課程名稱 (中) 薄膜科學(6859)
(Eng.) Thin Film Science
開課單位 材料系
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 劉恒睿
選課單位 材料系 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 中文 英文/EMI 開課學期 1131
課程簡述 (中) 本課程為薄膜製程與和分析的高級課程。 從真空科學開始,然後繼續學習主要的物理和化學氣相沉積過程。透過據熱力學和動力學原理來瞭解相關的薄膜成核和生長。此外,也會介紹分析薄膜所需的幾項主要技術,涵蓋薄膜的一些物理性質、光學、電學、機械等以及相關應用。期望在課程結束後,學生將很好地瞭解通常用於薄膜合成的主要過程,以及如何評估這些材料的物理和化學性質。

This is an advanced course in thin film processes and characterizations. It will start from vacuum science and then move on to learn major physical and chemical vapor deposition processes. The corresponding nucleation and growth of the films will be described based on thermodynamics and kinetics principles. The primary techniques for thin film characterization will be discussed. Some physical properties, optical, electrical, mechanical, etc., and the related applications of thin films will be covered. The expectation is that after the course, the students will have a good understanding of the major processes that are typically used for the synthesis of thin films, as well as how these materials are evaluated for their physical and chemical properties.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1. 真空原理與設備
2. 薄膜製程相關氣體動力學基礎理論
3. 物理氣相沉積法種類與理論
4. 化學氣相沉積法種類與理論
4. 薄膜分析技術與相關應用
週次 授課內容
第1週 Introduction
第2週 Vacuum Science and Technology
第3週 Vacuum Science and Technology
第4週 Physical vaper deposition (PVD) - Evaporation
第5週 PVD - Sputtering
第6週 Other PVD Processes (pulsed laser deposition, ion beam (assisted) deposition, etc.)
第7週 Chemical vaper deposition (CVD): Description of various types of CVD processes and the chemistry involved in all these processes.
第8週 Chemical vaper deposition (CVD): Description of various types of CVD processes and the chemistry involved in all these processes.
第9週 Midterm exam
第10週 Thin film nucleation and growth: The physics and the chemistry of nucleation and growth.
第11週 Thin film nucleation and growth: The physics and the chemistry of nucleation and growth.
第12週 Thin Films Characterizations: Description of the techniques involved in the characterization of thin films and nanostructured materials
第13週 Thin Films Characterizations: Description of the techniques involved in the characterization of thin films and nanostructured materials
第14週 Thin Film Applications.
第15週 Final oral presentation
第16週 Final oral presentation
第17週 Lab visit
第18週 Self-learning case study
Attendance (20%), Midterm (40%), Final oral presentation (40%)

Wed., 17:00~21:00
04.教育品質   08.就業與經濟成長   09.工業、創新基礎建設提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2024/08/23 10:59:17 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2024 / 9 / 20