NCHU Course Outline
Course Name (中) 植物荷爾蒙生理學文獻導讀(一)(6444)
(Eng.) Review Literatures on Plant Hormone Physiology(I)
Offering Dept Department of Life Sciences
Course Type Elective Credits 2 Teacher LONG CHI WANG
Department Department of Life Sciences / Graduate Language Chinese 英文/EMI Semester 2024-FALL
Course Description 本課程將介紹有關植物荷爾蒙參與調控植物生長與發育的機制,主要以文獻導讀的方式上課。藉由研讀及討論研究文獻,思辨實驗數據與相關論述是否相符,學習將這些知識應用於個人相關研究。學生每週必須閱讀關於植物荷爾蒙生理學的研究論文進行討論,並且在期末進行口頭報告。
self-directed learning in the course N
Relevance of Course Objectives and Core Learning Outcomes(%) Teaching and Assessment Methods for Course Objectives
Course Objectives Competency Indicators Ratio(%) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1. 造就基礎生命科學之研究教學人才
2. 探討生物生理功能的機制
4.Training the ability of experimental analysis and paper writing
5.Realizing the physiological mechanisms of the organisms
Course Content and Homework/Schedule/Tests Schedule
Week Course Content
Week 1 Course Introduction
Week 2 General introduction of plant hormones
Week 3 General introduction of plant hormones
Week 4 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 5 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 6 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 7 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 8 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 9 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 10 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 11 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 12 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 13 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 14 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 15 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 16 Discussion of assigned research papers
Week 17 Oral presentation
Week 18 Oral presentation
1. 課堂討論 (35%)
2. 書面/口頭報告 (50%)
3. 出席狀況 (15%)
Textbook & other References
Teaching Aids & Teacher's Website
Office Hours
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
01.No Poverty   02.Zero Hunger   03.Good Health and Well-Being   04.Quality Education   13.Climate Action   15.Life On Land   17.Partnerships for the Goalsinclude experience courses:N
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