hydrology,” 3rd. edition,
Wiley, 2005 or later.
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) |
選課同學請從E-CAMPUS 下載講義。
課程輔導時間 |
每周三17:00~18:30 |
聯合國全球永續發展目標(連結網址) |